
Friday, October 2, 2015

Five On Friday

Today I’m linking up with A Liz Adventures for Five On Friday and A Little Bit of Everything Blog for Friday Favorites. 

O N E 

One of the top things on my bucket list is to attend the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show one day... you know, the one that’s televised on CBS every December?  Hubs and I have been watching it every year together for as long as I can remember and I love it because it’s just so glamorous!  Not to mention that the music is always amazing!  And it’s in New York City… one of my favorite places.  Aaaand Adam Levine’s wife is one of the models so he’s always there… 


This thing is obviously invitation only… you pretty much have to be somebody super important in the fashion world, or you have to be famous to attend.  I am unfortunately neither of those things, so when I added this item to my bucket list a couple of years ago, I realized that it would likely go unchecked as it is by far the most unattainable item on there.   

Well, now there’s a glimmer of hope…  

I received an email last week from Victoria’s Secret saying that they are giving away a trip for two to the 2015 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show to one of their lucky Angel Card holders!  Well, I’ve been an Angel Card holder for 15 years now (yeesh, that makes me sound so old) and at least half of my work wardrobe is from there, so if anyone deserves it, it’s me, right?!  

You can enter once online to win and you can also mail in daily entries during the month of October for more entries to win.  So guess who’s going to be loading up on stamps and living at the post office this month?!  ME!  I know the chances of winning are slim, but a girl’s gotta try, right? 

So to all of my fellow Angel Card holders out there… this is your PSA… but if you enter and you do win?  Well, you’re welcome.  And you better take me with you.

T W O 

I recently shared my fall home tour, and at the time of decorating I was torn between two wreaths.  I ultimately opted for a wreath of yellow flowers since it compliments my mums really well, but I sure do love a good colorful leafy wreath as well.  Which do you guys like better?

T H R E E 

I was recently told that I was a no-reply blogger.  Being as how I’m a new blogger altogether, I had no idea what that even meant.  After researching, I was very thankful that I had been made aware, and fortunately I was able to find some tutorials to correct the problem.  However, they were all outdated (2012-2014) so I wasn't even sure if it was going to work and I was terrified that my whole blog was going to crash as a result.  I decided to throw caution to the wind and follow one of the tutorials anyway, and fortunately I was able to navigate my way through it successfully.  I’d love to write my own tutorial (updated for Blogger for 2015) to help others trying to correct the issue, but I’ll have to see if I can find the time.  But anywho, if you've tried to contact me via email in the past and couldn't, I'm heeeere now!

F O U R 

Poor Olivia is still wearing the same pair of sandals (that are now too small, might I add) that she’s been wearing all summer, and she is in desperate need of some fall and winter shoes, so I’ve been on the hunt for some little boots for her.  I found these adorable bow accented boots a couple of days ago at our local Gap Factory, but sadly, they are too skinny for her chunky legs!  Back on the hunt again!

F I V E 

Public service announcement for those of you who have small kids…  

Both of our kids love milk, and of course, milk spoils quickly so it has to be kept cold.  While on the go, we’ve always had the dilemma of how to keep the milk cold.  Up until this point, we carried around the Playtex Fridge To Go (which we love), but it became annoying having to carry another bag in addition to my purse and a diaper bag.  And it was even more annoying pouring out spoiled milk when we didn't bring the cooler.

I recently stumbled upon these thermoses in Target and they are awesome!  They keep drinks cold for up to 12 hours, they are easy to pop open (even for our 19 month old Olivia), and they are easy to drink from since they have a built-in straw.  They have tons of different designs to choose from – we chose Minions for Jacob and Frozen for Olivia – and now we can just pop these in the pockets of the diaper bag and don’t have to carry along a whole other bag.  Problem solved! 

Hope y’all have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Girl that would be AWESOME if you won a trip to the VS fashion show!! Good luck! :)

    I actually like the leaf wreath better - but both are pretty :)

    I want those boots for Ella and we love those thermoses too!!

    Have a great weekend :)

    1. Keeping my fingers crossed even though I'm sure the chances of winning are one in a million!

  2. I like the yellow flower wreath too! Looks great with the mums and so bright and happy!

  3. Thanks for the thermos recommendation. I've already added it to my Amazon Wishlist! Both wreaths are gorgeous. You could alternate weekly haha jk. Hope you win tickets to the fashion show. Good luck!!!!

    1. You will definitely love the thermos!! It's all we use now!

  4. I seriously hope you can go to the VS fashion show - that would be amazing! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

    1. It would be crazy, but I'm sure the chances are super slim! Fingers crossed anyway! :o)

  5. Omg I SO hope you win! How ah-mazing would that be?! Loving your fall décor!!

  6. I may need to look into that thermos - we use a camelback now for water and a munchkin weighted straw cup for milk and they both make a mess!

  7. Oh my gosh! How exciting if you were to win!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya'! Oh and don't forget to pick me up on your way. ;)

    I'll have to check out that thermos! Thanks for the PSA.

    I like both wreaths, but the leaf one definitely says, "fall."

    Have a great rest of your weekend, babe! :)

    1. Yep, the thermos is awesome! And I'm not even getting paid to say it! Hahahaha!


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