
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Confessions {3.3.2016}

I’ve been wanting to link up with Jessica for her Confessional Thursday ever since she started it a few weeks ago, but I already had posts lined up for several weeks out.  If you’re new here, you should probably know that I’m a serial planner.  I plan for everything waaaay too far in advance and I’m probably the least spontaneous person you’ll ever meet.  I’m working on that.  Anyway, I finally had an open Thursday on the ol’ blog post calendar, so the day is finally here.  And boy, do I have a lot to get off of my chest. 

I confess…

…that when Brian is out of town and I have to shut everything down by myself before going to bed, I run up the stairs as fast as I can because I’m always creeped out by the dark, empty first floor.

…that most days I roll up to Jacob’s school blasting gangsta rap and other completely inappropriate music.  I, of course, turn it down when I get in the parking lot so the other parents and teachers don’t give me the side eye, but give me a break, I don’t get much alone time in the car these days.  When the kids are away, Mommy will play.  #TurnDownForWhat

…that I’ve never seen Fixer Upper, nor did I even know who Joanna Gaines was until just a couple of weeks ago.  And I don’t intend to start watching anytime soon either.

…that I am completely and utterly embarrassed that the great state of Georgia in which I live actually elected Donald Trump to be the Republican nominee for President of the United States of America.  Seriously?  Donald Trump?  For President of the United States??  I swear, I just keep expecting Ashton Kutcher to jump out and tell us that we’re all being punked.  I mean, is this real life??

…that every night before bed I multitask while brushing my teeth, and multitasking usually involves going to the bathroom while brushing.  Is that gross?

…that I do not love those pointy lace up flats that every single fashion blogger on the face of the planet has been posting pictures of.

…that I threw out Jacob and Olivia’s Chuck E. Cheese goody bags from a birthday party before they ever even had a chance to look inside.  #AintNobodyGotTimeForMoreJunk

Whew.  I feel great!  Maybe I’ll have to start participating in this link-up more often!  ;o)

And now I'm gonna have Usher stuck in my head for the rest of the day.  These are my confessions...

Happy Friday Eve!  XO

*Linking up with The Newly for Confessional Thursday and Home of Malones for Thoughts for Thursday..


  1. These are great! I can't stand those flats either! Ick!

  2. I don't have time for clutter either, girl!!! And the state of Alabama did the same thing! Are half the US a bunch of idiots??? I was really rooting for Cruz and I hope something happens to where he can bypass Trump. But...Happy Thursday haha! Can't leave on a bad note :)
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  3. I get Usher stuck in my head every time I write a confession post too! Love that you roll up to pre-school blasting rap music haha

  4. Ha ha I always throw out the goody bags too! Seriously no room for more crap!!

    1. I feel so bad, but I mean, SERIOUSLY, how many pieces of plastic crap do our kids really need?! Haha.

  5. I hate that feeling of turning off all the lights on your own! I make a mad dash for my room too.

  6. Lol! The darkness freaks me out too! Jon is leaving me for 4 days coming up soon. I can totally handle the kids, but my house in the dark?! Ummmm.... No! Every curtain will be shut and I may have to borrow somebody's dog for protection!

    I do the same thing when driving alone by myself! It's usually Eminem and Jay-Z! Haha... Then I turn it off and it's back to our music class CDs...

    1. AAAAH you definitely need to borrow a dog... a big one! That's what I should do! I don't think our tiny girl would protect us in the event of an emergency. Haha.

  7. I always make a mad dash down the hallway when I turn off the lights in the living room and kitchen!!!! #noshame

  8. Omgosh, I am the biggest wuss when I'm alone. I honestly have NO idea how I ever lived alone. I get scared so easily and can't even watch scary commercials. I am one of those people who would call the police over a little noise, haha.

  9. New follower from Jess' link up!!! 1) I am a fellow Georgia girl and are also embarrassed of who "won" our state! 2) I don't even turn off the all the lights when Steven travels for work and even when he is home, I still run up the stairs haha! 3) Who in their right mind decided "hey lets make shoes that lace up your leg!".

  10. I feel the same way about the lights being off in my house. I literally will turn on the lights as I walk through a room and turn on the next set as I am turning off the room I just went through. My house has a set of lights on each side of the laundry room, kitchen and hall. And when Walter (my pup) barks at the door leading to the garage and it is shut and no one is in there, it freaks me out. Sometimes I sleep with the tv on (with a timer) so I don't have to go to sleep and hear my house settle or the other noises. haha. And no shame in listening to gangster rap or anything on blast when your kids are not in the car. I do the same, but I turn it down before rolling up to their daycare.

  11. I've been seeing "vote for pedro!!" (from Napoleon Dynamite) pics floating around FB and I'm like yes... yes that's a good idea!!! I'm not crazy about any of the Pedro might be our best option!!!

  12. I am so going to be that mom that rolls around listening to gangsta rap when without kids. I do that work with sometimes - I turn down before I get in the parking garage, because I am pretty sure I will get a strange look from some higher ups if they can hear my music. I feel like this whole election is a mess. AND I don't like the lace up shoes either. I don't think they look bad, but I am never going to have them...they look like too much effort to wear!

  13. I TOTALLY do the first one every night. I'm always the last one going to bed! I also multitask in the bathroom...haha! And Trump? Don't even get me started!

    1. You girls are all making me feel so much better... I seriously thought that I was the only crazy one that did that! I feel like such a baby! Haha.

  14. EEEKKK! I run up the stairs too, so scary when I'm by myself.

  15. I'm new to this page.....your confessional is spot on. It seems your not alone there. I can relate to every. single. one of your confessions. I had no idea who Joanna Gaines was either and don't plan on watching the show.

    Lace up flats.....who comes up with these ideas???? ugh

    This Presidential race has unfortunately become a circus.

    1. Glad you can relate! You ladies sure do know how to make a girl feel less crazy. Haha.

  16. Haha I'm laughing because my husband taught me who Joanna was! He saw fixer upper one day (in January) and keeps comparing us to her and Chip since we work in real estate - I still haven't watched more than two episodes BUT it is really growing on me, just need to find the time!


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