
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Confessions {6.2.2016}

Happy Thursday!  I didn’t participate in last week’s link-up so I have a lot to get off my chest this week!

I confess…

… that I don’t handle funerals well.  I know that everybody probably feels that way, but for some reason over these last couple of years I’ve developed some sort of phobia and it makes me physically sick.  Every time I wake up knowing I have to go to a funeral that day my body basically just shuts down until it’s over.  I feel exhausted but fidgety, I feel dizzy and faint, I can’t eat or drink, I have an upset stomach all day, and I sweat profusely.  I had to go to my friend’s mom’s funeral yesterday and I had to pop some Immodium before going because I felt so ill.  During the funeral I had the urge to throw up not one, not two, but three times and it took some serious mind over matter to get through it.  I mean, how disrespectful and embarrassing would that have been?  Literally the instant I walked out of the funeral home I felt totally fine.  I was exhausted for the rest of the day from being so keyed up leading up to it, but the rest of my body went back to normal.  The same thing happened to me at my grandfather’s funeral last August (although, not quite as bad), and the same thing happened at my mom’s friend’s funeral a couple of years ago.  It’s scary and embarrassing and I don’t know how to stop it.  And unfortunately funerals are a part of life and I know that I’ll have to go to many more so I really need to get a handle on it.  Anybody have any tips to get through this?  I pray that I won’t have to worry about it again for a while, though.

… that B and I polished off an entire container of Publix Mint Frozen Yogurt last week.  Like, in just 8 servings.  And there are supposed to be 16 servings per container.  Eeeeks.  #NotSorry  #BestFroYoEVAAAAH

… that I was just bragging last week about how my local honey helps with my allergies and asthma, and all of a sudden this week my asthma has been acting up after two years of not having any problems.  Boo.  I think it may have something to do with the croup that I’m still getting over, though.  Hopefully…

… there’s not much that ticks me off more than when Blogger’s formatting is off.  Grrrr.  It was driving me absolutely insane yesterday because it would not get the font size correct for my What I Wore post.  For some reason it’s shrinking the font for part of the post and it looks dumb.  #SendHelp  #AndWine  #WordpressHereICome  #JKThatsTooMuchWork

… that I was nervous about doing a product review on the blog because I was worried that some of you guys wouldn’t think that I was being genuine.  I hope y’all always know that I’ll only share with you guys the items that I truly love and I promise to always give my honest and unbiased opinion.  That Jord watch that I posted about last week?  I really am 100% loving it and I’ve gotten so many compliments on it these last two weeks.  It’s really that great and it really would make the perfect gift for Father’s Day.  I wish so badly that Brian wore watches, because if he did that’s precisely what he would be getting!  If you want to check it out and enter to win a voucher to purchase one for yourself you can see my original post here.

Well, that’s enough for today!  See y’all back here tomorrow for another Friday post!  Hallelujah!

*Linking up with Sparkles and Lattes and Dispositive Motion for Confessional Thursday and Home of Malones for Thoughts for Thursday.


  1. Ha ha! I don't blame you for polishing off the ice cream. I would have too! I have a stash of goodies that I hide from the kids. Momma's gotta have something for herself. :)

  2. I feel like you should be proud of your productive review! I think the key with those is to truly love the product, otherwise it can sound "off," but yours definitely didn't! No shame in finishing the froyo...besides, it's yogurt - healthy, no?!

  3. Ice cream is my jam! We polish it off on the reg! That watch is great. I loved your review!

  4. Lol! Your WordPress comment made me lol. I switched earlier this year and it seriously almost killed me. I think it would have been labeled: death by stress. SO, if you ever do make that leap, just pay someone :).

  5. Ugh that sucks you get like that during funerals! I have no advice though, but I hope it get's better!

    Ugh blogger issues, wtf!? But yeah wordpress waaaay too much work, ha ha

    Product reviews I think are a great part of blogging, and you wouldn't have shared if you didn't love it, so we all get that! :)

  6. I'm so sorry about you and funerals!! I wonder if it has something to do with subconsciously being afraid of someone close to you dying? #notatherapist No shame for eating the ice cream--you split it up over time--moderation right? I'm seriously considering making the switch to WP this summer, but paying someone to do it for me. There's NO way I would attempt that alone!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  7. I thought you were very genuine in your watch post! But I have that fear too, which is why I haven't done any posts like that even though I've been approached a few times... I just don't know how to do them and stay "me." You did a great job though! So this might make me sound like a hippie.. but I've been into essential oils for a bit now and bought a roll-on Anti-Stress scent on Amazon. I keep it in my purse and I kid you not.. I whip it out and smell it when I'm panicking in traffic. I have a huge anxiety about getting stuck in traffic with my kids with me, and this has helped... so... maybe an essential oil for funerals? rub some on your wrist so you can discretely sniff it if you need to?

  8. I don't know how to get through funerals either. I just went to my old bosses one and it was tough. I cried so hard. And we are at the time in our lives where we end up going to more of them. I have had to rewrite posts because I couldn't get my formatting fixed in blogger. So annoying. I feel the same way about sponsored/collaboration posts. I have one for Jord watches coming up but I have wanted a watch from them for over a year. I don't want to sell out either!

  9. OH man...I'm so sorry you have to go through that. I hate funerals, but I've never gotten sick like that. I did get nauseous at my grandfathers funeral and almost had to step out, but I held it in...not sure why because I felt fine afterwards too. So weird, right?
    Blogger makes me mad sometimes, but no way am I going to change, I hear it's a pain and I'm not going to pay someone else to do it either.
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  10. I'm so sorry you have that experience with funerals! How awful, added to an already negative situation :(
    And don't worry about the review, I think most of us only do reviews on products we love or are genuinely interested in finding out if they work or not! I loved the watch! :)

    1. Thanks, Gina! I'm glad that my product review was well received. Have a great weekend!

  11. Don't feel bad about polishing off all the frozen yogurt! It's healthy right?! Ha xo, Kristina

  12. That is so stressful about the funerals. I remember after I was sick, I had a funeral to go to with a younger guy that died and I literally could not go. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. So, I get that. I hope it eases for you over time! I loved your review. The watch is gorgeous!

  13. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that at a funeral. I don't get sick, but I turn into an emotional mess, no matter who it is for. It literally have to hold myself together.
    The blogger formatting can be so frustrating. I always hear great things about Wordpress, but I'm using it now for another blog gig, and I had so much trouble with the formatting while I was typing my post. I couldn't get it to look right, so I just submitted it for review and told the editor to do what she needed to do to fix it! I guess it's just a blogging thing.
    You did a great job on your review! There's a big difference between reviewing something you genuinely love and reviewing every single product that comes your way!

    1. Thanks for all of the kind comments, Stefanie! I sure do love all of you sweet ladies who I've met through this crazy blogging world!

  14. I bought a tub of ice cream on Sunday and it's already gone. Shameful. Matt and I both blamed each other but I think we both know we were equally responsible. Tis the season! :)


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