
Monday, February 29, 2016

Weekend + Tantrums

This weekend – LAWD.  There are no words.  I don’t know if there’s something in the air, or something in the water, or if it’s just because they didn’t act up too terribly last weekend when there was a full moon, but our kids were cray cray this weekend. 

We started Friday evening out with a hair cut for Jacob, pizza for dinner, and a quick trip Dick’s Sporting Goods to get a basketball for Jacob (he’s starting tiny tot b’ball this week – hehe) and the kids were mostly behaved.  We had a couple of minor meltdowns and one semi-big one that involved Jacob smacking Livi at the counter while they were awaiting their gelato at the restaurant, but other than that they did well. 

However, when we got home all hell broke loose.  They both kept smacking each other and stealing each other’s toys and just couldn’t get along for anything, so Brian and I called it a night (for them), and took them up for an early bedtime for a Friday night.  Olivia was fine and happily got into her PJs and into the bed without any trouble, but Jacob had other plans. 

He pretty much went off the charts cray cray and threw the mother of all tantrums.  We couldn’t talk any sense into him whatsoever and he wouldn’t calm down for anything so we ended up spanking him (which we rarely do) and it didn’t do any good either (which it usually does) so we ended up leaving him in his room where he screamed for I don’t even know how long.  Brian went up there after a little bit (because I was on the verge of having a tantrum of my own by then) and Jacob finally calmed down and passed out from the sheer exhaustion from the tantrum. 

By then it was already close to 10 so B and I only had a chance to watch a couple of episodes of Fuller House (which I am loving, by the way) before we called it a night.  I did sneak into Jacob’s room where I held his tiny hand and kissed his sweet little face a million times as he slept.  I hate ending the night by yelling at him – it doesn’t happen too often, but when it does, it makes me so sad that I can barely sleep.

Saturday morning wasn’t much better – Jacob had another tantrum at breakfast and both kids pretty much acted like hooligans the whole time that Brian was at tennis.  B came home to a peaceful house – Jacob working in his workbook, and Olivia painting, but that was about as peaceful as they had been all morning.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful – I cleaned the house top to bottom, got the Valentine's decor put away (finally), the kids had naps and quiet time, and then we headed to church and dinner. 

The kids were both a little rambunctious in church and there were a couple of times where I thought that Olivia was going to have a full on meltdown, but luckily she didn’t and we escaped unscathed.  Dinner was pretty tame, and then it was home for bed for the kiddos.

Sunday was much better, thank goodness!  We played and I got caught up on some paperwork while the kids napped, and then we ended the day with tons of playground time and fresh air followed by dinner with Pop and Cokie.

Here’s to hoping that the week ahead will be a wee bit better!

Since this is probably the least interesting post you'll read all day (if you're even still reading) I'll be back tomorrow with something a lot more interesting - it's Home Tour Tuesday, and I'll be sharing Jacob's room, so you can see where all of the tantrum action happens!

And if you just can't wait until then, here some other rooms to hold you over.  ;o)

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending.


  1. Ugh, girl! I'm so sorry. Cash had an epic meltdown a week or so ago at bed time. That's always the worst! Just like you, I went back in after he was asleep. :) Have a great Monday!

  2. Sounds like a rough weekend! At least you were able to get some outside playtime on Sunday! And I love Olivia's shirt in the last pictures, so cute!

  3. Oh wow that does not sound like a fun Fri/Sat at all!! I really hate it too when our nights end bad with the kids and I always go in their rooms and kiss them and stare at them and then start tearing up that I'm the worst Mom ever. Thankfully it doesn't happen too often over here either but still! I'm so glad Sunday turned out much better! I love Olivia's t shirt she was wearing at the park!

    1. Yep, that was totally me on Friday night. I was a basket case after it was all over.

      And thank you - I bought that shirt for her when she was still in my tummy and it finally fits! Yay!

  4. I'm glad they ended the weekend on a more positive note!! Maybe it was a full moon lol! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston

  5. These are great pictures of them! Sorry you had so many melt downs this weekend. Maybe they just got it all out in one weekend? haha!

  6. Oh no, sounds like it was a rough weekend. Hopefully, they got it all out of their systems. Glad that the weekend end on a positive note.

  7. I'm sorry to hear about all the tantrums. You are certainly not alone. We've been dealing with rough times over here too. On the bright side, you have lots of adorable pics despite that! Hope the rest of the week goes well!!

  8. Ah that has to be such a terrible feeling. I know your heart breaks having to put an angry baby to bed. I'm glad things got better by the end of the weekend. We are already dealing with tantrums with Ben and he's only 17 months, so I feel your pain. LOVE all your beautiful photos though! You always get such great shots.

  9. Oh man, we've had those tantrums too... the ones that just don't end, and you give them a spanking and it still continues... I'm sorry you had a rough weekend with the kiddos! You aren't alone, that's for sure. Sending you a hug!!!

  10. Tantrums aside, boy oh boy does she look adorable in those skinny jeans and t-shirt! Goodness. Treat yourself to something fun this deserve it mama!

  11. Oh man! I feel ya'. This actually was a great post. I'm going to go ahead and say it - sometimes it feels soooo good to know I'm (we're) not alone. People post about the good, the happy, the beautiful - but you know what? This post was refreshing and relatable (<---is that a word?). Tantrums and bad nights suck, but sharing the not-so-pretty with all of us is the silver-lining. It makes it real. It makes it raw. It's real life. Thanks for posting, girl. I hope your Monday is wonderful...I mean how could it not be? The Bachelor is on tonight! ;)

    1. Thank you, Marie! Yes, I try to share the good, the bad, and the ugly, because it's all a part of real life! Life ain't always beautiful, that's for sure! Haha.

  12. I'm sorry you had a tough weekend! Those are the worst. Love the picture of you and your sweet girl on the floor. XOXO

    1. Thank you, Stefanie! My hubs snapped that one and I didn't even know he was doing it! He captured such a sweet moment, though!

  13. I am so sorry about your weekend. I am sorry your children were hooligans this weekend. Makes it tough to relax and enjoy yourselves. Glad you were able to sneak in a few episodes of Fuller House. Here is to a more peaceful week.


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