
Monday, July 25, 2016

Jacob's Birthday Weekend

This weekend was a whirlwind of cake, presents, and family time.  While I’m exhausted today, I’m also really thankful, because it almost ended up being the birthday weekend that never was... 

Friday afternoon, Olivia’s school called me at work to say that she had thrown up and that we needed to come get her.  Never fails.  Every time we have a party planned or a vacation scheduled, somebody gets sick.  At that point we still had to pick up Jacob’s birthday cakes and pick up my car from the shop (hallelujah, after 73 days in a rental, I finally have mine back!) and she was fortunately able to hang in there until we got home, where she proceeded to throw up again.  Lawd.

I braced myself for the worst thinking that we would either a) have to find someone to keep her the next morning so we could both be there with Jacob for his party or b) reschedule the whole thing if one of us ended up getting sick as well.

Fortunately, once we put Olivia down for bed (promptly after her second sick spell) she slept through the night and was a good as new in the morning.  We still have no idea what’s causing this to happen… if you have been following along for a while you might remember that she’s had the same thing happen 3 or 4 times just in the last couple of months and we don’t know what’s causing it… maybe teething?  A food allergy?  Can’t pinpoint it.

Anyway, in addition to Olivia’s sick spell, Jacob awakened in the middle of the night because he had fallen out of his bed, and his voice was extremely hoarse and his breathing was a bit labored.  I was terrified that croup was looming, but we had Prednisolone on hand (thanks to our wonderful pediatrician) and we were able to give him a dose at 2 AM which cleared him right up.  He’s been totally fine ever since.  Whew.

Saturday morning arrived and we were all exhausted, but we had a house full of healthy people, so I deemed it a weekend miracle and then it was time to get moving.  B went out to pick up donuts for the birthday boy’s breakfast, and then we got ready and headed to the indoor trampoline park for his party.  The party was at 10 AM, because during that time slot they only allow kids under the age of five in the building, so we didn’t have to worry about big kids trampling our littles.

We had the best time!  The place is amazing – trampolines everywhere, basketball, dodgeball, and inflatables, and the parents were allowed to jump with the kids so we were able to join in on the fun.  They played Disney movie songs the entire time and you should have seen Olivia’s face light up when Do You Want to Build a Snowman and Let It Go came on… priceless!  A couple of kids from Jacob’s class came, and some of our friends brought their kids, and we jumped for an entire hour.  Once the hour was up, we had our own party room where they served pizza and cake, and Jacob opened presents.  They also sent in their mascot, a kangaroo, for the kids to take pictures with, and Jacob got to pull a special prize out of his pouch – a t-shirt! 

Olivia and her future husband, Mack.  Hehe.

Five of my girlfriends and I all had babies within a year of each other, so here's the group!  Look at all of those sweet faces!

It’s safe to say that it was everything that Jacob had dreamed of, and we will definitely be going back!

We spent Saturday afternoon putting together new toys, opening new gifts (a bike and a couple of Lego sets from Mommy and Daddy) and playing.  Jacob was excited about the bike, so we'll see how this goes... he's always been very timid about trying new things.

Saturday evening we met my father-in-law and the rest of B’s fam at Carrabba’s for dinner to celebrate Jacob again, as well as my sister-in-law, Jennifer, for her birthday that was one week prior.  We headed back to his house afterward where we had Key Lime Pie (Jacob’s request – LOL) and cookie cake (Jennifer’s request – a girl after my own heart) and they both opened their gifts. 

B and I ended the evening at home with a couple of episodes of Friday Night Lights, and I’m happy to say that it has started to pick up a bit!  I’m still not obsessed with it like I was Parenthood, but it’s definitely getting better.

Sunday we had lunch at my mother-in-law’s where we celebrated Jacob and Jennifer again.  Brian's mom and step-dad cooked all of our favorite things, and Jacob got his beloved "Batman House," the only thing he's been talking about for the last three weeks since he saw it at Barnes & Noble.  

Do you think he was excited?  Lol

Sunday evening we celebrated Jacob with my family at my momma and daddy’s house.  Momma made sausage and mashed potatoes per Jacob's request and then we had more cake and opened more presents.  This weekend was definitely not short of celebrations, that’s for sure!

OMG, he's going to kill me one day for this.

I’m so thankful that everything went off without a hitch, and I’m so thankful that we now have a five year old!  How did that happen?! 

And if you missed it, I wrote a letter to him on the blog on Saturday.  I don’t typically post on Saturdays, but I made an exception since it was my first born’s special day.  :o)

Have a great week, all!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending.


  1. Look at that sweet Star Wars lovin' little boy! What a special weekend. His face says it all in these pictures. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE how your mom made him sausage & mashed potatoes from his birthday interview. I just want to hug your mama!

  2. Definitely a close call with the kids before the festivities started but so happy that Jacob had the best time at his birthday party!! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  3. Oh my goodness not only one but two close calls. So glad that all worked out friend. And talk about some AMAZING cakes. Random, Emily my 5 year old, loves key lime pie too. What is that all about?!?!

    Such a fun weekend celebrating such a special boy!

  4. Oh my goodness what a fun weekend of celebrating!! I'm SO happy everyone was well for the party!! All of his cakes were amazing and that trampoline place looks awesome! We have one of those by us and I already think that's where Brayden's 7th birthday will be! Jacobs face opening that Batman toy is priceless! That's what it's all about right there! And those crayon candles, I love those!!

  5. Ohhhh Linds, what an AMAZING weekend of celebrations! His smiles say it all. And those cakes....beautiful. He is such a sweet little dude and I've so enjoyed watching him grow this last year. You and your husband have so much to be proud of :)

  6. So, so happy you guys ended up having a great weekend!!!! All his cakes look amazing and I just LOVE the pictures of him opening presents - such a joyous look on his face!!!! Happy birthday to him again!

  7. Our boys birthdays were so similar. Ha ha, trampoline parks and bicycles. :) looks like such a great weekend. Love all of the cakes. So glad the sickies stayed away.

  8. Yay!!! What a special day! And all that cake!!! Man, you guys really know how to celebrate! Honestly, when you post birthday stuff it makes me want to bake or buy a cake for my family and friends for their birthdays...all of Jacob's cake are the cutest...and all that effort on both sides of the family is awesome. You have such a sweet family! I'm so happy everyone woke up happy and healthy. BTW, loooooooove the picture of Jacob on his new bike! Happy Birthday, sweet boy!!!

  9. How fun! I personally wouldl LOVE to go to an indoor trampoline park haha. I think they look so fun

  10. So glad everyone was healthy and happy over the weekend!! Jacob's birthday party looked like a blast! He looks so happy in all of the photos! :)

    1. Thank you, Brandi! It was definitely a great weekend! Thank goodness everyone stayed well. :o)

  11. Wow so much fun and so much cake. Happy Birthday Jacob!!! I love the trampoline parks too. We went to one for a friends kids birthday in January and the girls had fun in the toddler room. Such great idea for a party.

  12. Wow...I can't even begin to imagine how stressed you might have felt. Kiddos getting sick and a party to finish planning! Glad everything turned out well and the party looked like such a fun time! So much yummy cake everywhere, love it! And I love his little smile, glad he had a great birthday!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  13. Poor Olivia. I remember you mentioning this happened before. Could it be somehow related to nerves? Were the other instances prior to an event of some sort? The only reason I ask is because my sister had this issue when she was little. Whenever we’d get ready to go on a trip (whether it be a trip somewhere for the day or a full blown vacation), she’d start throwing up. After one or two times, she’d be fine, but it never failed whenever we tried to do something fun as a family, kid started barfing. Regardless, glad both kids ended up healthy for the weekend! The trampoline party sounded like it was so much fun and Jacob looked like he had a blast! I love that he requested key lime pie for his birthday - so cute! So glad you guys had a great weekend celebrating! Happy birthday to Jacob!!

  14. Mmm those donuts... and cakes look so delicious! Glad all the celebrations look like a blast!

  15. Donuts...great way to start off the weekend, healthy people and donuts! What a wonderful weekend of celebration! :)

  16. That looks like such a special and fun weekend! So glad everyone remained healthy for it!

  17. OMG I want to celebrate my birthday like Jacob!!! You guys gave him such a special weekend!!! All the cakes were amazing... and the look on his face about the Batman house?? that is priceless. I'm so glad he had such a wonderful time!

  18. okay that Sia pic made me nearly pee my pants!!
    Also, holy cakes!!!!! What a lucky guy to have such an awesome celebration!!! Hope you guys have an awesome week and happy belated birthday Jacob!!

  19. It looks like he had so much fun celebrating his birthday over the weekend! He's such a cute, sweet kid! XOXO


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