
Monday, April 13, 2015

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday, friends!  Well, another wonderful weekend is in the books.  How is it that the work week can drag out forever, and then the weekend flies by in the blink of an eye? 

Friday after work Brian and I went together to pick up the kids from school.  He is usually the one who drops off and picks up since I work on the other side of town, but Friday he was off, so we thought it would be nice to go together to get them.  The look on Jacob’s face was priceless when he saw both of us there… he always loves it when we come together to get him, but apparently it's even better when he’s not expecting it!   

After picking up the kids, we went to eat at one of our local restaurants that we love in our lively downtown area.  They brew their own beer, so hubs is always in heaven.  He even has his own mug there... to this day, it's the best gift I've ever given him!  Wine is my jam (except during football season – I love a good ice cold beer and some college football!) so I stuck with my usual – a glass of Merlot, a big ol’ juicy cheeseburger (yay for meat on Fridays again!), and beer-battered fries.  It was divine. 

Our city has free outdoor concerts during the spring and fall, and Friday was supposed to be the first one, but due to rain on and off all day, they cancelled it.  Bummer.  Luckily the rain held off, though, so we spent the evening walking around downtown and we took Jacob and Olivia to get some frozen yogurt, so it turned out to be a great evening despite the concert cancellation.   

She seriously will not stop doing this face!
Hubs is still spoiling me since, “Easter stole my birthday’s thunder,” (only kidding) so Friday after we put the kids to bed, he surprised me with Gigi’s cupcakes to eat while we caught up on our shows from the week.  It was a very fattening (and satisfying) night.  I don't even feel guilty.

Saturday we hung around the house most of the day.  The kids nap at the same time, and I usually take that time to clean, wash clothes, and work on projects, but the weather was so gorgeous that I decided to shirk my motherly duties and have some me time.  It would have been a crime not to take full advantage of the 75 degree, cloudless, clear blue skied weather.  A lawn chair, my sunglasses, and a new book (oh, and Maui and some sunscreen) were my only company, and it was sheer no-children-screaming-in-my-ear perfection.   

Saturday evening we went to church as we always do, and then we took the kids to our favorite BBQ place for dinner.  The weather was picture perfect so we ate outside.  Everyone was laid back, nobody was whining, and it was a great evening.  Because no whining = winning! ;o) 


Sunday we had lunch at Brian’s Mom and Stepdad’s house as per the usual, and they had a birthday celebration for me (ya know, since Easter stole my birthday’s thunder) and the kids got loads of outdoor playtime before the rain settled in again.  Jacob played baseball with his cousin and Olivia walked all over the yard (holding onto my hands) and climbed up and down the stairs on the deck over and over and OVER.  I think I was more exhausted than she was by the time we left!   

After that it was home + naps for the kiddos, and some down time for Mommy and Daddy.  By then, the rain had rolled in so it was nice and dark outside, and I got to spend two delicious hours in my office listening to Michael Buble and working on some projects while the rain pitter-pattered on the roof.  Bliss. 

The kids awoke around 5 and we all loaded up and went over to my parents’ house for our usual Sunday dinner.  Momma cooked spaghetti per my request for yet another birthday celebration, and Daddy opened a bottle of wine, and we all chatted the evening away.   

Aside from Olivia pushing her little rocking chair over to the couch, standing up on it, and proceeding to try and climb up on the couch, this weekend was fantastic!  I swear that girl is going to give me a heart attack one day!

I hope you all enjoyed your weekends!  XO


  1. LOL! That face! I hear ya on the weekends flying It's going to be another busy one over here. Lots to do and so little time! Oh and I'm looooving your red Hunters. ;)

    1. Yessss, I'm obsessed with my Hunters! They were my Mother's Day gift last year and I jump at any chance to wear them... when I first got them it didn't rain for like 2 months and I was begging for rain! LOL.

  2. I want to come hang out with you guys on a weekend! It sounds like you guys eat amazing and I want in on that :) The pics of the kids are so cute, they are getting SO big! And you are so right, no whining = winning!!

    1. I soooo wish you were closer so we COULD hang out in real life! That would be so much fun to get all of the kiddos together. :o) Oh, and girl, we do love food. I have to work out hard to make up for all of those calories! ;o)


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