
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Things to Do For Each Blog Post

I have been blogging for a little over a year now, and I feel like I have gotten a pretty good handle on things.  I feel like I have found my rhythm and most importantly, I feel like I have finally organized all of my thoughts, notes, and to do’s.  There’s so much to keep up with when running a blog – hello social media, interacting with other blogs, photoshoots, editing… the list goes on  And on and on and on.  Goodness, it really is a full-time job being a blogger!  Even when you’re just doing it for fun.

I have come across a few things that I have found to be particularly helpful, and since a lot of my readers are bloggers themselves, I thought that I would share the very best tool that prevents me from feeling scatterbrained all day after a post goes live.  I don’t know about you, but every time I write a post, for the rest of the day I’m constantly thinking, oh, did I remember to post that on Facebook?  Did I remember to pin that to Pinterest?  Crap, did I remember to link-up? 

Like I said before – tons of things to remember when blogging.  I finally had enough of second guessing myself so I made a checklist to reference each time I work on a post.  I keep a copy of it on my desk at home so I have it right at my fingertips when I’m working, and I also keep a copy of it in my blog planner just in case I need it when I’m out.  No more second guessing, no more doubt.  So nice.

Blog Post Check List

Preparing a Post

  • Write post
  • Edit post
  • Add signature
  • Add all pictures for post to post folder (I keep a folder for each post that contains the Word doc of the original writing and all of the edited pictures.)
  • Edit all images (brightness, contrast, clarity, etc.)
  • Resize all images (I size mine down because larger pictures could eventually slow down the entire blog… plus, I like for them to all be the same width.)
  • Watermark images as necessary
  • Create a Pinterest-worthy image if applicable
  • Add pictures to post (eye-catching at the top, Pinterest image below signature)
  • Add affiliate links if applicable
  • Add links to other posts if applicable
  • Add comments about link-ups if applicable
  • Add disclaimer about affiliate links if applicable
  • Label post
  • Preview post (make sure formatting looks good and all pictures were included)
  • Schedule post to publish

After Post is Live

  • Link up with all link-ups
  • Share to Google+, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
  • Pin Pinterest images to personal and group boards
  • Add post link to blog tabs if applicable
Blogging is certainly a hobby that will keep you busy, that’s for sure.  And there’s still so much to learn which I’m sure will eventually result in more bullets on my to do list.  So tell me, did I forget anything?  Is there anything else that you do for each post that I should include?

*Linking up with Jessi's Design and Going the Distance for What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday.



  1. Great list!! It's amazing what you have to remember to do but yet it's essential.

  2. You are so organized with your list! I need to use something like this for sure.

  3. Blogging is a hobby for me, but it's crazy that sometimes it feels like a job! I know I've either stayed up way late or gotten up really early to get a post written because there wasn't enough time during the day. I am looking forward to this summer so I can have more time to devote to blogging and get a few things sorted out! Love this list--it's so true!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  4. This is a great checklist! I definitely do not do all of this on a regular basis... pinning your pinable image now for future reference :)

  5. I'm so impressed with your organization! I could really use some of these tips, it seems like when I stopped working my blog kind of fell apart a little because I just don't have enough time (I'm so bad, I would write blog posts at work LOL)

  6. So many of these things I NEED to be doing! Great list!

  7. Oh this is such a helpful list! I totally need to start doing a list.

  8. It's definitely a FULL-TIME job...even if it is just a hobby. I need to make a checklist and keep it in my planner too! Did you know that you can have your signature automatically pop up on every blog post?

    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  9. There is definitely so much that goes into one single blog post!

  10. You are so organized and good at this. Love reading your list, and of course, love reading your blog. I still think you could go full-time with this. You are so on top of things and dedicated. Great job!

  11. Oh wow! You are so organized. I'm just four months into blogging, so maybe I'll get a handle on it soon. I'll have a week where I think I'm successful, then I have a week where I am struggling to stay afloat. Thanks for the tips! You make it look so graceful and natural.

  12. Yes there is. I never realized how much goes into it until you just put it out there. So much work, but I do really love it.

  13. It really is a full time job, isn't it?!? There's so much thought and work that has to go into every single post...even the little ones!

  14. You are so much more organized than I am!!! Wow, I'm impressed!!! This was a great post. :-)

  15. Wow I feel like there is so much more that I should be doing!!! Taking notes on this post for sure! :)

  16. Well when you lay it out like that - we really do a lot!! Do you have your signature added in each post manually? I think you should be able to have it added to each post already so you don't have to remember that step! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  17. This was great, girl! Yes, do tell. I really need a signature. How did you go about making/getting one?

    1. Thank you! I made mine with PicMonkey and then you just upload it as a picture into your post. You can also save the signature into your post template so you don't have to add it every time.


Thank you for taking the time to comment... I read and respond to each and every one! However, if you are a no-reply blogger (meaning that your email address is not connected to your Blogger account), I will not be able to reply to you directly via email... you will have to check back on the blog post for a response!