
Friday, June 19, 2015

Five On Friday


I’m so happy.  I usually try not to wish the week away because life is flying by way too fast as it is, but this week has felt so long… probably because I’ve been thrown off of my schedule several days this week aaaand I’m down several hours of sleep, so this day could not have come any quicker.  I fully intend to park my pajama clad butt on the couch for the rest of the evening and binge-watch something while I eat a giant slice of cookie cake and the hubs rubs my feet. :o) 

O N E 

Olivia has been extra, extra girly lately and I’m eating it up.  In addition to her bracelet that she likes to wear every day when she gets home, she now also puts her little purse on her wrist and walks all around the house.  I’m telling y’all now, we are in trouble… she is already such a sassy little thing!  I have absolutely no idea where she gets it from… none at all.  ;o)  

The other day, I was trying to take a picture of her decked out in all of her girly accessories, and Jacob whipped out his “cell phone” and decided to “take some pictures” of her as well.  #MonkeySeeMonkeyDoYeah  (Dave Matthews Band reference there… I sneak ‘em in whenever I can!) 


Ok, where has this show been all my life and how did we miss it when it was on regular TV?!  It is fantastic.  A couple of weeks ago, we decided to select a new show to binge watch, and we were torn between Parenthood and Revenge.  I’m extremely pleased that we ultimately decided to go with Parenthood because it is so genuine.  It feels like you’re watching real life rather than a scripted TV show, and the characters are engaging from the get-go.  It gives you aaaall the feelings, so you will need tissues.  Be prepared to get hooked very early on… it only took me one episode. 

T H R E E 

Paul Thorn, one of our favorite singer/songwriters of all time, did a show here Wednesday night, so we rounded up one of our favorite couples and had a mid-week double date night.  What?!  Unheard of these days…  

We hadn’t been to one of his shows since before we had kids and he was doing an acoustic show which is my favorite way to see him, so we knew we couldn’t miss it.  Plus, it was at a small bar, so the setting was way more intimate than a large concert venue... it was just too perfect to pass up.  And boy am I so glad that we didn’t miss it – he is just pure gold – he’s a great story-teller, his voice is perfection, and he is so freaking hilarious!!!!   

We enjoyed a delicious dinner before the show, and then we settled in the center of the second row with some drinks and a perfect view.  Just when I thought the night couldn’t get any better, Paul Thorn pointed me out to the audience because I was wearing a white, cotton dress… a lyric from one of his songs.  MELT.  I may or may not have a tiny crush on him…  

We met him after the show and he remembered us since we used to go to so many of his shows.  He told me that my white cotton sundress was a, “happy accident” for him.  Sigh… Anyhoo, I got a t-shirt and he autographed it for me, and then, of course, I had to take a picture with him.  I was fan-girling like a twelve year old at a Justin Beiber concert, but don’t worry, I played cool.  ;o)  And I’m sure Brian was right behind me, rolling his eyes the whole time.   

On another note, we hired a baby-sitter who is not one of our parents or siblings for the first time ever!  She was Jacob’s old teacher so we already knew her very well, and she adores our kids as much as they adore her.  I was nervous in the few days leading up to it just because it was such an enormous step for me, but I felt totally at ease the entire time we were gone.  She texted sweet little pictures of them all evening so we could see what they were up to, and then when we got home, they were sound asleep in their beds and she said everything went perfectly.  I guess this means that it’s high time we establish a regular monthly date night!  Woot! 

F O U R 

Progress is coming along for our addition... it’s so exciting to get home from work every day and see everything that has happened while we were away.  I’ll be doing an in-depth post about the addition sometime in the near future, but for now, here are some updated pictures for you. 


A couple of weeks ago, I organized my tupperware cabinet.  It’s amazing how a little bit of rearranging and cleaning out can completely transform a whole space. Just look how beautiful! 

I hope you all have an amazing weekend!  Enjoy celebrating the men in your life!  XO.

Today I'm linking up with A Liz Adventures and A Little Bit of Everything Blog for Five on Friday and Friday Favorites!


  1. Aww those pics of the kids, adorbs!! I love when Ella acts all girly too, it's just the cutest :) Yay for a date night, and your house progress looks great, I can't wait to see the rest!

    1. Thanks, Lizzie! They should hopefully be done by the end of next week! Now we just need to hurry up and get on buying some furniture!

  2. Oh my gosh! I am i. Love with your tuppaware pantry!!!

    1. Thanks, Laura! I'm in love with it too, now that's finally organized. :o)

  3. We love Parenthood! The organized pantry is just lovely!

    1. We watched four more episodes this weekend, and it just keeps getting better! And thank you! :o)


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