
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Valentine's Day Home Decor

I’ve never decorated for Valentine’s Day because we never had a place to store all of the decorations in the off season.  However, since we added a huge closet onto Brian’s office last summer, we now have a ton of storage space… I figured that was a good enough excuse to start decorating for holidays other than Thanksgiving and Christmas, so, Valentine’s Day, Easter, and 4th of July, here I come!  Eek!

I adore pink.  It’s been my favorite color ever since I was old enough to know my colors, so I was pretty excited to have an excuse to add some pink touches to the living room.

I didn’t want to go overboard (even though the Target Dollar Spot really, really wanted me to) so I just stuck to decorating the mantle, adding our favorite children’s Valentine’s Day books to our seasonal book crate, and doing a super quick sketch on our chalkboard in the kitchen. 

The gold XO, pink &, gold heart bunting, and black and white striped pitcher are all from the Target Dollar Spot (for $3 each), and the pink flowers are from Hobby Lobby.

I hope you enjoyed our happy little Valentine’s nook!  Have a happy Thursday!

*Linking up with Home of Malones for Thoughts for Thursday.


  1. So cute! I still need to get my butt to Target!

    1. Yes you do, before they sell out of everything! You can't beat $3 per item!

  2. Adorable! I'm totally kicking myself for not purchasing when I saw those
    Hopefully, my Target will restock soon!

  3. Cute!! I love those lights - I checked 3 different Targets here and none had them. So bummed.

  4. I love decorating our mantle!! Love this look...very Kate Spade-ish with the stripes, gold and pink!!

  5. I wanted to get that XO from target but didn't have a place to put it! I love how you decorated your mantle! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. I tried to put a few v'day items out! It's my first time really getting into decorating for every holiday but it's a lot of fun! Your place is SO adorable!
    Linds @ Not A Mom

  7. I love your Valentine decor! I decorate for every season but don't have a lot of Valentine items for whatever reason. Your post makes me want to stop by Target. Also, I LOVE your curtains!! That color striped is exactly what I envisioned for our living room! Do you mind me asking where they are from?

  8. Girl yes! So cute!! Love those gold hearts! And thanks for reminding me I have to switch out Savannas books for love day!! ❤️❤️❤️

    1. You are very welcome! And thank you for the sweet comments. :o)

  9. Super cute. I went to Target a few weeks ago with the intention of getting Valentine's stuff to decorate our mantel but I got too overwhelmed and left without getting anything haha! But now that I have some ideas and see how cute yours looks, I might need to go back!


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