
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

What's Up Wednesday

Linking up with Shay today to share some of our current happenings…

What We’re Eating This Week

I don’t know about everybody else in the house, but I’m eating all the candy.  ALL OF IT!  I gave up candy for Lent and I actually went 40 days without it, so now I’m making up for lost time.  Dark Chocolate M&Ms, please take me back… I love you.

What I’m Reminiscing About

I’m still enjoying looking through our pictures from all of our Easter festivities this past weekend.  If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll notice that I have been overgramming the past few days.  I mean, with cute faces like these, why would I not want to post every one of them?!  And if you missed my recap, you can see it here.

What I’m Loving

The toddler girl clothing section at Old Navy!  They had a serious sale a couple of weeks ago and I loaded up on stuff for Olivia.  And I wish that every single one of these came in my size.  They have the cutest stuff!

What We’ve Been Up To

Last week Jacob was on spring break, so we had several fun outings with him.  You can see my recap of our day o fun hereWe have also been focused on Easter – lots of egg hunts, family gatherings, and other Easter activities going on around these parts.  I heart spring so much!

What I’m Dreading

I have definitely been dreading something in the world of social media… the ol’ switch to the new algorithm on Instagram is imminent and I just don’t understand why they would want to do this… I swear, I have pretty much stopped using Facebook because of their jacked up timeline, so now am I going to have to stop using Insta, too?!  

What I’m Working On

Working around the clock during what little spare time I have to get my office finished and photographed for my Home Tour Tuesday.  Hopefully it wasn’t too much of a disappointment to anyone that I didn’t get it up this week. 

If you’re new here or you’ve missed any of the tour, you can see the other rooms I’ve posted below.

What I’m Excited About

My birthday is next week!  And I’m not one of those who frets over another year in age… I’ve always embraced it.  Because as long as I feel 25, that’s all that matters, right?  Yep, 25 for life.  ;o)

What I’m Watching/Reading

Watching – Fuller House.  I know that most people finished it long ago, so this is probably old news to most, but we are so busy and already watch so much TV, that it was hard to find the time to get to it.  We only have a couple of episodes left at this point and you guys, I’m just loving every second of it!  There was a point at which I got a little worried that I wasn’t going to want to continue – AKA the wrestling episode (LAME) – but we got through it and I’ve loved every episode since!

Reading – See Me by Nicholas Sparks.  Only a couple of chapters in, and it will probably take me 45 years to read it, but I’ll let you know how I like it when I finish.    

What I’m Listening To

A lot of Ray LaMontagne.  He is just so fantastic.  And he has a new album that just came out, so once I download that, I’ll be listening to him even more! 

What I’m Wearing

White pants!  Sandals!  Shorts!  Dresses!  Fluttery spaghetti strap tops!  Can you tell that I’m a little excited?!  It felt so good to retire my boots and sweater dresses.  I was pretty over winter.  And now I need a tan.

If you’d like to see my monthly recaps and see how I’m trying not to repeat any exact same outfits for the whole year (mix and match for the win!), you can see them here and here

What I’m Doing This Weekend

Hopefully cleaning off our back porch and getting it decorated, once and for all!  We added a large back porch onto our house last summer and we furnished it, but I wanted to hang a few things on the walls and decorate a little to make it our own (and get it ready for the last portion of my Home Tour). 

The pollen around these parts has been hideous this spring, and we have a thick layer coating every single table and chair out there.  Gotta get that cleaned up so we can get back to eating outside again.  We had to take a little break from eating outside these last two weeks because of Pollenmageddon 2016.

What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month

My birthday and lots of fun date nights that B and I have planned.  We missed our date night in February so we’re hopefully going to more than make up for it in April.  Brian’s mom gave him a gift card to this amazing new local restaurant that we haven’t tried, and she also said that they would watch the babies, so we’re hopefully going to get that scheduled in April.  We’re also planning a date night with all of our couple friends for my birthday, because it’s been about 150 years since we’ve done that without kids tagging along!  And finally, we’re going to a fundraiser for Jacob’s school at the end of April that is going to be all about horse racing, bidding, and betting.  We get to get all dressed up like we’re heading to the derby, so I’m really excited!  

What Else Is New

I started linking up with Jessica for some confessions each week, and it’s been a blast!  I’m loving it so much that I’ve started doing it every week.  If you haven’t already, come join us!  My previous confessions are here. 

See you back here tomorrow for another set!

*Linking up with Shay, Mel, and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday and Jessi's Design for What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday.
*This post may contain affiliate links.


  1. I'm so jealous of your weather! We get one nice sixty & sunny degree day, then we are back in the 40's. Ugh!

  2. You're going to love See Me! It's so good!! And I can't wait to see pictures of your back porch once you get it all decorated! Maybe it'll inspire me ha!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  3. That dress is SO pretty-can I ask where it is from!? And Olivia's nursery is DARLING-I would never want to leave that room!

  4. Old Navy has some amazing stuff for little girls. I stocked up for Mila a few weeks ago, but I want more! Kid has a better wardrobe than I do! Happy early birthday! I've never gotten bent out of shape over age either. In fact, I was excited to hit my 30s (which seems like forever ago, haha). I have See Me on my wish list - you'll have to let me know how it is!

  5. 40 days without candy?! Awesome job!! I'd say you earned it :)

  6. So much to look forward to and yay for birthday week!! I say I'm 21 + 8 LOL! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  7. Yay for your birthday coming up! Hope y'all do something fun. Your kiddos are the cutest!
    I pretty much stopped using Facebook too...I love Insta, why do they have to do this to us!?! #notfair
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  8. Your Easter pics are too cute - I've been having fun looking back at ours too! You have me craving Krispie Cream now!

  9. I haven't even started Fuller House, so you are way ahead of me. We don't have Netflix, so I need to go to my Mom's and spend the day catching up, I guess. :) Your family looks awesome, all dressed up for Easter!

  10. This is so fun. I love an update of what's going on in general! If I had those family photos I would be posting like 10 a day, haha. So cute. Also, I'm so excited for the warmer weather. I think we have similar, girly styles. I love dresses, lace, white and all!

  11. You've been busy girl!!! I'm going to go and blog stalk all your home tour posts right now! And then beg you again to please come and decorate my house!!!

  12. I'm in love with everything about your fam (and heck yes to the candy!)

  13. Your family's Easter outfits are precious! I have only made it through 3 episodes of Fuller House. Oddly enough, I also got through 3 episodes of Making a Murderer. I'm a Netflix dropout. I really want to finish Fuller House, I just can't get motivated. Please tell me it gets better...

  14. Yay for birthdays and date nights. Hopefully you can get your dates scheduled soon. What are your birthday plans?

  15. When is your birthday? Mine is this weekend! Didn't realize they were so close! XOXO Love the Easter pictures and I'm with you on the candy!
    Also, the baby boy section is awesome at Old Navy right now, too! I'm thankful Liam still fits in smaller sizes!

  16. Dark chocolate M&M's are seriously my favorite. I just love them!


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