
Monday, January 25, 2016

Our Non-Snowy Weekend - Boo.

You guys, I’m just so jealous of all of the pictures of snow that peppered my Instagram feed all weekend long.  We didn’t get anything here.  Nada.  Zip.  Zilch.  Supposedly there were some flurries spotted around town, but we kept checking all Friday night and we never saw anything.  Needless to say, the kids were a little disappointed. 

Oh, the woes of living in the south. 

Since we were snowless, yet we had to endure the extreme cold and (what seemed like) hurricane winds, Saturday morning called for donuts!  Jacob asked for them first thing when we got up, so we gladly obliged.  And hubs even stopped by Starbucks on the way back to grab a Caramel Latte for me.  He’s a keeper. 

We spent the majority of the day at home playing, doing laundry, continuing our my quest to get everything cleaned out, and working on some projects.   Pretty exciting, huh?

This is how Olivia felt about not getting any snow.  Just kidding, she was throwing a tantrum because I wouldn't let her take her drink in the living room.  #ToddlerProbs

This is all of the stuff I cleaned out of my closet.  Not pictured - one more bag of stuff to give away, and one more bag of trash.  I feel so much lighter!  #Winning  #CleanOutAllTheThings

The start of a new project that I'll be sharing with you eventually.

We debated skipping church since the weather was so bone-chilling cold, but after hours of the kids bouncing off the walls, we thought that it would be best to get out for a bit. 

It was a great decision.  The kids were very well behaved during church, and afterward we had dinner with my extended family (parents, grandmother, and a few aunts and uncles) at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants.  It was nice to get to spend some time with everyone after being cooped up all day.  And to have a margarita.  :o)

Sunday the sun was shining, there was not a cloud in the sky, and the temps hit the low 50’s, so off to Five Guys and the playground we went!  It was gorgeous out!

Her new trick.  Time to start buckling her in again.

Sunday afternoon I worked on a couple of other projects while the baes napped, and then we had dinner at my Momma and Daddy’s house – roast, mashed potatoes and gravy, carrots, peas, green beans, rolls, and a bottle of Merlot.  Good comfort food so fitting for the cold weekend we had! 

I hope you all enjoyed your weekends!  I’ll be back tomorrow to share our living room and kitchen for Home Tour Tuesday.  

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending.



  1. Sunday looks like an absolute beautiful day!

  2. Dying over Olivia's tantrum picture - that is hilarious!! Girl those donuts are insane - like I want one!! I was perfectly happy with the amount of snow we got! LOL! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. I wish we got snow but we didn't either!! I want some, ours is all melted! Can't wait to see your project and those matchy kissy faces of the kids - too cute!!

    1. I'm sure y'all will be getting some soon! I sure wish that we would as well! It's been two years so we're about due for some.

  4. Donuts and a caramel latte - yum! That tantrum picture is totally my life. Every little thing sets Mila off. One day last week, I put syrup in the wrong spot on her plate and I surely won't make that mistake again. I love all of the playground pictures - so cute! What a beautiful day!

  5. I lived in the South for years so I know what it's like to want snow! Looks like the kiddos still had plenty of fun though


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