
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Happy Birthday to Me… 35 Things for Age 35

Before I start this post, I just want to ask for prayers today.  We are supposed to be getting some really bad weather - straight line winds, possible softball size hail, and tornadoes.  They have shut down the entire city in anticipation of this storm that is supposed to last all day, so if you have a minute, will you send up a prayer for us?

On to happier things!  Today is my birthday!  Last year for my birthday I did a 34 Things for 34 Years post so I thought this year I would continue the tradition and do 35 Things for Age 35.  I’ve seen some new faces around these parts lately so it might be good for y’all to get to know me a little better.  For those of you who already know me, I’m sorry.  Haha.  

Since my last post was more of an introduction and getting to know my past type of post, I thought that I would just share some totally random and off the wall things today.

1/ I never taste test my food as I cook.  For some reason it grosses me out.  Therefore, when we sit down to eat, I have no idea what the food is going to taste like.

2/ I have this weird need to quantify everything in my life.  I keep running lists of tons of different life events – all concerts I’ve been to, famous people I’ve met, cities I’ve been to, landmarks I’ve visited, gifts I’ve received, etc.  I also keep files of all awards I’ve received, all newspapers/magazines I’ve been featured in, etc., and I have a whole book of ticket stubs from concerts, games, movies, and shows I’ve been to.  It’s really weird, I know.  I feel like when I get older I want to be able to look back and see everything that I’ve accomplished in list form.  Haha.

3/ This brings me to the fact that I wish I could Google things from my life.  For example, “restaurant we ate at on Wednesday night from our trip to Vegas back in 2005.”  I have actually had situations come up where I needed to know something like that and then it’s always a big letdown when I realize that I can’t just Google it.  I wish I had started blogging sooner.  The blog makes it so much easier to keep up with stuff like that.

4/ Speaking of blogging, I think I’m going to start a running bucket list on here as well to help me keep up with everything.  #WeirdoMuch

5/ I don’t like hand dryers because I feel like they never get my hands totally dry.  After washing my hands, I like every single drop of water gone and I can’t stand that clammy feeling if you don’t dry your hands all the way.

6/ I keep notepads everywhere because I constantly have ideas and to dos popping in my head.  Most of the time I put them in a running list in my phone to eventually transfer to their final list home, but in the event that my phone is in another room, I like to have notepads handy.  I keep one on my nightstand, one on my desk in my office, one on my desk at work, one in my purse, and one in the kitchen.

7/ While we’re talking about lists, I should go ahead and admit that I have a problem.  I’m extremely OCD so I keep a ton of different lists for my to dos – I have the daily ones that I put in my planner, I have separate ones for different projects, and I have a Long Term To Do List that I keep separately.  It’s divided into categories and it is about a mile long.  I’m confident that I will never have the satisfaction of crossing off the last thing on that list.

8/ I used to be a warm/hot weather girl, but the older I get, the more I hate the heat.  It makes me terribly cranky these days.  Gone are the days of laying out in the sun when it’s 97 degrees and humid. 

9/ I used to be perfectly happy staying at economical hotels (read: cheap), but B turned me into a hotel snob.  My taste is now pickier than his.  Two things that are never acceptable?  Room doors opening up to the outside of the building (doors must be in a hallway inside the hotel) and rooms on the ground floor (the higher the better in my opinion).

10/ B has also turned me into a steak snob.  I used to be fine with an $8 sirloin, but now?  I want the filet.  Give me all the filets!! 

11/ One thing I’m still not snobby about (and probably should be) is wine.  If it’s a cabernet or merlot, chances are I’ll drink it and I’ll like it.  I’ve never met a glass of red wine that I didn’t like. 

12/ I am a published writer.  To see why, click here.

13/ I was also in a movie.  You can see the details here.

14/ My cousin is married to Matthew Perry’s sister. That is my favorite claim to fame as I have been obsessed with Friends since I was a teenager.  I’ve mentioned it once before, but I just thought it was worth mentioning again because it’s SO. COOL. 

15/ I just found out that I am part Native American.  My great great great great (honestly not sure how many “greats”) grandmother was Native American.  My dad has been researching our family history and he discovered this a few weeks ago.  We don’t know for sure which tribe, but he is thinking Cherokee.

16/ I’m also part English, part Irish, part Scottish, and part German… as well as a few other things.

17/ My favorite flowers were sunflowers when I was a kid, then it was stargazer lilies in my teenage years, and now it is calla lilies and tulips.  So weird how our preferences change throughout the years.

18/ I have officially been on Facebook for twelve years.  Do you know how old it makes you feel when something shows up in your Time Hop from twelve years ago?!  Sheesh.

19/ I eat a handful of dark chocolate M&Ms every single day after lunch at work.  Those were included in my Lenten sacrifice this year and it has been soooo hard not having them.

20/ I still love listening to rap, even at 35.  And when I’m alone in the car I still blast it like I did when I was in high school… and I do not want the clean versions.  I love it all!

21/ I am a creature of habit.  I thrive on routines and if something unexpected happens I get cranky.  Just call me a little old man.

22/ Speaking of being set in my ways, I eat the same thing for breakfast every single morning at work – one egg scrambled in the microwave, topped with a pinch (OK, a handful) of shredded sharp cheddar cheese with a side of fresh fruit (strawberries, grapes, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries).

23/ I don’t adapt well to change.  But you probably already figured that out based on my comments in number 21.

24/ I have two younger brothers so I’ve always been very bossy.  My mom said that I used to “mother hen” my eldest brother like nobody’s business… and I was only four years old when it started.  I definitely see where Olivia gets it.

25/ I prefer to wear dresses than shorts/pants.

26/ I love coffee but I don’t own a coffee maker.  If I want coffee, I go to Starbucks.  Since it’s so expensive, I only have it a few times a year.  And I don’t drink it at all during the summer because it’s just too flipping hot here in the south.

27/ That said, I can’t stand iced coffee, hence the reason why I don’t ever have it during the summer.

28/ I am terrified of severe weather.  Terrified.  I used to think it was exhilarating when I was younger, but ever since I had kids I hate it.  We are supposed to have AWFUL weather today and the threat of tornadoes is very high, so I’m probably huddled down somewhere having an anxiety attack as you’re reading this.  #HappyBirthdayToMe

29/ I don’t like lots of muscles on guys.  I prefer tall and slender guys who have nice lean muscles.  Beefcakes are a huge turnoff.

30/ I have been working at my same job for twelve years now, almost thirteen if you count the few months that I answered phones as a temp.  I started in college and worked full time for a whole year while finishing up my college classes at night.  It was a ton of work and you couldn’t pay me to go back to those days again.  I’m exhausted thinking about it.

31/ I never thought I was the SAHM type, but the older my kids get, the more I hate working.  There’s just never enough time to get anything done.  Work has to be a priority since I do work, and family is a priority because, #duh, they will always be my #1.  This means that housework and home stuff suffers.  Majorly.

32/ I listen to music all the time.  I listen to it in the car, I have it on for the entire eight hours that I’m at work, and then when I get home I’ll turn it on while I’m cooking.  My taste is extremely eclectic, so a typical play list may contain Dave Matthews Band, Frank Sinatra, Britney Spears, The Lumineers, Blake Shelton, and Lil’ Jon.  #WellRounded

33/ Speaking of music, I have seen Dave Matthews Band in concert 20 times since 2002.  And I’m about to see them again in May.  #CantStopWontStop

34/ I am right-handed for writing, but I do everything else like a left-handed person – deal cards, count money, hold babies, etc.

35/ I can add/subtract numbers on a number keyboard in lightning speed without looking.  And without making errors.  I can thank my old bank teller job for that useless skill.

Well, I suppose that’s it!  And it was easier than I thought!  I remember struggling last year to complete my 34 Things for 34 Years post, but for some reason it just flowed right outta me this time!  If you want to see more random/weird facts about me, click here for last year’s birthday post and click here for another random facts post that I did in early 2016.

Happy birthday to me! 

And please don't come anywhere near here, tornadoes!  

P.S. For those of you looking for the What I Wore post that I typically do on the first Wednesday of every month, check back soon... I'll have it up in the next few days!

*Linking up with Jessi's Design and Going the Distance for What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday.



  1. Happy birthday Lindsay! I hope you have a great day! :)

  2. Happy, happy birthday! I hope you have a great day and those storms are much less severe than expected! It was fun learning more about you - I feel like I know a good amount after following along for awhile, but found out so many new things, too!

  3. Happy birthday friend!! Praying the weather isn't as bad as they say. Loved learning 35 things about you! I am the same as you about hotels. Doors opening to the outside... negative!! Have a great day!

  4. Happy Birthday, Lindsay!Hope you are able to enjoy your day with the bad weather headed your way! Stay safe!

  5. First - Happy Birthday!!! I loved this post - I'm so with you on the drying of the hands, I cannot stand those dryers, which blow out cold air by the way, what in the heck!? I also use to love the heat but the older I get, I can't really stand it - just give me high 60's and sunny and I'm a happy girl :) I hope you have a great day and I will be praying for you guys, please no bad weather!!

  6. Happy Birthday Sweet Friend! Ummm... you don't own a coffee maker?!?! I have an amazing recipe for home brewed iced coffee that uses a coffee maker that might change your mind. You my friend are adorable. I am SO happy to have connected with you over the past year.

  7. Do you remember when you had to be in college to be on Facebook? It was like only the cool college kids made the cut.

  8. Happy Birthday!!! Stay safe today! They canceled schools for us (and I think the entire state of AL), so I'll be glued to the weather all day! Hopefully there will be a break in the storms so you can eat cake haha!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  9. Happy birthday! YES- we need Google for our own lives- totally hear ya on that one! If I didn't have post-its and notebook lists all over, I wouldn't survive! Have a great day and stay safe!

  10. Happiest of birthdays pretty lady!!!! xo

  11. Happy Birthday to a sophisticated, smart, funny and hard-working lady! Sure, we've never met, but your words inspire me and encourage every single day! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers today - stay away nasty tornado weather!!

  12. Happy birthday! Love these "get to know you" posts...hopping over to your 34 things too. :) I hear you on lists and notebooks, dry hands, being a creature of habit, and wishing I could google my life, to name a few. Prayed for your city this morning! ❤

    1. Thank you, Laura! And thank you for your prayers. They were all answered!

  13. Happy birthday and fingers crossed everyone makes it through the storm safely!

  14. OOPS, my first response was supposed to say Happy Birthday and what a fun post! I loved learning more about you, and yes to being like a little old man. I have things in my head and how they should go, if it doesn't go that out! I probably should work on being more flexible, but that probably isn't going to happen. :) I will say a prayer for your weather as well. Again, Happy Birthday Lindsay!

    1. Haha I'm EXACTLY the same way! And Jacob takes after me too. And thank you so much for your prayers... they were all answered!

  15. Happy Birthday! Great list of facts about you. I love that you're a list keeper! An ongoing bucket list sounds like a good idea to me.

  16. I tend to be bossy with my younger brother as well, even though he's a sergeant in the Marines he'll always be my lil' bro. I so wish I could google my life too so I could remember things. Sending all the hugs and prayers today for safety <3
    Green Fashionista

  17. Prayers, Cupcakes and all the Happy Birthdays to you!

  18. I love this post!! Lists are also my thing. I have them everywhere!! Love the google-life idea too! Why has no one thought of that before?! Happy happy birthday Lindsay! Also praying for safety for you all!!

    1. Thank you so much, Brandi! Our prayers were answered. We are all safe and sound and experienced no damage!

  19. I wish I could give you a big old birthday hug beautiful girl! I am terrified of storms as well so this cannot be happening on your special day today! I hope it blows through quick but more importantly I hope you enjoy this day to the fullest! You are beautiful inside and out and one of my favorite bloggers in the whole wide world! XOXO and all the pink and cupcake love sugar!!

    1. Thank you so much, Andrea! I wish I could give you a big ol' hug, too! And thank you so much for thinking of us. All of our prayers were answered and today it is sunny and the skies are blue. Thank the good Lord above!

  20. Happy, happy birthday friend! I'm sure you're going to do some fun stuff this weekend. And can I saw you and I might be best friends if we lived closer, I think I could have written all the list ones myself. and #35, I can do that too, thanks to my job at Big 5, and them not having scanners and us having to enter all of the sku's by hand...let me tell you, you get fast when you have to go through 20 fishing hooks, haha.

  21. Happy official Birthday!! :) I thought I was late there for a minute. I hope you have the best day and a blessed year ahead! I loved reading this. I don't taste test my food either and don't mind a bottle of cheap wine. How interesting about the Native American. Funny enough, my husband just found out that he's not part Native American and this whole time they thought they were. They are doing another ancestry test to compare and see if both are accurate. Anyway, enjoy your day and praying that the crazy weather will bypass you all <3
    Beautifully Candid

  22. Happy, happy birthday sweet friend! Prayers sent your way, really hope y'all don't get hit with anything.
    I am so much like you, I keep notepads everywhere! I would lose my mind without them -- for some reason writing them in my phone doesn't cut it. I have to visually see things in writing! I love coffee but unlike you I do have a coffeemaker...that I NEVER use! Haha! So that kind of counts as the same. LOL!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  23. Happy Birthday Linds! Hope your day is super extra special. I love how you do this, and I'm so impressed with you coming up with 35 things. I have such a hard time with these. I wish I didn't taste test my food because then I'd probably eat way less, haha. Sorry about the storms you guys are getting. Sending prayers your way. Also, I have no idea how you don't have coffee every morning. I wouldn't function! Have fun celebrating 35 years!!!!

  24. Happy Birthday!! This weather is crazy. Hope you have a great day even though the weather is yucky.

  25. So my claim to fame is we met Dave Matthews in the Pittsburgh airport when our suitcase got lost with his guitar. My mom totally offered him a ride and I died because you know! I am also a total to do list kind of gal! Have a great birthday and stay safe my friend. xoxo ERIN

  26. I loved learning more about you! We are so much alike. I hate change, am part Native American (my great, great grandma I think) as well as Irish, German, French (maybe some Dutch), I too hate severe weather (but have to act cool around the girls since I don't want them scared).

    1. Haha. I know, it's SO hard to keep your cool in front of the kids. My anxiety gets so bad when the word tornado pops up, and then I feel like I can barely function. I guess we're living in the wrong area because we pretty much have some kind of outbreak every spring. Rarely as bad as yesterday, though.

  27. I hope you had a wonderful birthday. I am also a hotel and steak snob thanks to my husband. And your breakfast sounds like the best thing to have every morning. I totally agree with you about being a SAHM. Now that girls are getting older I would love to be a SAHM because we are so busy at nights and I would love to have the day to get chores done. Have a great day!

  28. Happy birthday! What a fun post! I also never taste test my food - hah! But let's get to the really important question here - have you ever gotten to meet Matthew Perry?!

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I love reading this and getting to know you more. I love all the quirky things you do because I do a lot of them too! Happy Birthday Lindsay!

  31. Happy birthday, a few days late! I think that "beefcake"-looking guys are gross. Listen to any music at any're an adult, so your rules!

  32. Finally getting a chance to read this post! We were just talking this weekend about what hotel snobs we have become. And I am DYING that you are kind of related to Matthew Perry!! When I was in between marriages I felt 100% sure if I could have found a way to meet him we would have instantly fallen in love. :) And seriously with the not love it the way I once did. Hope your 36th year is amazing!

  33. Such a great list!! Your idea of being able to Google your own life events is GENIUS! I'd pay good many for that ability. We'd be best list making buddies because I currently have about 10 lists going - tomorrow's to do list, projects for the week, Olive's bday list... I just love making lists. I'm curious about all the famous people you've met. Iced coffee is the only kind of coffee I drink. You should give a mocha light frappuccino a try sometime :)


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