
Monday, February 8, 2016

Super Bowl Weekend

Check me out, I actually have my weekend post up on time for once!  #DontGetUsedToIt

Per Jacob’s request we started the weekend out with dinner at Jason’s Deli Friday evening (smart kid… he knows he gets ice cream there) and afterward we headed to Walmart (my favorite place – insert eye roll) to load up on essentials to make valentines for the kids’ classmates.  While we were there we let the kids each pick out a five-pack of Hot Wheels cars for their Hot Wheels Garage and they were both so excited.  Olivia, of course, picked the one pack that had a pinkish-purple one in it.  I asked them to hold them up so I could take a picture and they both literally held them up as high as they possibly could.  #Kids

After the kiddos went to bed Brian and I built a fire and watched a couple of episodes of Parenthood – my favorite way to spend Friday night. 

Saturday morning we worked on the kids’ valentines – Hot Wheels cars for the boys and crayons for the girls in Jacob’s class, and applesauce for all of Olivia’s classmates.  A huge thank you to Andrea for the free printables!  So cute and it sure did make my life a lot easier!

We spent the rest of the afternoon doing laundry (in the literal sense, not in the Chandler and Monica sense… hehe) and Maui almost got thrown in the washing machine with the colors load.  #IKid  

But seriously, I probably walked by her ten times before I realized that there was a dog there.

We went to church Saturday evening and then out to eat with my parents, grandmother, aunt, uncle, and cousin who is in town for the weekend from college (Go Dawgs!).  Olivia was obsessed with her and only wanted her “Shelfy” all evening.  It was so sweet!

We stopped by DQ on the way home to pick up some Red Velvet Blizzards for later on, and you guys, they were soooo good.  Brian and I enjoyed them by the fire while watching more Parenthood and bawling our my eyeballs out after the babies went to bed.  After this weekend, we now only have one episode left and I am pretty much beside myself that it’s almost over.  Sigh.  What am I going to do when I can’t have the Bravermans in my home on Friday and Saturday nights anymore?  Need some recommendations please!

Sunday we did the usual – lunch at Brian’s mom and step-dad’s, and then dinner at my mom and dad’s house.  Before we left for lunch, Olivia and I went out to take our usual OOTD pic only to find that Daddy and Jacob were mocking us and taking their own.  Seriously, I can’t make this stuff up.

For dinner we had an amazing Super Bowl spread – hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill, baked beans, homemade mac-n-cheese, chips, s'mores cake, and lemon cookies, and we whipped up a couple of batches of margaritas to wash it all down.  My Momma is a rock star! 

I hope you all enjoyed your Super Bowl weekend as much as we did and I hope your team won!  Mine did.  ;o)


*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending.



  1. Look at you guys enjoying the sunshine and not having to be so bundled up - excuse me just slightly jealous over here LOL!! Your food spread for the superbowl was amazing...I'm hungry just looking at it! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. What a great weekend! Oh the Bravermans!love them! What about Mad Men or Friday Night Lights?

  3. Your Super Bowl food looks sooo good! Glad you had a great weekend!

    Christina :: Simple and Delish

  4. OMG dyyyying at Brian and Jacob taking OOTD pictures!! LOL!! I really need to pick back up on Parenthood, I watched it when it was first on for maybe 2 seasons then stopped, but all I hear is how good it got! And that Super Bowl spread looks sooo delish! What a fun weekend :)

    1. Ha! Yeah, he's always such a goof.

      And YESSSS, you need to catch up on Parenthood. It's just so good. The best!

  5. Your kids are adorable! Love that you guys were matching on Sunday, so cute! I LOVE Parenthood, almost finished with the last season, don't know what I'm going to watch next. Sigh.
    xo, Lily

    1. Thank you so much, Lily! We're going to hopefully watch the last episode of Parenthood this weekend, but after that I know I'm going to feel totally lost without the Bravermans in my home every week!

  6. What a fun weekend! Love the sweet photos. We loved Parenthood too, and honestly, there's nothing else like it on these days. I love the family dynamics, and I wish something in the family drama category existed right now!

  7. What a fun weekend! Just for the record, it totally took me a while before I realized there was a dog in that pile of laundry!

    1. Haha, I'm telling you, she's so tiny we could easily lose her!

  8. Jason's Deli is the best. LOVE the free ice cream haha!

  9. OH MY GOSH! What sweet babes!!! Sounds like the best weekend!

  10. I wish I had thought of red velvet blizzards when we had our ice cream craving Saturday night! they sound soooo good!

  11. Everything sounded amazing for your weekend. And the OOTD photo of your husband and son is priceless. I love your OOTD photos of you and Olivia. They are the best. I haven't tried the red velvet blizzards, but I think I should now. Your super bowl spread looked amazing. Yum!

  12. I want ice cream now!!! That sounds so good, seriously. How hilarious is the ootd picture of your husband and jacob...too funny! Happy Monday!

  13. Haha!!! "Doing laundry!" Oh Chandler and Monica!

    How cute that your guys took their own, "What I Wore" picture!

  14. Hahahaha, I'm so glad that somebody caught the joke!

    And yes, those two are characters, that's for sure! Never a dull moment.


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