
Monday, November 9, 2015

Weekend Scene

Monday again, and I’m actually not back at work as originally planned… Olivia gave us quite a scare last night.  Her labored breathing awoke me just after midnight and I knew immediately that it was croup.  We have already been through this with Jacob, so we knew the signs and what we needed to do.  Thankfully, Olivia stayed calm and didn’t panic, so while her breathing sounded rough, we knew she was getting enough oxygen and that we didn’t need to call an ambulance like we did with Jacob when he had one of his episodes.  Brian and I took turns staying with her all night until the doctor’s office opened this morning.  The doc confirmed what we already knew – full blown croup.  They gave her a steroid and she’s now trying to nap while I get caught up on a few things. 

Friday I mentioned that I was off and that I had a long list of things to do, and I’m happy to say that I accomplished most of them.  

  • Drop J at school (in yoga pants and an oversized tunic so I can feel like a stay at home mom… just kidding.  But I probably really will wear yoga pants.)  *And I did, and it was glorious!*
  • Treat myself to an Eggnog Latte from Starbucks (just to continue my quest to be #Basic)  *Our Starbucks didn't have the Eggnog Latte yet, so a PSL was my obvious second choice.  And then later in the day I also treated myself to a Chick-Fil-A milkshake.  It was a treat yo'self kind of day!*
  • Finish cleaning out fall decoration boxes
  • Paint two wall hangings and hang in half bath
  • Photograph half bath for home tour on blog
  • Paint scroll in master bedroom white and rehang
  • Photograph master bedroom for home tour on blog
  • Label toy baskets in playroom
  • Photograph playroom for home tour on blog
  • Photograph Olivia’s room for home tour on blog
  • Serving tray makeover for coffee table
  • Clean out fireplace to get ready for the new season  *Brian actually did this on Saturday.  Thanks, my favorite!*
  • Finish organizing and backing up recent pictures  *I still have more to do, but I got all of the ones done that I wanted to do for now.*
  • Start planning blog posts for our wedding anniversary (I’m excited about this one)  *Didn't even have a chance to look at this one... guess I need to get on it soon!*
  • Possibly pull out Christmas tree for master bedroom and start decorating (I put up a ton of decorations for Christmas and it takes forever to get it all up, so don’t judge…)  *Didn't do this one either, but I did get our mantle, kitchen, and half bath decorations up, so we're still going to call this one a win!*
  • Listen to Christmas music while doing all of it  *Duh.*
I also got a couple of other projects done that I hadn't originally planned on doing... like a bunting to string across the playroom windows.  I'm going to post a tutorial on this next week, so I'll share the results then.

Friday evening we took the kids to Five Guys for dinner and they both behaved, thankfully.  If you remember, last Friday when we took them to Mexican, they both acted a fool!  We've discovered the secret to keeping Olivia happy at restaurants... give her the seat belt to her high chair cover.  Keeps her busy for hours!  

After dinner, we took the kids home and watched The Little Mermaid per Jacob's request.

Saturday we were pretty lazy most of the day.  Georgia played at noon so we watched the game, and then when it was over, we all headed out, dropped the kids at Brian's mom and stepdad's, and Brian and I went on a date.  We saw The Intern and it was great!  As everyone else has already said, you will definitely fall in love with Robert DeNiro.  He is just fantastic.  

After the movie, we had a late dinner - my favorite part of the date!  We went to our new favorite local restaurant and feasted on Center Cut Angus Filets topped with fried garlic in an herbed butter sauce, mashed potatoes, and grilled broccolini garnished with lemon paired with a glass of Cabernet.  This was the exact same meal that I had on our last date night and I could not wait to have it again.  It definitely did not disappoint the second time around, and we will definitely be returning.

On the way back, we listened to some old faves that we can no longer enjoy in the presence of children... it felt just like the olden days!  ;o)

When we got home, we put the kiddos down, sliced big fat pieces of cookie cake that I had picked up on Friday (for no specific occasion), and we watched an episode of Parenthood to continue our date.  It was a good night!

Sunday morning, we all lounged around in Christmas PJs (perfectly acceptable since Halloween is over), and then we finally got to go to Brian's mom and stepdad's house for lunch again.  We do that most Sundays, but for the last three months they've been having their kitchen remodeled so it feels like it's been forever since we've been over there. 

I seriously love this little girl so much!  She is so girly!!  #SheGetItFromHerMomma


Sunday evening we had dinner at my parents' house, and then went to bed looking forward to a good night of sleep but unfortunately that didn't happen.  I'm a bit of a zombie today, so this post probably wasn't my best... hopefully I'll be back tomorrow refreshed and ready!

Have a wonderful rest of the day, everybody!

Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending.


  1. Oh my gosh so sorry to hear about sweet Olivia! Those scares must be so hard! But it sounds like you had a great weekend and you were a productive mama! You go girl! And I must say, your Christmas pjs are outta this world adorable! Hope you have a great week!

  2. Poor little girl! So good you guys knew what to do! Sounds like a super super productive weekend. I can't wait to see pictures for the home tour!

  3. Sending prayers your little girl's way! You had such a productive weekend, girl...way to make us all look bad! Hah, now today you should relax!!
    Linds @ Not A Mom

  4. You got so much done - way to go, lady! You definitely had me craving a five guys type meal on Friday and my gosh - cookie cake is my favorite. I've been known to pick up a slice "just because" for no reason too :) Prayers that your little lady continues to feel better!

  5. Hope she gets to feeling better soon! I would have freaked out and more than likely called ambulance, but I guess it's good that you knew what to do to stay calm.

    I WISH we could put a Christmas tree in our room. That's a dream right there! Can't wait to see all your pictures and I'm also interested in this coffee table tray makeover :)

    1. Oh girl, we were SO CLOSE to either calling an ambulance or rushing her to the hospital ourselves. When it happened with Jacob a couple of years ago it was even worse and a lot scarier and I dialed 911 faster than I've ever thought to do anything in my life. We didn't even hesitate. Croup is terrifying. Every parent's nightmare for sure.

      I never got around to doing to tray makeover, but I'm hoping to do it sometime soon... and you know I'll be posting about it right here on the blog!

  6. Hope she feels better! I love the matching pink rainboots, so cute! You had a productive weekend!

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you! She is much better now! Back to her sweet, non-grumpy self. ;o)

  8. Ughhhh who invented croup!? Seriously the worst! I'm sorry she gave you guys a scare!

    That's awesome you got a date night, so fun!! I want to see that movie, I just knew it would be great.

    And yay for Christmas pjs!!

    1. Ugh, tell me about it! I can't believe that we're having to go through this yet again with another child. I was hoping that we had paid our dues already after that episode with Jacob, but it's looking like we may have to worry about Olivia, too. :o(


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