
Friday, April 15, 2016

Five on Friday - Blogging and All That Jazz

Happy Friday!  We have another big weekend planned so I’ll be back over here on Monday recapping all of it for you!  Until then, let’s get started with my five things for this gorgeous Friday!


First and foremost, I’m very excited today because my very first guest post ever is live on Sparkles and Lattes.  If you love summer and you love cocktails, head over to Danielle’s blog and check it out.  I have officially found my favorite recipe for a DIY summer cocktail.  It’s gonna knock your socks off.


After an entire year of blogging, I finally created a button.  You may have already noticed it hanging out in my sidebar.  It’s just been sitting there, looking pretty, and getting no action for the last month or two.  Fortunately, the whole button thing came up in a conversation that I was having with my blogging buddy, Emily, the other day and she and I decided to swap.  So exciting… my first button swap!  And since I’d never swapped before, I was relieved to see that the code that I had created actually worked.  <insert bug-eyed, blushing emoji here> 

I know that a lot of bloggers don’t use buttons anymore, but if you’re one of the ones who does and you want to swap, just holler at me!  It’s free advertising for you, people!  And it’ll give you a little thrill every time you see yourself on someone else’s blog.  ;o)


I shared my home office space on Tuesday and I received a lot of sweet comments and emails about it.  I’m glad to know that you guys don’t think I’m some weirdo pack rat that should be on Hoarders.  ;o)  If you  missed the tour, you can see it here.


A few ladies and I are starting a fun Instagram chat loop on Wednesday evenings… be sure to find me on Instagram and join in on the fun!  It’s a great way to meet fellow bloggers and grow your tribe.  I can’t even begin to profess my love for Insta because it brought me to so many of you and now I don’t know what I ever did without you!  I’m thankful for all of you. 


I’ve been meaning to do an update on my New Year’s resolutions… I’ve gotten side-tracked a couple of times, but be on the lookout!  I should have the post up soon!

Well friends, I’m outta here and rolling on into the weekend like WOOOO HOOOO!  We’re heading to a mother son dance, an air show, and another DAAAATE NIIIIGHT!  I'm a little sad because we'll be missing the G-Day Game (University of Georgia's annual football scrimmage game) but we have so much other fun stuff planned that it won't even be a big deal that we're missing it!  Except for the fact the we'll be missing Ludacris performing before it... I mean, what's he even going to sing in front of all of those little kids that will be there?!  Brian said that he'll probably change the lyrics to MOVE KIDS, get out the way, get out the way, KIDS, get out the way!  Hahahaha.  Anybody else love him back in the day?  

Happy weekend!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites, Living for Naptime for BFF Friday Link-up Party,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, and Meet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites!


  1. Love all the blogging news . :) I am just so excited you helped me figure out how to add someone's button to my page! Seeing Luda would be awesome - but you are right, what would he sing?! Have a great weekend!

  2. Loved your guest post! I can't wait to make that drink!! I'm excited about your insta chat loop. Can't wait to check it out! I'm obsessed with insta. Have a fun date night!!!! Happy Friday!!!

  3. Heading over to Danielle's blog now! And enjoy your two date nights with your best guys this weekend!! We have a whole bunch of yard work! I'm can't wait to share about it!

  4. Going to check that guest post out now!! Woo hoo I'm excited for our IG chat loop! Let's hope I don't screw it up, LOL. And I've always been meaning to create a button, if I get to let's swap for sure! Have a great weekend, can't wait to hear about it!

  5. Once again, love your home office! XOXO
    I hope you have an awesome weekend!

  6. Oh I wish I could have that drink!!! Your home office is adorable. Stopping over from the linkup - would love if you stopped by my blog too! Have a great weekend =0)

  7. Wow! What an office!! I wish I had that space!!! =)

    Have a great weekend and I'm going to go check out your cocktail!! =)

    Melanie | Blog: Toots + Dill

  8. Yum...the cocktails look and sound good! Love your office, so glad you shared with us. Happy weekend!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

    1. Girl, they're soooo good! You definitely need to try!

  9. OMG the twinning has to stop... I sing that song ALL THE TIME about different things!!!! even though I guess now I'm twinning with your husband, which is weird. :-)I'm excited for your Insta loop!!!

  10. That cocktail looks so incredibly delicious! I've been wanting to design a button but I honestly don't know where to start. I don't have a particularly fun blog design to go from. Enjoy your weekend!

  11. That drink looks so tasty!! I loved your home office tour - it made me want a space of my own like that so badly!! I hope you have a great weekend girl!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  12. You're awesome! Loved your guest post. I can't wait to make one. Glad you guys are getting a date night this weekend!


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