
Monday, November 30, 2015

Thanksgiving Weekend

Back to reality after a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!  We had a really good one, and I’m sad that it’s over, but the Christmas season is now officially in full swing, and I can happily decorate and blast my Christmas music without being judged.

Our Thanksgiving actually started out a little rocky and I was worried it was going to be ruined… we ate at a pizza place that we normally don’t go to on Wednesday night, and for whatever reason, the food did not agree with me at all, so I was super sick all Thanksgiving morning.  I was really worried that I wasn’t going to be able to attend any of our festivities, but thankfully, I felt well enough to go.  The bad part was that I didn’t feel up to eating anything, soooo, I had zero Thanksgiving food on Thanksgiving.  Talk about a bad day to have stomach problems… 

I actually wasn’t even that sad about missing out on the food… I was just thankful and relieved that I felt well enough to join everyone… it would have been so terrible to have to stay home alone all day! 

We have lunch with Brian’s dad at the country club every Thanksgiving and their food is always amazing, so it was a bit disappointing not to eat there.  Their chocolate chip cookies are by far the best I’ve ever had in my entire life, so I was probably the most disappointed about missing out on those.  Guess I should have smuggled some in my purse to save for later… 

After Thanksgiving lunch we always take a walk down by the river to make room for the next meal, and this year, the weather was absolutely perfect for it.  It was gorgeous! 

After our walk, we headed home to get the babies napped before our next shindig.  Brian and I perused the Black Friday ads like we always do – not sure why we even do that anymore because we never shop on Black Friday – but it’s a fun tradition that we’ve been doing for years, and I guess we’re just not quite ready to give it up yet. 

After looking over the ads, I took a little catnap on the couch, and then it was time to wake up and prepare for the next celebration. 

We had Thanksgiving dinner with my Mom’s entire side of the family (all 28 of us, with 8 missing) at my aunt and uncle’s house.  Although I was feeling better by then, I still didn’t feel up to eating, so I avoided the food and enjoyed everyone’s company instead.  And let it be known that I didn’t even have a glass of wine, so you know that it must have been really bad!  Haha.

Friday morning we were lazy... Jacob perused the Black Friday ads and watched a little bit of TV, and we had lunch at home.  After lunch, we took the kids to get a Christmas tree and they had a blast (and gave me a heart attack) running through the maze of trees.  I was afraid that we were going to lose one of them! 

Friday evening we went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner and I ate like nobody’s business to make up for the lack of Thanksgiving food the previous day – steak, baked potato, salad, and those soft, yummy rolls with cinnamon butter.  It was gooood.

After dinner we did a little shopping and then headed home to decorate the tree.  We turned on some Christmas tunes, and the babies helped decorate.  I think that was my favorite part of the entire weekend.  Everything is so magical during Christmas, and enjoying it with your own babies makes it even more magical.

Saturday we went over to Brian’s mom and step-dad’s house to celebrate Thanksgiving with them where I more than made up for missing the other two meals.  Brian’s step-sis and her husband came into town, so we got to see them, and the kids had a blast playing outside with their dog.  I think Jacob wants a big dog now because Maui won’t play fetch with him.  Haha.

The rest of the day was spent in a turkey coma… we just relaxed at home, watched lots of football, and I got a bunch of Christmas gift wrapping done. 

Sunday we had pizza and gelato for lunch and then we took the kids to the park for a little playground time and a nature walk.  It’s been unseasonably warm lately, so it felt more like a spring day than a late fall day.

We ended the day at my parents’ house for dinner where I finally chugged had my first glass of wine of the holiday weekend.  Better late than never, I guess!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending


  1. Girl, what is it with these sicknesses!? I'm so sorry you couldn't eat on Thanksgiving but at least enjoyed yourself :) Your pictures are so so cute!

    Getting your tree looked so fun! We did that this weekend too. Except your house looks so put together while decorating, meanwhile we're over here a disheveled mess! LOL Your house looks so beautiful with all of your decor that I can see :)

    1. Ugh, I know!! I'm so tired of it!

      I'm so jealous of your tree hunting since y'all actually got to go chop one down!! I've never gotten to do that before and it looks like so much fun!

      And don't worry, just hours before our house was a hot mess, but I told the kids that if they wanted to decorate the tree that we had to clean up first... I knew that the decorations would look like an explosion, so we didn't need an explosion of toys in the mix, too! Lol.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well for Thanksgiving, but that sure didn't stop you from having a great time!! I love all the photos you took and of course the ones with the tree you guys are decorating are just perfect! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston


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