
Thursday, February 4, 2016

Welcome, Olivia's Birth Month // Her First Year in Pictures

February is Olivia’s birth month and I’m already starting to feel a little weepy just thinking about the fact that she’s going to be two in just a few short weeks. 

Two years old.  The age at which it will no longer be appropriate to speak of her age in months.  And for some reason that makes me really sad. 

Since I didn’t blog during her first year, (and I’m kicking myself every day for it) I thought it might be fun to recap some of that lost time with a few different posts throughout her special month.

First up, her first year documented in photos. 

I love pictures so we had lots of professional portraits taken of both of the kiddos during their first years of life because I knew that I wanted a panel for each of them to hang in our dining room.

The first set was taken in the hospital when she was just two days old.  The hospital we used provides professional photography, and we happily took them up on the offer.  When I look at these I can practically smell the newborn baby scent just radiating from her sweet little head.  Oh how I miss that sweet, sweet scent.

This next set was taken when she was a couple of weeks old.  Even though we had the pictures taken at the hospital, I knew that I still wanted a photographer to come to our house and get some shots with our whole family.

When she was around seven months old we had the photographer shoot her “heads up” session.  This captured the stage where she was able to hold her head up well on her own.  These are typically done a little earlier than seven months, but we procrastinated a bit and didn’t get them done until well after she was sitting on her own as well.

At ten months the photographer shot her “sit up” session.  These pictures capture that sweet little thing sitting up, unsupported, and this was before she was walking.

The final shoot was her “stand up” session which was just after her first birthday.  She was able to stand up on her own, but she wasn’t quite walking yet.

We chose our favorite photo from each shoot and had a panel made.  I love how each stage of her first year is captured so perfectly in one sweet little frame.  

In addition to the many professional photo shoots that we had, I also did photoshoots on the 25th of each month for her monthly birthdays.  #PinterestForTheWin

These are the ones that you may remember from my last Five On Friday post when I discussed her bedtime routine.  Silly girl.

And finally, just for fun, here are some shots that I took of her at home while I was on maternity leave.  She was just an itty bitty wrinkled little thing!

And I now have serious baby fever. 

Sometime next week I will be sharing my belly pictures and maternity pictures.  I had the best pregnancy with her!  It was pretty much a breeze! 

*Linking up with Home of Malones for Thoughts for Thursday.


  1. Oh these are precious! Such a sweet little lady!

  2. I can't even handle all the cuteness in this post! Adorable photos!

  3. Beautiful pictures! You're giving me baby fever...STOP!!!

  4. Stop!!! These are just too cute! LOVE the ones at the hospital, how adorable was she!? Oh these are so so precious Lindsay and are giving me baby fever! LOL

    1. Me too, girl! It's a good thing that a couple of my friends and my bro and sis-in-law are about to have babies. Maybe that will help me out a little! :o)

  5. I am dying over these cute photos. So glad you can document them now. And it makes me want one more :)

  6. Oh my sweet, little baby! My uterus is now glowing! Lol!!! These make me want another one soooo bad! Beautiful, absolutely beautiful photos!!


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