
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Confessions {3.17.2016}

Happy St. Patty's Day and Happy Friday Eve!  I hope you're all wearing your green!  I'm riding the struggle bus today because hubs and I were out late last night having a little bit of fun... More on that tomorrow!

Today I’m linking up with Jess for another confession sesh on this Thursday. 

I confess…

…that I’m missing Dark Chocolate M&Ms something fierce.  I gave candy up for Lent and I haven’t had my daily handful of M&Ms after lunch in 37 days.  But who’s counting?

…and speaking of M&Ms – and get ready because I’m about to wave my freak flag loud and proud – I only eat them in twos and they have to be the same color… I eat all of the orange ones two by two first (so I won’t have to look at them since they’re my least favorite color), followed by the brown ones, and then after that, I’m OK eating any color.  For my last bite I like to eat three at once (to end with a chocolatey goodness bang) and at that point it’s OK if one is a different color.  I’m aware that I sound totally crazy right now, but I’ll own it. 

…that I’m on Snapchat, but I don’t ever use it and I have no idea how it works.  Can somebody please explain the appeal so I can see if it’s worth it?

…that I don’t like House of Cards.  I tried watching it with Brian during the first season, but I just could not get into it.  As a matter of fact, I thought it was one of the most boring shows I’d ever seen.  I think I might be the only person who doesn’t watch it.  But I don’t even care.

…that I’m totally bummed about this weekend because Brian has to work.  It always feels so weird when he’s not around and it always puts a damper on things.  I would never make a good military wife.

…that I left my kids for two nights this week and I didn’t even feel guilty… girls’ night Monday and date night Wednesday!  I needed a break!!!!  I did miss their little angel faces something fierce, though.

Now here's to hoping I don't fall asleep at my desk today!  CHEERS!

*Linking up with The Newly for Confessional Thursday and Home of Malones for Thoughts for Thursday.


  1. I've learned to enjoy Snapchat even though I didn't understand it at first either!!! And my husband works this weekend too so I guess I'll get caught up on school work. I wouldn't make a very good military wife either--props to those ladies!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  2. I'm the same way about House of Cards! Everyone I know is obsessed, and I've tried to start it twice and just can't. get. into. it. I use snapchat with friends to send quick photos/videos, but I haven't made it public for other bloggers. I don't want to worry that everything I post is blog appropriate :)

  3. I don't get Snapchat either! Two nights out in one week?? So jealous!

  4. Um, I don't get Snapchat either. I don't really care about sending things to only some people. I must just not understand it. Why not just use Instagram? That's hilarious about the M&Ms!

  5. Snapchat is the best! You just take pictuers (or vidoes) of whatever! I like it because it lets me see a more realistic view of people since its in real time. No crazy perfect posing or filters to make you look perfect. You get to see the actual person and their life! Its addicting once you get into it!

  6. OMG twin!! M&M's MUST be eaten in pairs of the same color!!!! Yes I totally agree.. and I will even organize mine into little piles by color before I eat them too.. my husband thinks I'm nuts. Now I know I'm just smart like you. :-)

  7. There is nothing wrong with going out twice and not worrying about it. You are an amazing mom to your children and they know that you need time out. Can't wait to hear about date night!!! My husband liked the first two seasons of HOCs but hated last season and won't watch this season with me. You are not alone.

  8. I mean the bright side to not watching HOC is that you're not binge watching another show lol! I'm a fan of snapchat - it's just so easy to snap our daily life lol! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  9. I haven't even signed up for Snapchat because I don't get it. HOC's first season was a little slow, but it's gotten better. This new season is fantastic. Boo to Brian having to work this weekend!

  10. Give up candy? You crazy lady! ;)
    I'm not wearing green today. I seriously don't have anything green!
    I'm glad you got a break from your kids. As moms, we NEED those breaks!

    1. I knooooow. It's killing me! And I'm sure that I've more than made up for it in cookies and cake. ;o)

  11. I am loving Snapchat lately! It's like a more real version of every day life. Sometimes I feel like Instagram can be too staged. Most bloggers I follow have an account. My username is evelinafortuna. Add me! :)

  12. Haha I seriously didn't understand how to use Snapchat for about the first five months I had an account!! I still sometimes just forget about it!

  13. Okay, so I don't do that with my M&M's, but I'm just as OCD in other ways, so I can totally appreciate the order in which you eat them. Haha!

    I haven't even tried Snapchat! I'm terrible on Facebook too. Do you use a blog Facebook or do you use your personal Facebook page? My Facebook friends have no idea I have a blog.

    Yay for going on a couple of dates! You deserve it, Mama! Jon flew out to the state of Washington yesterday and he won't be back until Sunday night. Yay for him! I think I'm going to have to treat myself to a pedicure after this weekend...

    1. Hahahaha, so funny that you say that because most of my Facebook friends (my real-life friends - LOL) know that I have a blog either. It's just kinda weird having people you know reading your everyday activities. Haha. I do have a Facebook fan page for the blog, but I only have like 11 or 12 likes, so I doubt many people read anything from there.

      Dang girl, you definitely need to treat yo-self after a weekend alone with the kids! Brian has to work this weekend so I'll be home alone with my kids, too. It's times like these when I wish you and I lived closer!! PLAYDATE!!!!


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