
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Confessions {5.19.2016}

Happy Thursday!  Wow, what a busy week.  Jacob graduated from pre-k yesterday and we’re now in full summer mode.  And full teary-eyed emotional mess mode.  I still can’t believe that he’s starting Kindergarten in the fall.  Where does the time go?

I confess…

... that yesterday I arrived an entire hour early to Jacob's pre-k graduation because I wanted the best seats possible.  I did get them.  I was actually the very first one there - literally, like I even beat the teachers and those setting up - but man, I felt like one of those parents...

… that I have not wanted to be at work these last two weeks.  I mean, I rarely want to be at work, but this week I really haven’t wanted to be there.  I don’t know if it’s spring fever or what, but I am just so restless and I just feel like I have a million other things that I would rather be/should be doing instead.

… that I’m still in the process of cleaning out of my office and it’s ugly.  U-G-L-Y, y’all.  It looks like a tornado hit it and it’s driving me insane.  I wish that I could take off a week straight just to finish cleaning out and organizing the whole house. 

… that I judged the parents of one of the kids in Olivia's class this past week.  We received an invitation to a birthday party for the kid last Friday and the party was that Sunday.  As in – two days later.  And on a Sunday night.  Wha?  That kid’s parents obviously either don’t have their ish together or they didn’t want anybody to come.  Spoiler alert – we didn’t.

… that The Bachelorette is back in just a few short days and I don’t think I’ve been so excited for a show since… The Bachelor came on back in January.  #Sad  #GuiltyPleasure

… that my vehicle has a recall on one of the parts, and the dealership is paying for me to have a rental car until they can repair it.  I was adamant about not wanting a sedan since we have to have two giant car seats and all the stuff that goes along with having two kids, so I asked them to be sure to put us in an SUV.  Well, I went to pick up the rental last week and they had put me in an SUV alright… they had put me in one of the biggest SUVs on the market… a Toyota Sequoia.  Now, just in case you’ve never seen one or don’t remember off hand what they look like, I’ll describe it for you. 

It.  Is.  A.  Tank. 

I feel like I’m driving a bus.  Literally.  I pulled up next to a dump truck the other day and I was sitting almost has high as the driver of the dump truck.  I mean!  When I first got behind the wheel I was terrified and I was so thankful that I didn’t have any kids in the car with me for my inaugural drive, ya know, just in case, but after a week and a half in it, I feel like I’ve mastered it.  And I am loving it!  I definitely don’t want anything this big in the future, but it is spoiling me a bit as my current SUV is much smaller and much more basic.  I’m gonna need Bluetooth and a back-up camera ASAP.

See y’all back here tomorrow for a Friday post!

*Linking up with Sparkles and Lattes and Dispositive Motion for Confessional Thursday and Home of Malones for Thoughts for Thursday.


  1. Way to get good graduation seats!! You go momma! I bet your got some great pictures. I laughed about the tank you are driving. I guess they aren't messing around with your request. Ha ha! That child's mom is totally crazy thinking people will go to a birthday party on a sunday night. No thanks. We usually have really cranky kids at that point.

  2. Haha love that you showed up so early! You get a pass since it was pre-k graduation after all! That's an important day! Just don't ever be like the parents at my middle school who show up to carline at 2PM when school doesn't get out at 3PM?! I'm like "Do you not have anything better to do than wait around for an hour EVERY DAY?!" haha!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  3. I can't wait for the bachelorette too! Funny about the graduation seats. I definitely would be the same way! I love a bug suv but if you aren't used to driving one it definitely feels ginormous!

  4. Ha ha your first confession reminded me of my Mom showing up 1 hour before Ella's recital to get good seats, and she was 1st in line, LOL! You gotta do it if you want it, right!? How crazy he's going to Kindergarten, I know how you must be feeling!

    I cannot wait for the Bachelorette!!

  5. My son is graduating preschool to this year, and I'm going to be right there with you, first one there so I can get a good seat :) I can't believe out kids are starting "real" school! Life will never be the same. I just sent out my son's invites and realized AFTER I sent them that I wrote PM instead of AM...oops! Hopefully parents won't be showing up at 11pm...right?

  6. Your description of the SUV had me giggling! They are pretty big...but I drive a Denali Yukon, so I'm pretty used to big. Backup cameras and Bluetooth are the BOMB...oh and heated and cooled seats, amazing!

    I think I might skip the Bachelorette this year...I just can't seem to get into it.

    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  7. I hate when you have to use a rental car and they either give you the hog or the smallest car. We have car seats people. We need room, but not tank room. I haven't wanted to work either. I have a case of the spring fever too. I can't wait for the Bachelorette either. Total guilty pleasure. Plus it is wine/girls night on Mondays again!!! Thanks for linking up!

  8. I totally forgot about The Bachelorette - I need to give that a go! Good job mastering "the tank". I have been feeling the same way about work. Winning the lotto sure would be fabulous right about now.

  9. Cannot wait for Monday night!!! Bachelor Nation Forever!! Haha

  10. That's so weird about the Birthday invite. I could see like a casual, "hey come over if your free to help celebrate" but no way on the actual invitation last minute. So odd! Yay Bachelorette.

  11. Congratulations to Jacob! XOXO Lily "graduated" too. I can't believe they're going to Kindergarten!
    Good luck with the rental. The last time I had a rental, they gave me a huge one. I was so relieved to get my own SUV back. But, yes, you need to get yourself a backup camera! I use mine way more than I thought I would!

  12. Congrats to Jacob on graduating from pre-school!! Oh my heart. Why must kindergarten happen? Henry graduates this week and I'm soooo not ready.

    You know what? You deserved those seats, darn it! I would've done the same thing. Nothing wrong with loving on your baby, even if it means being "that" parent and getting the best seat in the house! You go, Mama!

    Yeeeeeeeeeeessss! The Bachelorette is back on!!!!!!!!!! I'm waaaaaaaay too excited, too! It was soooo good last night and I already can't wait for next week!

    1. Yessss, I'm loving it so far! These guys seem like they might be the worst batch ever, though! Lol. Time will tell, I suppose.


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