
Monday, May 23, 2016

Weekend Vibes

Well, I’m heading back to work this morning after an unintentional three day weekend.  Olivia was up for several hours in the middle of the night Thursday night into Friday morning because she was throwing up again.  Since she just had the same thing happen the week before last, I’m starting to think that these aren’t stomach viruses and maybe that they’re something else… reflux?  Teething?  I have no idea.  We didn’t want to risk exposing her to all of the kids at school (and not to mention that the school has a 24 hour rule about throwing up anway), so we kept her home Friday just to be safe.  She didn’t have any more issues all day and she was back to her usual spunky self, so I probably missed work for no reason, but I guess it’s better to be safe than sorry, right?

Friday evening we stayed at home because – possible germs – and we picked up some Cracker Barrel take-out and spent the evening on the back porch.  After the babies went to bed, B and I whipped up some Moscow Mules and settled in for an evening of catching up on TV.

By Saturday morning all of us were a little stir crazy since we never left the house on Friday (except for B, who had gone to work), so we ventured out early for donuts and some time downtown.  We hit up our local farmer’s market that they have down there on Saturday mornings and we browsed all of the fresh fruits and veggies, handmade crafts, and other goods, and I picked up some more local honey from my favorite local vendor.  I started using local honey a couple of years ago, just one teaspoon per day, and it has helped tremendously with my allergies and seasonal asthma.  If you have allergies of any kind, you should definitely try to find some local honey – it has to be from your region – because it really seems to work.  And if it’s all in my head, well, it’s still working so who cares? 

After doing our browsing, we walked down to the playground by the river.  Our city just built a brand new one and I think this one is my favorite of all of the playgrounds in our entire city!  There are so many cool things to play on and they have a whole music park with giant xylophones, drums, and chimes to play.  The kids’ favorite thing at this playground was a four seater see-saw.  So cool!  And so safe even for Olivia.  Gone are the days of the old rickety wooden ones that give you splinters!  Another great thing about the playground is the view of the river!  Not too shabby for a Saturday morning...

Once the kids were done playing, we walked down to the river to watch the rafters and kayakers and we were even lucky enough to see a few people zip line over the river.  I want to do it so bad one day, but I just know that my nerves would get the best of me!

We spent Saturday afternoon relaxing at home and then we headed out to church Saturday evening.  After church my extended family including my parents, grandmother, a couple of aunts and uncles, and one of my cousins all headed to Longhorn for dinner.  It was the perfect evening to a great day!

Sunday, Brian’s mom didn’t cook lunch, so we took the kids out for pizza and gelato and then to visit my other grandmother (my dad’s mom) who we don’t get to see enough.  She was so delighted to see the babies even though they acted like a couple of wild banshees the entire time that we were there.  Crawling all over the furniture, jumping around, beating each other up… I don’t know what had gotten into them!  My grandmother just laughed and said, “Well, they’re little and you only get to be little once!”  I guess I’ll have to remember that… #ExceptWhenTheyreBeingRude #ThenIWantToSmackThem

Since they were so wild, after we left my grandmother’s house we headed to another playground to let them burn off their energy and they were surprisingly calm once we arrived.  Olivia pretty much mastered the rock wall (that girl is a boss!), but the kids seemed to have more fun drawing in the dirt with sticks than they did actually playing on the playground.

We spent the rest of the day relaxing, cleaning up the house, doing some laundry, and then we finished the day with dinner at my parents’ house.  I just don’t know what I would do without our Sunday family dinners… it’s one of my very favorite traditions ever and it’s the perfect way to start the week off right!  I can’t function the entire week when we miss one! 

And before I go, I also want to point out that Olivia's little white barrette that she wore on Sunday was one of my old ones from when I was about her age.  I found it when I was cleaning out some old boxes a couple of weeks ago and I just knew that I wanted her to have it.  So special.

I hope you all had relaxing and productive weekends with the ones you love… have a great week! 

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending.


  1. Oh no! I hope Olivia is feeling much better. She looks better in the pictures! XOXO

  2. So sorry Olivia wasn't feeling well. I hope it doesn't become a trend since it happened 2 weeks in a row. Otherwise it sounds like a pretty amazing weekend. Love the playground pictures.

  3. Poor Olivia! I'm glad that whatever she had didn't last long!

    Sounds like a pretty wonderful weekend!

  4. Glad her sickness didn't last long! And your Saturday morning sounded perfect--donuts and a farmer's market! Have a great Monday!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  5. I'm sorry to hear Olivia wasn't feeling well, but glad it didn't extend into the weekend! Sounds like so much fun and good food all around! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. Poor Olivia (and you guys!) throwing up is NO fun! It sounds like your weekend was great! I can't wait for our farmers market to open up! That park in your downtown sounds awesome! I love your Sunday dinner tradition, maybe I'll try and start that when our kids are older! I would love to guarantee to see them at least once a week!

  7. What a fun weekend! I'm glad Olivia is feeling better. I've also heard that about local honey and have been meaning to try it out- my allergies were terrible this year!

  8. What a wonderful weekend. I love that you guys do family dinners - just so, so special!

  9. Oh no sorry to hear that Olivia wasn't feeling good, poor thing. Glad it wasn't all weekend. I love that you all have a family dinner on Sundays. That is so wonderful.

  10. I'm glad Olivia got better quickly and you guys had a good weekend!! Maybe it is teething... all that extra drool going into her tummy maybe is upsetting it? That picture of you and her from behind, walking, is just so sweet!

  11. I'm glad Olivia is feeling better. Looks like such a BEAUTIFUL weekend. I love the farmer's market and the gorgeous park. How awesome. I have to try the local honey thing asap!

  12. Poor Olivia - glad whatever bug it was ended up to be short lived! I had no idea local honey could help with allergies! There is a cute little stand on the side of the road near our house and I always want to stop - I definitely will now that I know honey does other things besides just taste good! That new playground looks so nice and fun for the kids!

  13. I have that Old Navy top and wore this weekend as well. That pizza looks so good. I will tell Rory about the honey trick since he has allergies and asthma. Hope it works. I can't wait for our farmer's market to start. Should be first weekend of June. Hope you have a great week.

  14. Love hte farmer's market! I can't wait until we have time to get to ours!

  15. Oh man. I'm happy Olivia is feeling better!

    Those parks! You visit the nicest parks...and I agree, that view is awesome!

    Oh and honey! Yes. I've started using local honey and boy has it made a difference. Crazy how that works!

    Have a great day, girl!!!

    1. Isn't it so crazy! I thought for sure that it was a sham, but I'm so glad I decided to try it! Now I can't live without it!


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