
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Confessions {4.7.2016}

Happy Friday Eve, ladies!  It's time for another installment of Confessional Thursday!  Let's get right to it!

I confess...

… that I just finished my very first guest post and I’m so excited and nervous about it.  I will keep you all posted on when and where you can read it!

… that I’m always behind on technology… I didn’t have my first smart phone until the end of 2011.  Jacob was already 6 months old and I was pretty much the last person I know to get one.  Well, besides my parents.

… and speaking of being behind on technology, just this past weekend Brian finally installed Microsoft Office 2013 on my computer.  Before that, I was typing all of my posts in – wait for it – Word 2003.  Y'all, I'm not even kidding.  I finally told him this past weekend that I could no longer work under those conditions.  Haha.

… that I just dusted my office for the first time in ohhhh, probably a year.  If you follow me on Instagram you probably already saw my post.  Eeeeks.

… that I just bought a new photography light kit to try and step up my photography game, and now I want to redo my whole home tour so I can get pictures with better lighting.  Lawd, the woes of a perfectionist…

... that Brian and I are ditching the kids three times this month for date nights.  And I'm not even feeling guilty about it!

... that I learned a couple of weeks ago (and mentioned it here) that I had found out that we are now supposed to be single spacing after punctuation and I'm still not doing it.  Oh well.

Enjoy your Thursday!

*Linking up with The Newly for Confessional Thursday and Home of Malones for Thoughts for Thursday.


  1. Eek can't wait to read your guest post! We are leaving our boys for the entire weekend starting today and I can't wait!.. No guilt here. This mama can't wait to get a full nights sleep!!

  2. I am refusing to do the single spacing, too! I didn't get my first smart phone until around then, too - maybe even 2012, 2013!

  3. Three date nights?! So jealous!

  4. Ha ha, it was definitely 2011 before I got my first smart phone. I can't wait to read your guest post, I'm sure it's fabulous!

  5. Guuuurl, Jon and I just bought our smart phone around that time, too! I say, "our" because up until December, we shared a phone. He has old one, but leaves it home and pretty much refuses to use it! I'll text him from home, then I'll hear the message being delivered here at home on his phone! Gwad. Haha!

    I can't wait for your guest post!!! Congrats!!!

    1. Hahahaha, I'm dying!! So freaking funny! Have a great weekend, girl!

  6. Can't wait to read your guest post! I love having studio lights...but boy are they a pain to store! I do need more lighting though, LOL!

  7. I'm with you on technology. I didn't own an iPod until 2010 and a smart phone until 2011. What light kit did you buy? I've been looking into them, but have no idea where to even start. Yay for 3 date nights! I wouldn't feel bad about it either!

  8. oooh good luck with your picture taking!!! I still haven't uppped my game... I'm still working with our dim stained-glass light fixtures we haven't replaced yet.. can we just move into an airy, natural light filled all white house??

  9. Oh, oh, I want to know more about the light kit, please share! If I start to get good with my new camera, maybe someday I'll be thinking about that too. I just did my first guest post too, haha. Can't wait to read yours! Happy, ALMOST Friday ;)

  10. You should not feel guilty about leaving your kids because you are great parents. You need that time together! Loving all this guest post talk!!! I don't have office on my computer anymore because when our house was broken into, they stole my computer. Once I got it replaced, I didn't get office again. Oops.

  11. Oh my goodness, enjoy those date nights!!! They don't happen often enough here.
    I splurged and bought a big photography kit a few years ago, which included an in home studio setup. Ask me how many times I've used it...haha!
    I can't figure out why they changed the grammar rules. It was always double spacing after punctuation. I try to remember, but often forget!

    1. Yeah, I'm not sure how much use I'll get out of it, but I figured it would be nice to have for any bigger projects... like re-photographing my entire house! Haha. I kid.


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