
Monday, December 21, 2015

The Weekend Before Christmas

Happy Monday!  We are officially entering Christmas week and I can hardly stand it!  My brother and sister-in-law will be in town from Texas later today and I can’t wait to spend lots of time with them during the next couple of weeks.

We spent the weekend cramming in all of the last bits of Christmasy stuff that we haven’t had a chance to do.  Friday, each of the kids had their class parties, and then Friday night we had dinner at Panera followed by lots of driving around to see Christmas lights.  After we put the kiddos to bed, hubs and I put a fire in the fire place, thawed out some cookie cake (why yes we do keep some on hand at all times!), and we snuggled up on the couch to watch our annual viewing of Love Actually.  I seriously never tire of it.  So good.  Sigh…

Saturday we spent most of the day at home being lazy.  I didn’t feel super great and was worried I was coming down with something, but late in the afternoon (after a much needed nap) I started to feel a little better, so we ventured out for Mexican.  Unfortunately I wasn’t quite up for it, so afterward, we headed home, got back into our PJs, put another fire in the fire place, and snuggled up to watch A Charlie Brown Christmas followed by a couple of episodes of Parenthood after the kids went to bed.

Sunday morning I awoke feeling so much better, and I still don’t know what exactly was wrong with me on Saturday, but I’m thankful it never turned into anything major!  The kiddos and I did a little coloring to start the day, and then since Brian’s momma didn’t cook lunch, we took the kids out for Five Guys and to the playground to enjoy this amazing cool weather we’ve finally had all weekend!  I think it’s safe to say that they enjoyed it too!

Sunday evening, my parents came to our house for pizza and to begin setting up for the baby shower that we're hosting on Tuesday evening for my brother and sister-in-law.

I’m off today to hang with the munchkin since he’s on winter break, and he's going to help me run errands and put the finishing touches on the baby shower set up.  So exciting!

Enjoy your Monday!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending


  1. What a fun weekend! We drove around and looked at lights on Friday night too! So fun :) I'm glad you're feeling better! And those pics of the kids at the park, just precious!

  2. So glad to heard that you are feeling better! Seems like you guys had a great weekend!

  3. They are so stinking cute in all these pictures!! I'm sorry to hear you weren't feeling well on Saturday but glad it passed!! I think I need to start coloring for fun - and stress relief haha! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. Sounds like you had a great weekend. I love Olivia's outfits. So cute. Thanks for sharing.

  5. love the christmas onesies! Adorable!

  6. Love the pjs! Also I'm a huge fan of Love Actually and Parenthood! Hope you guys have a wonderful, healthy Christmas!

  7. YAY! What a fun weekend! It sounds similar to ours...and guuuurl...I had a suspicious weird little sick feeling again this weekend, too! What gives?!

    Aren't all the Christmas lights so pretty? I want to drive around one more time to take in the sights!

    Those colored pencils are so fresh and pretty, I don't know if I could share with the kids. There's nothing like a freshly sharpened colored pencil. LOL!

    Have a great Monday, babe!

    1. Yeah, we don't need any of that sickness right before Christmas! I hope you are feeling better!

      And I totally did NOT share my colored pencils with the kids... Jacob was playing with his dry erase board and Olivia had some crayons, so I just kept them for myself. Lol.

  8. Your tree is beautiful and I love the kiddos playing together in their pjs. What a blessed holiday you're having


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