
Monday, March 7, 2016

Sick Weekend With a Silver Lining

Well friends, another not so great weekend is in the books but we made the most of it… 

Brian is home from his trip, the kids’ tantrums have started to slow down somewhat, and we thought we were going to finally, finally have a great weekend.  Wrong.

Olivia came down with croup Thursday night – fever, scary seal bark cough, crazy congestion – the whole nine yards.  Brian took her to the doc Friday morning where it was confirmed, and she stayed home from school the whole day.  Then Saturday evening Brian started feeling bad, and he went into full-blown aches, chills, and congestion over night.  Ugh.  Jacob and I are the last men standing, and hopefully it will stay that way.

In between sicknesses we did manage to squeeze in some good stuff – Carrabba’s take out for dinner Friday night, cookie cake and show watching (for Mommy and Daddy), Saturday morning manicures at home, donuts, bubble blowing on the back porch, Olivia's first pony tail (besides the sloppy ones they do at school sometimes), Five Guys, tons of outdoor time at Nana and Poppie’s on Sunday for lunch (even though Daddy couldn’t join us), and dinner on our own back porch Sunday evening.  The weather could not have been more perfect on Sunday, so we took full advantage of it!  

Now that all of the travelling, tantrums, and sickness are (hopefully) behind us, we're looking forward to a much better week!


*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending.


  1. So sorry to hear that Brain & Olivia were sick! I sure hope that you & Jacob stay healthy.

  2. Ugh croup again?! I'm so sorry! Hopefully that was the last time for the season!! And poor Brian!

    OMG Olivias ponytail is adorable! And I want to come have dinner on your back porch!!

    1. Yes, croup AGAIN. Jeez, it's neverending!

      And thanks, girl, I wish you could come have dinner with me!

  3. Oh sorry to hear that Brian and Olivia were sick. Hope they both are feeling better. I love your back porch, so fantastic.

  4. Oh no, so sorry to hear that they both got sick! I hope everyone is feeling better and will be healthy for all of spring!

  5. Oh man. I hope your upcoming weekend will be better than the previous two.

    Olivia and those ponytails! Stop it. Just stop it! Could she BE any cuter (said like Chandler Bing, of course)?! LOL!

    Okay, so you've totally blogged about those outdoor pillows, but remind me where they are from? Pottery Barn?

    Feel better down there! If we lived closer, I'd steal you away for a drink or two. ;)

    Happy week, girl!

    1. Lol, I love when people talk Chandler Bing to me... a girl after my own heart! :o)

      And the outdoor pillows... I actually don't think I have blogged about them yet because I never did a porch update #BloggerFail, but they're from Lowe's.

      And as always, I wish we DID live closer! One day we will have to meet up at a blog conference or something!!

  6. Hopefully everyone is feeling better and you and Jacob stay healthy! The view from your backyard is gorgeous - such a wonderful way to end the weekend.

  7. Donuts & manicures at home sound like the perfect treat for any ailment! :]

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    1. For sure! You can never go wrong with donuts!

      And thank you for stopping by my blog!

  8. Oh no - so sorry to hear that two of your loves were sick this weekend...hoping it stays away from you and Jacob! Glad you were still able to have fun in between the coughs and snuggles! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  9. I am so sorry that your husband and Olivia were sick this weekend. I heard croup is awful. At least you enjoyed some sunshine and fun this weekend. Hoping for a sick free week ahead.


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