
Monday, May 16, 2016

Accomplished Three Day Weekend

I’m coming down from a three day weekend high and it feels great to start Monday off feeling so accomplished.

I took Friday off to get some things done around the house that I’ve been wanting to do for-eh-verrrr and I got so many things crossed off the list.  My office closet has looked like a tornado hit it for quite some time, and it was overdue for a good cleaning out.  As I’ve already mentioned several times, I’m a self-proclaimed keepsake hoarder. I have so much stuff.  I actually didn’t even realize how bad it was until I started cleaning out my closet.

Y’all.  I literally still have every single piece of paper from my entire school career – artwork, scribbles, school work, home work – every single last bit of it from Kindergarten to college.  Four massive boxes stuffed to the gills.  Ridiculous.  I still have the hospital bag with everything from my birth in 1982 – a copy of the newspaper and People magazine from the day I was born, every single card my parents had received for my birth, the scrubs my dad wore in the hospital, and some creepy doll head and arms with no body.  What is that all about?!  Mementos from every vacation we’ve ever taken, old stuffed animals, old room decorations, my entire Barbie collection, old clothes.  Sigh.  So.  Much.  Stuff. 

Anyway, while I had a blast taking a trip down memory lane, I also realized how absurd it is that I still have all of this.  Now don’t get me wrong – I did keep a box for my very favorite things – like the newspaper and People magazine, my favorite stuffed animals, and some of my favorite pieces of artwork and school work, but the rest of it – including the creepy doll head – is now all in the trash or a donation bag.  And I feel so much lighter!

Friday evening I was positively exhausted.  Shifting boxes around and cleaning stuff out for nine hours straight will do that to you!  So we decided to pick up a pizza, open a bottle of wine, turn on some tunes, and chill out at home on the back porch instead of going somewhere like we usually do.  The kids were happy as clams covering themselves in sidewalk chalk while B and I chatted and sipped our vino.

Saturday we were pretty lazy all day.  We watched some cartoons and played all morning and I laid out in the sun and started a new book while the babies napped/had quiet time.  This weekend’s weather was an absolute dream again.  Perfect sunny blue skies with highs in the upper 70’s and a nice breeze.  I could have sat out there all day! 

Saturday evening we went to church with my extended family like we always do, and for the second week in a row we sat out in the main church instead of in the back in the cry room.  Last week the kids were both perfect angels, and after this week Jacob’s halo is still in tact, but Olivia’s is a bit tarnished... she started throwing a mini tantrum toward the end and my dad had to take her out.  I guess we may be heading back to the cry room next week.  Womp womp.  We’re so close to sitting out in the main church again I can taste it

After church we ate dinner at our favorite BBQ place, and then we headed home for bedtime for the kids and movie time for us… B and I actually watched a movie!  Usually we spend Friday and Saturday evenings getting caught up on TV from the week or binge watching some other show on Netflix, but now that everything is starting to end and we’re not currently binge watching anything, we actually had time to watch a movie.  We watched The Equalizer with Denzel Washington and it was really good.  He kicked ass and took names as he always does, and I really enjoyed it.

Sunday was spent organizing some of the babies' keepsakes, lunching with B’s family, and then spending lots of time outside.  Olivia worked on puzzles and Jacob played with his Stomp Rocket, and then they both played in the garden for a bit.  

We ended our day with dinner at my parents’ and everybody had a blast playing with the stomp rocket!  Even Mama Cass joined in on the fun!  

It was such a great, relaxing, and yet productive weekend.  Don’t we all agree that weekends should be three days??  One day to be productive, one day to do something new and exciting, and then one day to relax and spend time with family.  Please oh please can someone work on making this the norm?  Enjoy your week!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending.


  1. I vote yes for 3 day weekends all the time! Love that you cleaned out things! I know you feel much better after that! And love that y'all had some quality family time on the back porch! Have a great Monday!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  2. What a fun weekend! I love being productive. I can't believe you had all of that stuff. How fun to go back down memory lane!! I love that piece of outdoor furniture you have to store toys. I've been looking for something similar for our porch. Happy Monday!

  3. Oh my gosh all that stuff - I think it's pretty cool you had the magazine from the week you were born!! That doll was pretty creepy!! So glad you guys had great weather and a fun weekend! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  4. That People magazine is awesome! My Mom still has a Brides magazine from 1978, the year they got married. It makes me wish I would have kept a magazine, too!

  5. I'm all for 3 day weekends!! Walking down memory lane is always so fun! What book are you reading now?

  6. OMG 9 hours of cleaning/organizing/sorting! You and my Mom could be best friends, LOL!! I learned from her how to not be such a hoarder but it is really hard to part with stuff! I'm sure it feels so good though. Oh and we LOVE stomp rockets, you reminded we need new ones though because ours is lost/gone/broke/somewhere from the past years

  7. My goodness, you were busy on Friday. Going through all that stuff would be exhausting!
    I'm so glad the rest of your weekend was fun!

    1. Yes, it was definitely exhausting, but I feel so much better after the purge.

  8. Wow, you were so productive this weekend. Great job cleaning. I too have all my old papers and books from school. One day I need to go through them and clean them up. It's just so exhausting, even thinking about it makes me feel dizzy. haha Happy Monday.

  9. Wow that is a lot of stuff to go through! I need to organize my craft closet...I am a horder of cards, and stuff that I think, I'll scrapbook this...No I won't, I don't have time with two kids...but none the less I keep it all! Every single card they have ever gotten...I have kept...what to do with them, what to do with them...

  10. relaxing AND productive weekends are the best! It's like you've earned the relaxation even more. Holy moly organizing though. I NEED to do that because, like you, I have kept so much stuff (stuff I don't even look at EVER). One day... one day...

  11. The puff paint sweatshirt took me back to 3rd grade. How funny! I love your black and white church dress. Hope you have a good day back in the real world.

  12. Wow you got a ton of cleaning done! I try really hard to clean my stuff out 4 times a year or so.. it's hard to part with some things!

  13. I vote YES to 3 day weekends! You got a lot of purging's always a great feeling. Relaxing and productive weekends are always the best!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  14. you look so cute using that stomp rocket!!! I might need to get one, I can see Austin being delighted with that. :-) way to go on all that organization! that is quite the undertaking... all of my memory stuff is still at my Mom's. I'm sure one day it will come to me and then I won't know what the heck I'll do with it all...

  15. I am so impressed by your motivation to do all that cleaning and sorting!! I have apt of similar things that I need to go through before we eventually move. And yesssss to three day weekends!
    Evelina @ Fortunate House

  16. Looks like you had a great weekend, yay for warm weather! Awesome job on clearing out so much stuff, I used to hold onto things too but lately have been getting a lot better about it because I just hate the clutter haha. Love the People mag!

  17. Ugh I am so with you on the keepsakes! I have a terrible time. You must feel so accomplished:) sounds like an awesome weekend!

    1. It is really hard to get rid of stuff, but when you have a closet bursting at the seams with no room for anything else, that makes it a little easier. Haha.

  18. You had a perfect weekend. Cleaning, dinner on the patio, bbq, wine and family time. Sounds amazing to me.

  19. You go girl!!! I love the feeling of accomplishment and a clean and organized house. You are a rockstar!! What a great weekend!! Love the comment that Olivia's halo d a bit tarnished. Made me laugh. :)

  20. Wow! What a productive weekend. You've somehow convinced me to do some cleaning, get to church - it's been far too long, and set up an area like you have for your kiddos out on the back porch! How do you do it all?

    Oh my gosh, Henry has that same stomp rocket and he looooves it, actually it's his third one. People keep buying it for him for his birthday and he loves it every time! Haha!

    Happy Tuesday, girl!

    1. I'm pretty much always going going going - it's nonstop. That's just always been my personality, I guess! I like being productive! I'm sure it drives B crazy, though. Haha.

      And yes, those stomp rockets are so much fun! I think the adults were having more fun than the kids!

  21. You guys are so dang it! I love the old stuff you found. That sweatshirt is classic!


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