
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A Few Things Y'all May Not Know About Me... Quirks

Today I’m linking up with Andrea to share some of my quirks.  I figured it would be a good way for you guys to really get to know me… to get deep down into my psyche… Haha, just kidding.  Y’all don’t wanna be in here!  And since you can’t (and probably don’t want to), then I thought that I would just share a few of my weird “things.”

Y’all, go ahead and settle in because you’re in for a treat.  ;o)

+ I shave my legs every single day of the year.  Every. Single. Day.  I can’t stand stubble or obviously anything longer, so I literally shave every day.  There have been several times recently where I’ve had to skip a day and it totally freaks me out.  I really need to look into getting lasered.  Think about all of the money and time I would save!

+ I will not eat anything on a bone.  It grosses me out terribly.  Give me processed chicken fingers over fresh fried chicken any day!

+ I have to eat M&Ms in twos.  And I have to eat two of the same color each time.  I’m aware that the different colors are not different flavors, so it really doesn’t matter, but it matters to me.  #OCD

+ And speaking of doing things in twos, if I do more than one exclamation mark after a sentence, I have to do them in either twos or fours.  Same with emojis – if I send more than one, then I always sent them in twos or fours.  You’ll never see three exclamation marks or three emojis from me… go ahead, I’ll wait right here while you go check all of your old texts/comments/emails/messages from me… trust me, you won’t find any in threes… I’ve been doing this for years.

+ Whenever I interact with cash, all of the bills must be facing the same way and the largest bills must be on the top.  I was a bank teller for a couple of years while I was in college, so I used to handle a lot of money.  And you can bet that every single bill was facing the same direction… and all of the little guys on the bills had to face me.  :o)

+ I don’t like any of my food touching on my plate… and Jacob has also inherited this from me.  Just the other day he put his taco on the table because he would have rather had it there than brushing up against his beans or his tortilla chips on his plate.   

+ When I sit in a restaurant (or pretty much any room for that matter), I like to face the majority of the room… and I also like to face the door if possible.  Please don’t ever make me face a wall… I will go insane.

+ I also like to sit smack in the middle of a table as well.  I like to have the same amount of people on each side of me for the symmetry.  If I don’t have that, I feel unbalanced.  I’ve learned to get used to it since we had kids because we’re often stuck down at the end of a table since we have to sit in a spot convenient for a high chair. 

+ I only drink milk if it’s ice cold… and I literally put ice cubes in it to get it that way.  It grosses me out if it’s anything less than ice cold.  And I only drink it if it’s accompanied with sweets. 

+ I refuse to drink beer in a can.  It just doesn’t taste good.  I’ll take it in a bottle, or you can pour it out of the can and into a glass for me, but in a can?  No thank you.

+ And speaking of canned drinks, as far as Coke, Root Beer, and all other sodas go, I like them the best in the can.  And don’t put ice in them… I hate when carbonated beverages get watered down!

+ I am a germaphob and I have Wet Ones Antibacterial hand wipes everywhere – in my car, on my desk at work, in my purse, in the kids’ diaper bag – and I use them constantly.  After I pump gas, I will not touch anything in my car until I have thoroughly wiped down my hands.  And then I wipe down my steering wheel and all other things inside the car that get touched daily – the door handle, the A/C knob, the volume and presets, the gear shifter… everything.  I wipe my hands and phone down every time we go to a restaurant, but I always wait until after the waitress/waiter has picked up the menus from the table... I don’t even want to think about the germs that are on those things.  Yuck.  I even wipe my hands before communion at church because I’m worried about the germs that I may have picked up from shaking everyone’s hands just prior.  I have a problem.

So do you think I’m a weirdo yet?  I could keep going, but I’ll stop now while I’m ahead…  Am I even still ahead?   

What are some of your quirks? 


*Linking up with Momfessionals for Show and Tell Tuesday, Our Pretty Little Girls for Tuesday Talk



  1. I love these posts! I am with you on the M&M's. I always eat them by color and usually by twos. Sometimes if there is three of the same color, I have them all together because I don't like just having one. I have never thought to put ice cubes in milk, but I always have to have it right out of the fridge so it's the coldest. Maybe I will try the ice cube thing next time!

  2. I'm the same way with M&M's. I do 2 at a time. Everyone's got their little quirks. Ha ha!

  3. Haha this made me laugh!! I've never thought about the way I eat M&Ms.. probably by the handful 😂 I've got some weird quirks and I love reading all about yours!

  4. I love these! And I love cold diluted milk but with sweet too. And I wish I was more of a germaphobe.

  5. Lol I definitely think we all have our quirks. It was fun reading about your today. I shave EVERY single day too. It takes just a couple of minutes and I can't even stand to have pokey legs. I'll seriously flip out.

  6. LOL this was so great!! I cannot believe you shave every day!! I'm at like once a week, ha ha!! well, except for summer :) I'll drink beer out of a can if I have to, but it's not my favorite way at all.

  7. Sounds completely normal to me my friend!! I too do many of these; germaphobe..yep.. and the facing the room..oh yeah, problem is my husband likes to face it too, lol. I shave every day too but many winter days just knee down, lol. This was so fun!!

    1. Haha. Luckily Brian doesn't care where he sits, so we don't have that problem!

  8. I'm with you on meat on a bone. SO disgusting. Then again, I hardly ever eat any meat to begin with! I laughed at the exclamation marks because I will only every do 1 or 3. 2 or 4 just looks wrong to me! Haha!

    1. Haha! So crazy! And yes, meat on a bone - UGH! Everyone things I'm crazy because I'm from the south and I don't eat fried chicken! Ha!

  9. I'm right there with you on the germs and shaving. There is not a day that I don't shave. I don't know how people can do a day or heaven forbid, days, longer than that. Can't not do it. And the germs. I try to not be a crazy about it, but after shaking someone's hand I so badly want to get my hand sanitizer out. haha. And also de-germ all the things. You're not alone!

  10. Visiting from the link up! :)

    I eat M&Ms by the colour too, although I need to eat them one at a time. I can't throw a handful in my mouth all at once. We have opposite opinions on soda though, I need to have soda with ice! I can't stand it when it's not ice cold.

  11. This post is too cute! I'm the same way about bones, so gross. I don't eat my M&M's in twos but I do with French fries and they have to be pretty close in length.

  12. I do not eat anything off of a bone either. It literally makes my stomach turn to even think about it. I have to quickly look away when I see people at fairs with those giant turkey legs. YUCK!

  13. I totally agree about carbonated drinks in cans - must be in a can versus a bottle or with ice! It's just better in a can for some reason :) I can't have my food touching either.. it's just not OK in my book!

    1. Agreed! I don't want my mashed potatoes tasting like green beans and vice versa!

  14. Oh my gosh, we have so many weird things in common, haha!! I have to shave me legs all the time, can't eat any meat off a bone, can't do ice in carbonated drinks, and I'm the same way with germs just with hand sanitizer! I use it constantlyyyyy. I need to get some of those wipes, too!

    1. Yes you do, girl!! Those wipes are amazing! They feel like they clean a lot better than just rubbing in some hand sanitizer. At least with the wipes you can wipe the germs OFF.

  15. I used to be sooo OCD about lots of the things you mentioned, having a toddler and a teenager doesn't give me all the time I used to have so things don't bother me as much!

    1. Yeah, I guess you learn to live with things when you have littles running around and messing everything up. It's hard being a germaphob with them around because they're just so gross!

  16. I can relate to so many of these!! Especially the ice in carbonated beverages, the germaphobe and the cash ones! I'm a former bank teller, too!! Which probably brought on my fear of germs, now that I think about it!! Ugh, money is so gross, but yes, it must face in the same direction!
    Have a great day!! :)

  17. Lol, oh my gosh. I can't believe you shave your legs everyday! What a chore. I've been wanting to look into laser too. I agree, no ice in my soda either. I have friends who can't stand their food touching, cracks me up.

  18. Girl I don't know how you shave every day! I can barely manage Once a week. I'm not gross or anything but my hair is pretty thin so it's not noticeable. I'm also the same way with my cash! They need to all be facing the same way or i'll go nuts lol

    1. Haha. I shave so often it literally only takes about 2-3 minutes, so it's really not that big of a deal, but I guess when you add that up, it's almost 15-20 minutes per week that I waste! Maybe I should train myself to not be bothered by the stubble.

  19. So funny about the money! I have to have all of my bills facing the same way, in order from ones to twenties, in my wallet. But here in the upper midwest, it's not quirky to stop shaving from fall through spring!

    1. Yes, it drives me NUTS when people hand me a stack of cash with all of the bills facing different ways. I'm like, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!" Haha.

  20. I used to shave my legs every single day and then I just don't have the time anymore. I do shave often, but not daily anymore! The food touching reminds me so much of my sister. She is the same way! I am the same with milk. I hate warm milk and I only want it with sweets. Haha. I love these quirks! I have many of them too. I think we all do.

  21. Haha, love it! This made me actually laugh out loud reading. I am pretty similar on a lot of these. I shave every day too, haha!

  22. Love it! I am with you on symmetry and not facing a wall at the restaurant! I am a germaphobe too and I hate the salt/pepper shakers at the restaurant. They gross me out almost as bad as the menus! :)

    1. Yessss, salt and pepper shakers are the worst! I always take a napkin and wrap it around them so I don't have to touch them. Haha.

  23. I always eat little candy like M and Ms and Skittles two by two, with matching colors! My wallet is always a MESS with the money going everywhere. It drives Matt nuts! I would have been a terrible bank teller!

  24. Agreed- beer not in cans. Always. It tastes way better.

  25. I love these posts! And yea, beer in cans, yuck! And eating things on a bone, gross! I have issues eating anything in the shape of when it was alive, like lobster, I'll eat lobster, but please take it out of the shell. I start thinking about their life before it was on plate, then I just get sad and grossed out.


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