
Friday, August 7, 2015

Five On Friday

What a week it’s been… I’m completely and utterly exhausted, mentally and physically.  On top of all of the funeral and family activities this past week, we also had end of the year class parties, parent orientation for Jacob’s new school, meet the teacher nights for both kids, school supplies shopping, school registration, uniform shopping, and several birthdays to celebrate… plus everyday cleaning and cooking, etc.  I do have to feed them, I suppose.  Whew.  I seriously feel like my sanity is hanging on by a thread.  I think I need a personal assistant.  Or maybe just to quit my job.   

I wish that I could say that we were using the upcoming weekend to relax and do absolutely nothing, but unfortunately we’ll be going ninety to nothing all weekend again – all good things, though, so I shouldn’t complain! 

As always, I’m linking up with A. Liz Adventures and A Little Bit of Everything Blog for Five On Friday. 

O N E 

Last night we had a crazy loud storm at our house – torrential rains and more lightening than I think I’ve ever seen in one storm.  At one point (I just so happened to be looking out the window), lightening struck right in front of our house – we’re talking the lightening striking, the thunder booming, the entire house shaking, and the power going out all at the exact same time.  It was crazy.   

We were without power for two hours, but thank goodness we were all safe and dry. 

We did manage to squeeze in a walk before the storm, but it started to rain on the way back and we were all soaked by the time we got home.  The kids didn’t seem to mind, though.

T W O 

Last week Jacob had his very first dentist appointment, and he rocked it like a boss!!  Mrs. Kay, his hygienist, gave him some sunglasses to shield his eyes from the light, and then she told him that she was going to count his teeth.  They counted together and found that he has ten teeth on the top, and ten teeth on the bottom. 

When the dentist came in a few minutes later, he said, “Hey Jacob, I’m here to count your teeth.”   

Jacob’s response?  “I already know – I have ten teeth on the top, and ten teeth on the bottom.”   


The dentist just cracked up, shook his head, and said, “Well, I guess my job here is done, then.”   

After his appointment, he and I went for ice cream, you know, to dirty up those newly cleaned teeth.  It was so sweet having a one on one date with my Boo.

T H R E E 

If you have young kids – boys or girls – I have a seriously awesome gift idea for you.  Brian’s mom and step-dad got Jacob some MindWare Imaginets for his birthday and he has not stopped playing with it.  It’s nice because it’s compact, it’s not messy because the magnets stick to the case, and the kids can create new things over and over and over.  It comes with cards for suggestions on what to build, and Jacob has probably already built half of them.  It’s incredible to watch his little brain work as he compares his work to what’s on the card to make sure that his is just right.   

This thing has kept him busy for hours, and he doesn’t ever appear to tire of it, so I highly recommend it.

F O U R  

Tomorrow, we are heading to Atlanta for the Braves game to watch my uncle sing the National Anthem.  While I have plenty of red and blue stuff to wear, I don’t have any actual Braves attire, and I kinda wish that I had snagged this tank for the game tomorrow.  It’s so cute!

F I V E 

Y’all.  Can someone please tell me why a student entering Pre-K4 needs $200 worth of school supplies??  LAWD.  For the last couple of weeks, I have purchased enough school supplies to open my very own Office Depot.  Call me naïve, but I had no idea that the mile-long school supply lists started this early.  Next year I will be eagerly awaiting my email offer to buy pre-packaged school supplies that are shipped straight to Jacob’s classroom. 

Finally, I promise I haven’t forgotten to share my gift wrap station… my original plan was to share it last week, but with everything that has happened this last week and a half, I haven’t had the time to get the post together.  I’m hoping to have it up sometime next week, but with Jacob starting his new school and my sanity hanging in the balance, I’m not gonna promise anything.  ;o)   

Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. I hope you can squeeze in a little relax time this weekend! So cool your uncle is singing the anthem tomorrow – enjoy!!

    1. Thank you, Christina! He did a fantastic job! It was really good!

  2. Those pictures of Jacob of the dentist, I die!! I have similar ones of Brayden's first experience except he's covering his eyes, LOL. And I just added those magnets to my Amazon wish list, definitely going to get some for Christmas!

    1. Hahahaha, Jacob did the same thing! Even with the glasses on, about halfway through he started covering his eyes and saying it was too bright. Lol.

      And GIRL - get the magnets! You won't be sorry!!

  3. Jacob did so well at his dentist appointment! Could he call Henry and give him some advice? ;)

    1. Haha, I'm sure he would love to! I bet they would get along so well!


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