
Monday, June 8, 2015

The Weekend

Happy Bachelorette Monday, friends!  I swear I look forward to The Bachelor/Bachelorette so much that I’ve actually started tolerating Mondays when it’s on!   

Our weekend was one of those work hard, play hard weekends and it was great!  I feel like I was super productive, and at the same time we got tons of fun family time in!  

Friday night we got take-out from Carrabba’s, poured a couple of glasses of wine (and milk for the babies, of course), popped some popcorn, and snuggled up on the couch to watch Monster’s Inc.  Jacob had never seen it before and he loved it.  I hadn’t seen it in years and I had forgotten how much I love it, too.  Plus it’s always extra special watching it with your little one for the first time and getting to see it through their eyes.  I loved watching all of his reactions and facial expressions throughout the entire movie.  Priceless and, oh, so precious.   

Saturday morning we took Jacob to one of his classmates’ birthday parties, and the Ninja Turtles were there, so, naturally, the kids went wild.  Jacob doesn’t even watch the show, but he was pretty excited (and not at all intimidated) to see them.

After the party, both babies were pooped, so they both took three hour naps (hallelujah!) and I finally had the chance to put together my new buffet table for the dining room.  The boxes have been sitting in the middle of our foyer for over a week, and I thought I was going to go nuts if I had to look at them for another second, so I was happy ecstatic to have the chance to get it done!   

Now, y’all know that I am a very impatient person, and I’m also easily frustrated…  Well, this thing took my frustrations to a whole new level.  It came in 8 billion pieces and took forever to put together.  How long, you say?  Well, let’s just say that I had started it earlier in the week and was still not able to finish it during the kids’ three hour nap Saturday, nor was it finished after I worked on it for another hour on Sunday morning.  It took another 30 minutes into the kids’ Sunday naptime to finally get it done, for a total of, oh, almost five hours!!  Good.  Night.  

Was it worth all of the trouble, you ask?  In the words of every single girl who has ever received a rose on The Bachelor – absolutely.  It is positively gorgeous.  And it’s very sturdy, it has tons of cabinet space, and also, did I mention that it’s gorgeous?  I can’t wait to get everything moved into it and get the top of it styled.  I’ve had my eye on it for over a year, and it was well worth the wait.  Would I do it all over again knowing how much of a pain it is to put together?  Absolutely… however, I would make Brian put it together so I wouldn’t have to suffer.  Haha.  You can buy it here if you're up for the challenge.  Don't say I didn't warn you. ;o)

Saturday night was my favorite part of the entire weekend.  My aunt and uncle were in town from Nashville for the first time in over three years, so my mom’s whole extended family had a get together for them.  Before I get into Saturday night’s shenanigans, you must know that both sides of my family happen to be very artsy.  My dad is an artist, my momma writes song lyrics, and I have several aunts, uncles, and cousins who sing, dance, write music, play music, record music, have their own bands, etc.  So, with that said, we got everyone together, had some hors d’oeuvres and lots of drinks, and everyone sat around all night playing music and singing.  It.  Was.  A.  Blast.   

Two of my uncles, one of my aunts, and my dad all played their guitars, and everyone sang.  All genres of music were welcome, and we played everything from classic rock to country to pop, you name it.  My uncle from Nashville is very talented and he knew all of the lyrics to (and how to play on the guitar) every song that Jacob requested.  Jacob’s requests?  Fishin’ In the Dark, Sweet Caroline, and Baba O’Riley.  Seriously, this child adores music, and Brian and I are making sure to expose him to all of the good stuff, old and new!   

Both babies danced the night away… they had the best time!  Playing music used to be the norm at all of our family get-togethers, but we rarely do it these days, so it was such a treat to have it back. 

Sunday morning both babies slept until 8:30 so B and I both slept in as well.  After breakfast B cut the grass (it was such a jungle out there), and I worked on that dadgum buffet table while the kids played together. 

Watching Daddy cut grass

We went to B’s mom and step-dad’s for lunch (per the usual) and the kids played outside a little afterward.  It was pretty hot here Sunday, so we didn’t stay out as long as we usually do, but they at least got some fresh air. 

Sunday afternoon the kids napped (after yet another epic meltdown from Jacob and all of the stalling you can possibly imagine), B continued binge-watching Game of Thrones on Netflix, and I finally finished putting together that dang table.  The kids were so worn out from being up so late Saturday night that they both took super long naps again (hence the reason I was so productive this weekend), so I had some extra time in my office to tie up several odds and ends that have needed finishing for quite some time.  Ah, productivity. 

We finished the weekend at my parents’ house for dinner, always one of my very favorite parts of the weekend.  My dad always cranks up the Michael Buble Pandora station, my Momma always cooks something delicious (this week it was salad, homemade vegetable lasagna, and rolls), and we always share a bottle of wine.  It’s always the perfect way to end the weekend. 
I hope your weekends were as productive and entertaining as ours was, and I hope y’all have a happy week!    


  1. That buffet table is gorgeous! I'm going to check out that site for new bedroom furniture and then if I order, I'll make sure to have Rick assemble LOL! I am so easily frustrated too! The pics of the kids are just so adorable, they are such twinsies!

    1. Thank you! And yes, you will definitely want someone else to do the dirty work... assembling is such a bummer, but man, is it worth it! Excellent quality, too!


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