
Friday, February 19, 2016

Five on Friday - Spotlight on the Hubs

Tomorrow is Brian’s birthday so I thought that I would shift the spotlight to my right hand man so you all can get to know him a little better!  He has no idea that I’m doing this, but he does not like being the center of attention so I’ll probably be paying for it later!


He’s turning 38 tomorrow. 

OMG, I married an oldie. 

He’s a little over four years older than I am, so fortunately I can still say that I’m in my early thirties.  Him?  Not so much. 

However, he has a baby face and he has always looked way younger than his age (except when he grows his old man beard for No-Shave November), so most people don’t think he’s a day over 30.

He is my oldie, but goodie.  ;o)


He graduated from the University of Georgia way back in 2000 (when I was still in high school), which made him an obvious shoo-in to be my husband.  My grandfather graduated from UGA back in the forties so I was raised a Georgia fan and my family takes their college football very seriously.  Needless to say, they all loved him from the start!


Growing up he played soccer and tennis, so he’s always been very athletic.  As a matter of fact, he still plays tennis to this day.  He plays for our city league, and the league ranks you by your skills, abilities, and your overall record.  He plays at 4.0 which is near the highest level, so in a nutshell, he’s really good at it.  Last summer his team even made it to the state tournament, but they lost. 

It was one of the first things that I loved about him, and I still love that about him to this day… even if it does make me a single mommy on Monday evenings and Saturday mornings.  ;o)


He’s the very best daddy to our babies and he’s so helpful with them.  He parents 50/50 with me and I’m so thankful for that.  I never have to worry for one second when I’m away.  He knows exactly how to care for each of them because he’s always been so hands-on.  And not only does it do it willingly… he’s great at it!    

As a matter of fact, this past Monday our kids’ schools were closed for President’s Day but neither Brian nor I were off of work.  Brian graciously offered to use a vacation day and stay home with them since he gets more vacation time at work than I do.  And not only did he stay home with them, he took them to the playground and then he took them to the grocery store to pick up ingredients to make fun mini pizzas for lunch because he knew that they would enjoy that.  


Finally, he’s an amazing husband and pretty much just an amazing person all around.  He’s honest, he’s loyal, he’s faithful, he’s patient, he’s forgiving, he’s fun-loving, he’s a hard worker, he’s kind, he’s handsome, and he’s hilarious.  There’s not a day that goes by that he doesn’t make me laugh, and that’s one of my favorite things about him.  Oh, and he’s always happy… and not in that annoying overly chipper obnoxious kind of way.  He’s just the type of guy who’s always happy to be where he is just doing what he’s doing.  And he never complains about anything.  Anything, you guys!  He’s just a very good-natured person in general and he makes life so much easier for me.

I pretty much hit the husband jackpot.

Yes, we have our ups and downs like everyone else, and yes we argue, but we never stay mad at each other for long.  He’s my best friend, and I’m lucky to be able to do life with him by my side.

Happiest of birthdays to you, B!  You’re my lobster!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites, and Living for Naptime for BFF Friday Link-up Party.



  1. Happy Birthday, Brian! I hope you guys have a great weekend!

  2. Awww I love this!! Our hubbies sound a lot alike - mine is always happy too and goes with the flow so well especially on everything I want to do, LOL! Happy Birthday to your hubby!

    1. Thanks, Lizzie! We are very lucky ladies!

      Have a great weekend!

  3. Aww happy Birthday to you hubby! I loved reading sweet! Andy is three years older than me but he totally has a baby face too haha. You guys are such a cute couple :)

  4. What a sweet post! Happy Birthday to your hubby!! You are quite the lucky lady.

  5. Happy birthday to Brian! He definitely does not look 38! He certainly sounds like the sweetest husband and father. Enjoy celebrating this weekend!

  6. Oh my gosh our husbands sound so similar!!! Mine is athletic too (baseball) and plays in a league and gives private lessons which makes me a "single" Mom on weekends and at night sometimes, but it's one of the things I love about him too.. and he stayed home with our kids on Monday as well and took them to a park... Yeah for sweet hands on husbands/daddys!!! :-)

  7. So very sweet. Our husbands are alike. My husband turns 38 in March and I am 32 (going on 33). So I married an oldie but goodie as well.

  8. Such a sweet post! Happy Birthday to your Hubby! :)


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