
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Fall Bucket List - What We Accomplished

Once November hits, my brain automatically flips the switch from the fall mentality to the Christmas mentality… Yes, I’m one of those, so you’re either going to love me or you’re going to hate me!  I’m already ready to close out the ol’ fall bucket list and bring on the Christmas bucket list!  Let’s see how we did…  

O N E – Visit our local pumpkin patch. 

Done and done.  We had a successful trip to the pumpkin patch back in October, and the kids picked out little pumpkins (one orange and one white for each of them) for their rooms.

T W O – Carve pumpkins. 

As I mentioned in my original bucket list post, I couldn’t remember the last time that I had carved a pumpkin.  Brian and I have been together for 12 years, and we had never carved a pumpkin together… until last month!  We finally did it.  It was just about the most basic pumpkin you’ve ever seen, but at least we did it!  And I already purchased a pumpkin carving kit on clearance for next year, so we won’t have to bring out the massive horror story butcher knife like we did this year.  I swear, I thought that thing was just going to jump off the table and hurt one of the kids.  #IHateKnives

T H R E E – Attend as many University of Georgia football games as possible. 

Well, this season we only attended one game – the Georgia vs. Alabama game.  We had also planned on going to the Georgia vs. Kentucky game last weekend, but since our season went in the crapper a few games back and the weather called for rain all day again, we decided just to sell the tickets and be done with it.  I’m almost always willing to sit in the rain and support the team, but we had already done that once already this season and it did not sound appealing a second time around.   

The Georgia/Alabama game was fun, though, despite the fact that it rained the entire time!  Oh and despite the fact that we lost. 

F O U R – Install a TV on our newly expanded back porch and watch football outside. 

#Fail.  We haven’t even looked at TVs, nor have we researched how to hang them on the brick wall.  Shoot, we haven’t even hung our string lights on the porch yet, so I just don’t see this happening until the spring (much to my dismay).  We did, however, enjoy a few dinners on the back porch, and are continuing to do so since we are still having some mild days. 

F I V E – Attend homecoming festivities for my alma mater.   

Check!  And the kids had a blast!  We went to the social beforehand, had some hors d’oeuvres and a few drinks, and then took the kids to the football game.  We had a fun time hanging out with my extended family and it was nice to catch up with some old high school friends. 

S I X – Make s’mores.   

Haven’t gotten around to doing this yet, but there’s still time.   

S E V E N – Go trick or treating. 

YES!  And this was my favorite year yet.  Jacob and Olivia loved every single second of it.  You can see our recap here.

E I G H T – Watch It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. 

Yep!  We watched this on Halloween night after trick-or-treating, and this year Pop and Cokie (my parents) and Grandpa (Brian’s dad) joined us.  Olivia didn’t give two flips about it, but Jacob was enamored as always.

N I N E – Read some new fall books, as well as our old favorites. 

Oh my, did we ever!  Olivia is positively obsessed with It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and I think we’ve read it 75 times in the last month!  The version that we have is one of the ones with the buttons down the side that make noise when you press them, and Olivia’s favorite button is the one that plays some jazzy music for when they’re at the Halloween party.  She always presses it and then shakes her little booty until it’s over.  Then she presses it, shakes her booty some more, and then presses it again.  So cute! 

We also read all of our other favorites multiple times –  

Bear Has a Story to Tell

And we bought a new one for Olivia – Where is Baby’s Pumpkin?  She loves this book so much because of all of the flaps.  This girl loves a good lift the flap book. 

T E N – Take family photos for Christmas cards. 

Check!  I never found a professional photographer, though, so we just did our own.  My brother shot the family pictures with my DSLR, and Brian and I each shot a few of the kids, then I edited them myself.  Considering I’m neither a professional photographer nor a professional editor, I think they turned out pretty good.  You can see them here.

E L E V E N – Clean out our fall decorations. 

Oh yes, just finished this one the other day, right in the nick of time.  Got rid of several old things I haven’t used in a while, and got all of my keepers organized, labeled, and boxed up in our storage closet, which I’m L-O-V-I-N-G by the way.  And yes, I know I still need to share our porch/closets addition with all of you…  

T W E L V E – Drink aaaall the Pumpkin Spice Lattes. 

Yessss.  Such a #basic goal, but I don’t care.  I love them.  And I did enjoy a few of them.  Now on to the Eggnog Lattes!

T H I R T E E N – Watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. 

As stated before, I wasn’t sure whether to include this on my fall bucket list or my Christmas bucket list, and as I originally thought, I should’ve just saved this one for the Christmas bucket list.  So – you will see this again, my friends.  

All in all, we had a wonderful fall.  We checked off most of the items on our bucket list, we made lots of memories, and we had a lot of good times together as a family of four (which I still can’t believe, even though we’ve been a family of four for almost two years – ha!).   

I’ll soon be sharing my Christmas season bucket list, so stay tuned!

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  1. Don't you love looking back at all of the memories you made? It's so so fun and one of the main reasons I love blogging! I love all of your fun Fall festivities!

    1. Yes I do!! That's exactly why I started blogging, too. Before blogging I kept a diary/journal my entire life (literally since I was old enough to write) and I love being able to look back on my life like that. Blogging is like that but tons better!

  2. Great update. Yes, blogging rocks! It's so fun to have a place for "all things life" to share with family and friends...ahem and blogging friends who live super far away! Haha!

    1. Yes, so true! And I love all of you bloggy friends that I've "met" since I started my blog... this is such an amazing community of wonderful ladies!

  3. Yay for bucket lists! There are definitely more options for fun things when you have kiddos so I'll live vicariously through you ha! I can't wait to see your Christmas one!
    Linds @ Not A Mom


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