
Monday, January 11, 2016

Cold, Dreary Weekend

Hello lovelies, I hope you all had fantastic weekends.  We finally got the cold weather that I was wishing for all Christmas break, but ours came along with rain and no snow (boo), so there wasn’t much to do around these parts this weekend. 

We spent Saturday holed up in the house.  I think the kiddos had missed all of their new Christmas toys all week while they were at school, so they were pretty content playing inside and coloring most of the day.  We did play outside briefly in between the drizzle, and Jacob and Olivia took turns riding Jacob’s car that he received for Christmas two years ago.  The battery has been dead for the last couple of months, but we got a new one last week, so they had both been itching to get out and drive it.  I think Olivia loves that car more than Jacob ever did, and she was so hilarious when driving it.  She kept leaning waaaay back in her seat.  #RidinDirty 

I guess she gets her gangsta from me.  Hehe.

We emerged late Saturday afternoon to go to church and then to Panera with my parents for dinner. 

Saturday night my aunt texted me and said that she was going through some old stuff, and she came across this gem.  That’s me when I was about four or five (Jacob’s age), and my aunt was around eighteen or nineteen.  It just made my night!

Sunday I desperately wanted to get out of the house.  There’s just something about January and February that makes me restless.  I feel like I want to travel to new places, eat new food, and try new things.  Oh, and clean out and organize all the things!   

Anyway, the weather on Sunday was even colder and very windy, so outdoor activities were definitely out, so we had to settle for pizza and Barnes and Noble to let Jacob and Olivia play.  I was just happy to get out of the house. 

Not the most interesting weekend, but hey, we did get to catch up on sleep, catch up on TV, and I started cleaning out my office… part of my “less” campaign for 2016. 

Tomorrow I’ll be back with a post much more interesting than today’s (hehe), and I’m so excited about it!  I’m finally going to share our home with you in the upcoming weeks in my new series, Home Tour Tuesday.  I’ll be starting with our foyer and front living room tomorrow so stay tuned.  

Happy Bachelor (and BCS National Championship) Monday, friends!  As sick as I am of Alabama, I’ll be Roll Tiding tonight so we can keep that championship in the SEC!  And just for good measure, go Dawgs!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending.



  1. Happy Monday! That picture of Olivia riding dirty cracks me up! I am so excited for your home tour...I love all the parts you have shared thus far.

  2. Look at her dressed up in her princess costume - that is so cute! I wonder if Gary would look at me weird if I just wore a gown around the house to clean up and play in lol! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. Olivia in that car, hilarious!! It looks like a nice weekend despite your crap weather :) We're getting snow right now as I type this - I wish I could send some your way :)

  4. What a relaxing weekend! Weekends like that are always refreshing to me. I love that car track! That is like the daddy of all car tracks!

  5. It sounds like a great weekend! I love your sweater dress, it's perfect! :)

  6. Omgosh, I think you look so much like Olivia in that old photo! Such cuties. Sounds like a nice weekend, although wishing for snow in your near future ;)


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