
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Give Peace a Chance

Well, I was going to post part one of our beach trip today, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it when something else was weighing so heavily on my heart.  I haven’t been able to focus as well these past couple of days because I can’t stop thinking about the tragedy that occurred in Orlando this past weekend. 

I just cannot wrap my head around the fact that there are some human beings who think that it’s acceptable to take the lives of other human beings simply because they don’t agree with the way they are living their lives. 

Yes, we are all different. 

Yes, we will all never see eye to eye. 

Yes, we all have different beliefs and different ideas and different opinions. 

But – just because someone has different beliefs than you, just because someone chooses to live their life differently than you, just because you don’t agree with them does not make it acceptable for you to harm them. 


Why can’t we all just leave each other alone?  Remember the saying, if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all?  We should all be living by this.  As long as someone is not making decisions or doing things that harm others, then it should not be anyone else’s business to judge them.  And it’s certainly nobody’s business to take someone else’s life. 

There is entirely too much violence in the world right now.  Our world is definitely damaged and our world is definitely hurting.  However, despite all of the damage, I truly believe that love will always rise above.  Love will always win.  Because there are definitely more good people in this world than there are bad.  And I truly believe that it is possible for all of us to just live in harmony. 

So be kind.

Help others.

Smile at others.

Be accepting of others.

Spread love.

Embrace our differences.

And mind your own business when it comes to other people’s beliefs… 


In the great words of John Lennon, "give peace a chance" and how about leaving the judgement to the man upstairs… after all, He should be the only one who decides when our time here is up.

*Linking up with Our Pretty Little Girls for Tuesday Talk, and Stang & Co. and Crown Me in Glitter for Talk About It Tuesday.


  1. Well said. I love that you believe good prevails, because you are right there is so much more of that in the world than evil!

  2. Thanks for sharing a piece of your heart today.

  3. You said it perfectly Lindsay! I cannot wrap my head around these senseless acts either, truly heartbreaking!

  4. Very well said Lindsay. I totally agree and think the entire thing is just ridiculous and so sad. :(

  5. Where did compassion go? It makes me so sad to really think about it.

  6. Oh Lindsay, well put. We all live on this little planet together and why can't some see that we're just a speck in this grand universe? This is it. Our lives are right now, to love, to live and to make a difference.. I saw the pictures of the victims yesterday and read about their unfinished lives in this earthly world and how sad I became for them, for their loved ones, for their parents. Gone too soon and for what? For what?! Ugh. Sickening and terrifying. Love will win though, it must.

    1. Amen, Marie. You hit the nail on the head when you said that we're all just specks in the universe. So very true.

  7. Amen! It's so sad what our world has come to - it's amazing how a little bit of kindness will go a long way. It's important to remember that!

  8. Very well said, Lindsay! I have been thinking and praying for all of the family and friends of those who have been injured, those who are no longer here, and everyone else suffering. Such a horrible tragedy. What is the world coming to?
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  9. Beautifully put. I can't believe the hatred that some people harbor for people who are different from them. It truly is heartbreaking.

  10. So well said. And I agree with it so much. The tragedy, all the tragedies lately have weighed on my heart. They encourage me to teach our girls acceptance, love and to fight for peace.

    1. Yes, everything has been weighing on my heart as well. It has definitely been an emotionally draining week, that's for sure.

  11. this is so well said, friend!!! I feel lucky to live in the Pacific Northwest where people seem more open minded about diversity... you can walk down the street here, dressed in a tree costume, topless, kissing your same-sex lover and people will basically cheer you on... so I don't understand hate. At all. I grew up around acceptance so this kind of violence and closed-mind thinking really confuses me. I agree, why can't we just let people live their lives??? your life is yours to live. What has been happening lately in the world is just heartbreaking.

  12. Very beautifully stated! This is a reminder everyone needs to read :)

  13. Yes! It seems so simple to me. Why can't people just understand that we are all people. We are all someone's daughters and sons. I just don't understand the hatred that seems to be running rampant.

  14. Such a great post during this sad time!

  15. I hate that you had to write this post but I love what you wrote. I really really really hope people take these tragic events as an opportunity to show more love

  16. Very well said. I am so disgusted by all the hate in the world right now!

  17. Very well said. This tragedy is so heartbreaking. We can't be the same and that is good. We should embrace everyone and their differences. Such a sad time right now.


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