
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Olivia's 15 Month Well Visit

This little chunk had her 15 month well visit yesterday, and her stats are at the top of the charts… again.  Let’s break it down, shall we? 

Weight – 25 lbs. 13 oz., 90th percentile AGAIN 
Height – 32 inches, also 90th percentile AGAIN 

At her 12 month well visit, she was in the 90th percentile for weight and height as well, so it looks like there’s no slowing her down!  As a matter of fact, she currently weighs 13 oz. more than Jacob did at this age.  Jacob, too, topped the charts for the first year of his life, but this is the point at which his growth started to slow.  Then over the next two years, he slowly started creeping down the charts, and at his last appointment he was in the 20th percentile for weight and 15th percentile for height... petite Munchie.  Never thought I would say that about him… sure would have been nice for him to have been that small coming out… 

Anyhoo, Olivia’s appointment went as expected.  We arrived at the office, and she immediately became very serious, and well, terrified.  Unfortunately, her last ear infection has ruined all future doctor’s office visits for us.  During the last infection we had to take her to the doc four or five times, and each time they had to dig ten tons of wax out of her ears before they could even check them.  Let’s just say that she does not like that at all and there was lots of screaming each time. 

She perked up a bit in the waiting room because there were loads of cool toys (and new friends) to play with, but the second the nurse called us back to get her weight and height, she burst into tears and didn’t stop crying until the nurse had gotten us settled in and exited our room.

She and Jacob drew on the chalkboard while we waited, but as soon as the doctor entered the room, she practically dove into my lap and looked at him the same way I would look at a grizzly bear if I came face-to-face with one.  The second he got near her, the water works started again, and this time they didn’t end until after the exam was over.  And the only reason they ended was because the doc gave Olivia her first lollipop.  After a few licks of that lemon tasty goodness her tears slowly dried… just in time for the nurses to come back in to administer her shots.  Y’all.  This poor girl.  Needless to say, there was a lot of screaming, but as soon as the shots were over we shoved the lollipop back in her mouth, and she actually ended up being pretty chipper for the rest of the evening.   

The doc said that everything still looks great with her… he has no concerns, and neither do we!  Now to get her over this fear of the doctor’s office before September when we have go back for her 18 month well visit…

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