
Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Our Week - The One with Quarantine, Week 48 (Baseball, Rain, and Valentine’s Day)

Well, much of the nation had a ton of snow this past week, but as per usual, the snow line stopped just barely northwest of here.  Why are we always excluded?!   Boooo.  Instead, we had a ton of rain, and I think it’s been over a week since we’ve seen the sun!  Let’s get to the very rainy recap!

Monday, February 8 (Day 332 of Quarantine)

Monday morning, I had a checkup with my dentist for my TMJ issues.  I’ve been having lots of headaches and neck pain lately, so it couldn’t have come at a better time.  My bite guard needed some major adjustments, and I’m hoping that will help with the issues I’ve been having. 

The rest of the day was spent working, doing laundry, and getting caught up on emails until it was time to get the kids from school.  Jacob had practice at 5:30, so he had just enough time to do the snack/homework routine with a little bit of time to hang out before it was time to go. 

As soon as he and B left the house, Olivia and I took Maui for a walk around the neighborhood since the weather was decent.  She talked my ear off the entire time… my little girlfriend knows how to fill every single ounce of silence.  Haha.

When we got back home, I squeezed in a quick stair stepper workout while Olivia showered, and then we both headed downstairs to read her AR books together before it was time for me to start cooking dinner.  During baseball season, we still try to eat dinner together as much as possible, so we end up eating at all sorts of crazy times, and Monday night was no exception. 

While I cooked, Olivia worked on her Valentines for her class party, and the four of us sat down to eat together right at 7:15 when the boys got home.  Jacob’s practice had actually ended about 15 minutes early (which is a rarity), so we were able to eat a little earlier than expected which was really nice!

When they arrived home from practice, Jacob had some great news to share… he had won the game of 3, 2, 1 during practice!  In 3, 2, 1 the boys all take turns batting and the last kid remaining without striking out wins.  Considering he just moved up to B-Ball and is one of the youngest on the team (his team is made of 9, 10, and 11-year olds), that was quite a feat!  We have been a little apprehensive about B-Ball since it’s much more competitive than C-Ball, and the kids are waaaay bigger, so I’m really glad that he’s holding his own so far!

After dinner, I tucked Olivia in the bed while Jacob showered, and then once he was finally in the bed, B and I started The Bachelor and managed to get all caught up before it was time for us to get in the bed!


Tuesday, February 9 (Day 333 of Quarantine)

Tuesday morning was rainy and yucky, so I dropped the kids at school and then headed straight home to wrap up in my blanket with my cup of cinnamon tea.  I worked the whole morning, and then B and I had lunch together. 

My tension headache has been present nearly every day for the last couple of weeks, but Tuesday was one of the worst days.  I ended up ending my workday a few minutes early so I could lay in the bed for a while, and even then, I didn’t feel any better.  The drive to pick up the kids was awful, my head was hurting so bad, and I also kept having dizzy spells, too. 

I spent most of the afternoon and evening laying on the couch with my ice pack and my neck massager.  Thankfully, I’d put dinner in the slow cooker, so I didn’t have to do much that evening.  I grabbed a glass of wine and 800 mg of Ibuprofen just before dinner, and I finally started to feel better shortly after that. 

B and the kids and I played a round of Matching game and a few rounds of Strike, I took a catnap while the kids got ready for bed, and then we got them in the bed a little early.  Jacob was supposed to have had baseball until 8:45 which would have meant a really late night, but it was canceled due to the rain all day… I was incredibly grateful for that.

B and I watched Saturday Night Live with Dan Levy, and then watched the new episode of This is Us, and then it was off to bed.


Wednesday, February 10 (Day 334 of Quarantine)

Wednesday morning, the tension headache was back first thing (arrrrgh) so I did a low-key dance workout, and then spent the rest of the day working and taking little breaks to keep the headache at bay.  I recently stopped taking my Flonase Sensimist to give my body a break, and I’m wondering if my body is having withdrawals since it’s a steroid.

By 1:30, my head was feeling so bad that I decided to stop working for the day, and I got outside with Maui for a quick walk before I had to leave to pick up the kids.  It was nearly 70 degrees Wednesday, and even though it was really dreary, the fresh air and getting away from the computer screen seemed to help my headache a good bit. 

Olivia had dance Wednesday afternoon after school, and then we rushed home to get a quick dinner done before Jacob’s baseball practice, but it ended up being canceled again because the fields were still wet from all the rain the previous day.


Thursday, February 11 (Day 335 of Quarantine)

Thursday morning, the tension headache was still there, although not quite as bad, so I did a stair stepper workout before sitting down to work for the day.  After lunch, I headed down to take Maui for a walk, but realized it was still raining.  Instead, I headed back up to my office and I got my desk, craft table, and closet all cleaned out and organized.  I’m really good at putting stuff back where it belongs, so it didn’t take long at all to go through everything.  I did manage to find a few things to donate and toss, though!

After school, the kids had their snacks and got their homework done, and then Jacob had baseball practice at 5:30.  Although, it had been raining most of the day, practice wasn’t canceled because it was at the indoor cages. 

While the boys were at baseball, Olivia and I took Maui for a walk to get out and enjoy some fresh air during a break in the rain, and then she and Maui and I all piled in the car to make a Starbucks run for some gift cards.  We gave those to all of the kids’ teachers for Valentine’s Day and I also sent them to a few of my girlfriends for Galentine’s Day since we can’t all get together right now.

By the time we got back home, it was time to start getting dinner ready, so I started on that while Olivia got her shower.  The boys arrived home a few minutes early from practice, so we were able to eat earlier than expected again and get the kids in bed nearly on time.   


Friday, February 12 (Day 336 of Quarantine)

Friday was yet another rainy day.  We originally had some really cold weather in the forecast for Friday, plus snow for Saturday and Sunday, but instead, we ended up having very mild weather and lots of rain and fog.  Sigh.

The kids dismissed at noon for President’s Day weekend, so I worked up until it was time to go get them, and then we picked up Chick-Fil-A for lunch on the way home.  I had some stuff to pick up from my parents, so the kids and I drove over there after lunch and chatted with my dad for a bit before heading back home.

Because of all of the rain, Jacob’s baseball practice was canceled yet again, but I don’t think any of us minded since it was Friday and we were all ready to relax.  We grabbed some pizza and watched Finding ‘Ohana on Netflix.  I’d heard it was really great, but it didn’t quite live up to the hype like I’d hoped.  That said, the kids enjoyed it, and it’s still worth watching if you have kiddos who will appreciate it.


Saturday, February 13 (Day 337 of Quarantine)

Saturday morning, B grabbed some donuts to kick off Valentine’s weekend, and then I squeezed in a super fast cardio workout before it was time to get ready to get Jacob to his eye appointment.  It was his first eye appointment ever… we’ve never taken him since he has a vision screening at his pediatrician checkup every year.  But since we had to take Olivia last month, we just decided to go ahead and schedule Jacob for an appointment, too.  Doesn’t hurt!

His appointment went very well, and we were told that he actually has 20/15 vision, which is even better than 20/20.  I never knew that there was anything better than 20/20 since it’s considered “perfect,” but apparently there are some people who can see even better.  We’ve always made jokes about how he has “eagle eyes” and I guess we were right.  Haha.

We headed back home after that where we stayed for the rest of the day.  It was cold and it rained all. day. long. Saturday, so we didn’t even want to leave the house.  Jacob’s baseball practice was canceled yet again, for the fourth time that week. 

Saturday evening, I set the table all fancy for our Valentine’s dinner.  I’d wanted to do it Sunday evening on actual Valentine’s Day, but the restaurant we wanted takeout from is closed on Sundays.  B went out to pick up the food, while I decorated the table with a bunch of hearts, set out the gifts, and mixed up some winter white cosmos, and when he got home, we dined on filets, mashed potatoes, green beans, asparagus, and mac n cheese… oh, and chicken fingers for the kiddos.  ;o)

We got dinner from the same local place that we had for New Year’s Eve, and the food was AMAZING.  Such a sweet little dinner with all of my favorites.  The rest of the night was spent watching Godmothered, and then watching some more New Girl.  Y’all, how did I never watch New Girl when it was on TV?!  It is so dang good!  Brian also surprised us with macarons for dessert, so he and I sampled those during our TV-watching.


Sunday, February 14 (Day 338 of Quarantine)

Sunday morning was church, leftover donuts, planning the week ahead, washing sheets, and tidying up a bit.  We had a light lunch at home, and then we decided to head downtown for the afternoon since Jacob’s baseball practice was canceled yet again… for the fifth time that week.  Gracious!  It was cold and dreary, but there was no rain in the forecast for several hours, so we thought we’d get some outdoor time while we had the chance. 

The kids rode their scooters on the river walk while B and I trailed behind, and we did nearly three miles.  On the way back home, we swung by the frozen yogurt place, and we also stopped by the Kelsey Montague mural while we were in the area.  Being downtown was so nice, but it made me miss normalcy so much.  We typically spend a lot of time downtown, but we’ve barely made it that way during this pandemic. 

The rest of the day was spent hanging out at home, picking up Five Guys for dinner, watching the movie Charming on Netflix, and then starting the new season of American Idol with the kids.  They were off Monday for President’s Day so we had a nice, long, three-day weekend!  I’ll recap Monday in next week’s post!

Happy Tuesday, y’all!


  1. Sorry to hear about all of your headaches. :( That is no fun at all. Congratulations to Jacob for doing well at baseball!

  2. Hope you're feeling better. It looks like you had a nice Valentine's Day.

  3. I always had better than 20/20 vision too. I hope your headaches subside for good!

    1. That is just so crazy! I didn't even know that existed! And thank you. So far, the headaches are still here. Not sure what's going on, but I don't like it!

  4. Love that you guys did a special Valentine’s Day dinner! So very festive and looks sooo delicious!


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