
Monday, March 14, 2016

Springy Weekend

Happy Monday!  I hope you’re all faring well after the dreaded spring forward this weekend.  While I love the extra daylight in the evenings, it’s always rough when your body feels like it’s waking up an hour earlier on Monday.  Losing an hour of sleep Saturday night also sucks. 

This weekend everyone was well here, the weather was perfect, and we didn’t have any big plans, so we spent the weekend outside, lounging, getting a few things done around the house, and spending lots of time with family.

Friday evening’s weather called for pizza and beer out on the back porch, and we let the kiddos play in the back yard until it was completely dark.  We turned on some tunes, turned on the twinkle lights, and let them go!  Give those kids some bubbles and sidewalk chalk and they’re in heaven.

Saturday was spent getting some things done around the house.  My goal for the weekend was to get the kids’ closets completely cleaned out and ready for summer.  They’re both growing like weeds, so we’re still in the stages of them needing entire new wardrobes each season.  We have already bought several things for Olivia for summer, and while Jacob now wears a uniform, he still needs some clothes for the weekends and for church, so I was able to see what still fit them and get a better idea of what they need.  Now to go shopping!

While I was cleaning out the closets, B was at his tennis match so I had no one to help me keep them in line.  Thankfully, they played like sweet little angels the entire time.  It was a Saturday miracle!  And sorry for the grainy picture, but – no fighting!  Had to be documented.

While we were cleaning out closets, my dad got to take the ride of his life!  For Christmas this past year, my mom and brothers and I bought him a trip to Nascar at Atlanta Motor Speedway so he could drive one of the cars!  Now, he’s not actually a huge Nascar fan, but he’s always loved cars and racing, so we thought that he would love it.  And he did!  He got to do 16 laps in the #1 car and he topped out at 132 miles per hour! 

We had originally planned to go watch him, but the weekend originally called for rain, and we weren’t sure how many people were allowed to go with him, and by the time everything was confirmed, Brian had already committed to playing in his tennis match, and I was not about to road trip it to Atlanta alone with two kids.  Especially that early in the morning.  I hate that we missed it, though, because Daddy had the ride of a lifetime and Jacob would have gone bonkers if he had gotten to watch.  Fortunately, my mom took a ton of pictures and a video.  Doesn’t he look like pro (and so handsome) in his suit?

Saturday we spent the evening at church, followed by Mexican with my fam where my dad regaled us with his tales of racing from earlier in the day.

Sunday, oh Sunday.  I just love me some Sundays.  By now you probably already know that we usually go to Brian’s mom and step-dad’s house for lunch and then to my parents’ house for dinner… it’s our family day and one of my favorite days of the week!  Yesterday was no different.  We ate too much delicious food and then spent the afternoon letting the kids play in the dirt, pick wildflowers, and blow dandelions followed by naps and then more delicious food and family time with my family. 

It was a very welcomed weekend after our sick weekend last weekend, and it was much needed as fuel to get through the upcoming week and weekend where B has to work.  Boo!!

Enjoy your week!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending.


  1. Wasn't the weather this weekend just great? So glad y'all got to spend a lot of it outside and not sick!!!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  2. Your weather looks fabulous! Saturday was beautiful, but Sunday was rainy & cooler. Your Dad looks like such a pro!

  3. Looks like it was a great weekend! I just love your back porch set up! And that is so cool your Dad got to do that!!

    1. Girl, he was so excited! I hate that we couldn't go with him!

  4. Looks like it was great weekend. The weather was so nice. I totally could live on your back porch. It's so fab.

  5. Love your patio set up, sounds like the perfect Friday night! I am so jealous I need some sort of outdoor set up!

  6. Your weather looks amazing! We had a fairly nice Saturday, but not so nice Sunday weather-wise. I'm looking forward to the day when Spring sticks around for good. Also, how cute is your Dad? That looks like such an awesome Birthday gift. Glad he had a blast. Also, yay for the kiddos getting along so well!

  7. We had such nice weather too! Love your back patio looks so cozy! I bet your dad had so much fun! Hope you have a great day girl!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  8. what an awesome weekend!! I cannot wait for the warm evenings because we are going to do the same thing! Twinkle lights, music on, letting the kids play.. it's going to be awesome! Your Dad looks super handsome, and happy! What a fun thing for him to do! My Uncle did that once and loved it! I'd be too scared and wouldn't get the car over 55mph. Ha.

  9. Pizza and beer on the deck sounds fabulous! How cool that your dad got to race at a Nascar speedway - he looks so professional in that suit! What a great weekend!

  10. What a fun filled weekend! I love the way your weekend started in the backyard - I have a feeling most will start that way coming up! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  11. Great pictures! Your back porch seems really nice!!

  12. I love your table setup in your backyard! Sounds like your dad had a great time racing! He definitely looks like a pro in that uniform!
    Evelina @ Fortunate House

  13. It looks like you had a lovely weekend! XOXO
    That is so awesome that your dad got the chance to do that!

    1. Thanks, Stefanie! He was thrilled! He has been talking about it all week!

  14. What a wonderful weekend! The weather down there looks amazing. I can't wait to get outside with warmer temps.

    The kids' closets! I need to get on that! Eliza keeps pulling all of her clothes off of their hangers and it's driving me bonkers!! Ugh. I'm about to put a lock on everything in her room! Haha!

    How exciting for your dad! He looks so happy!

    1. Lol. Luckily our kids can't reach their hangers... I'm sure if they did they would be pulling theirs down, too!

      Have a great weekend!

  15. It looks like you had an amazing weekend and I am so jealous of the warm weather. Love having pizza and beer outside on the patio! I love your family time on Sundays. I want to start a similar tradition. And look at your dad and his nascar gift! So awesome.


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