
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

What's Up Wednesday

Well, in yesterday’s post, I ended by saying I’d be back today with the second half of our mountain getaway recap, but I completely forgot about What’s Up Wednesday!!  I always love my WUW posts, so I couldn’t not do one, so for those of you looking for the second half of our mountain trip, it will be up tomorrow.  :o)

What We’re Eating This Week

Monday – Tacos

Tuesday – BBQ Chicken, garlic mashed potatoes, and honey glazed carrots

Wednesday – B has tennis, so I’ll likely whip up grilled cheese sandwiches with an assortment of fruit for the kids, and then B will grab Bojangles for us on the way home.  I always look forward to my chicken and biscuits on Wednesday nights… it’s like a little reward for having the kids by myself all evening.  Haha.

Thursday – Shay's Sausage & Vodka Pasta with broccoli… one of my all-time faves!

Friday – We will probably go out somewhere, and if we don’t, we will grab some take-out and bring it home.

Saturday – We’ll be settling in for a loooong day of football and our game is at 3:30, so we’ll probably be calling for a pizza or something… no time to cook and no time to go anywhere!

Sunday – Usually we have dinner at my Momma and Daddy’s house, but they will just be getting back in town from visiting my bro and sis-in-law in Texas, so I’m not sure if she will cook.  I’m sure we’ll do something with them, though, because at that point it will have been two weeks since we’ve seen them and I know the kiddos will want some Pop and Cokie lovin’! 

What I’m Reminiscing About

Our trip to the mountains!  Oh man, it was the trip that fall dreams are made of.  If you missed it, you can see my recap in numbers here and the first half of the recap of the trip here.  The second half of the recap will be up tomorrow.

What I’m Loving

Sweet emails from blogger friends that make me tear up. 
Eating the sweet and crunchy apples that we picked in the mountains. 
Videos of my little baby nephew that my brother and SIL are always sending to me.
That Jacob got a perfect report card and his teacher had nothing but great things to say about him.
That Olivia has pooped on the potty several times these last couple of weeks.
Salted Caramel Mochas from Starbucks.
Walking on the treadmill at the gym a couple of times per week.
The gorgeous fall leaves.
The crisp fall weather in the mornings.
Foot rubs from B on Friday night while we catch up on our shows.

What We’ve Been Up To

Doing all of the #basic fall things and I don’t even care if I’m basic because it’s so. much. fun.  Pumpkin Patching, pumpkin spice latte guzzling, football watching, and aaaall the things we did in the mountains.  We even took Jacob to his very first Georgia game at the beginning of the month and it was a blast!

What I’m Dreading

We have our family pictures this weekend and Jacob still has two black eyes.  I’m praying for a miracle that they will be totally faded by then, but it’s not looking good.  Dang it.

Here’s our family Christmas card pic from last year!  You can see the rest here.

What I’m Working On

Christmas shopping!  Oh yes I am.

What I’m Excited About

Halloween on Monday!!  The kids are so excited and I think I’m almost as excited as they are!  I’m going to take off of work a little early so we will have time to get dinner and get them ready for trick-or-treating.  My parents are going to come over like they always do, and I’m sure we’ll turn on It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown at the end of the evening.  We’ll probably let the kiddos stay up a little later than usual as a special treat.  Here are the kids' costumes!

What I’m Watching/Reading

Watching – This is Us, Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, Shark Tank, and The Odd Couple.  We’re also still binge watching Friday Night Lights, but we only have one episode left and I’m torn between watching it because I’m dying to see the ending and not watching it because I don’t want it to be over.  Lol.  Somebody please tell me I’m not crazy! 

And Coach Taylor, please don’t go! 

Netflix, it’s time to bring back, FNL, do you hear me?!

Reading – I had just started The Nest by Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney when I posted my last What's Up Wednesday post, and let’s just say that I’ve barely even cracked it open since then.  It’s SO boring, you guys.  I tried to read more of it in the car on the way to the mountains and I finally decided that it was dumb to force myself to read something that I didn’t really have to read.  Therefore, I have given it up. 

I just started Someday, Someday Maybe by Lauren Graham (yes, Lorelai from Gilmore Girls) and it is pretty good so far.  I’m only a couple of chapters in, so it’s hard to really tell just yet.  Who even knew that she had written a book, though?

And I’m also reading Balancing in Heels by Kristin Cavallari.  

Finally, a PSA for Nicholas Sparks lovers – he has a new book!!  Eek!  This will be what I’m reading next!

What I’m Listening To

Since we were on vacation for the last few days, I’ve been listening to a whole lot of Frozen coming from the backseats of the car.  Other than that, I’m getting ready to download Michael Buble’s new album that just came out this week (so exciting!), and I’m also gearing up for… Christmas music!!!!  November 1 is the official day that it is acceptable to start listening to Christmas music in my book, so t-minus six days until I’ll be riding down the highway blasting “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!”  And guys, Pentatonix has another new Christmas album coming out… I’m all over it!  Have you heard their version of Hallelujah?  It gives me chills.  I love them.

What I’m Wearing

Well, in the mountains, I was wearing a whole lot of this:

But now that we’re back from the mountains, I’m wearing a whole lot of this:

Y’all, seriously, what the heck is up with the weather this year?!?!  Our 10 day forecast shows highs in the mid-80s every. single. day.  It’s the never-ending summer.  I think we’re breaking records.  And it’s sure not going to feel very Christmasy rocking a sleeveless shirt and open-toe shoes.  Sigh.

What I’m Doing This Weekend

As previously mentioned, we have our family photo shoot this Saturday.  We are doing a sunrise session so I can’t wait to see what kind of gorgeous shots our photog gets! 

Aside from that, we’re doing a whole lot of relaxing – football watching, maybe a little bit of pumpkin carving, and just… hanging out.  Sounds like heaven after our busy vacation weekend last weekend.

What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month

Christmas music.
A Saturday with my girlfriends and all of our hubbies and kids for my friend’s housewarming party.
A day off from work to spend the entire day with just my babe.
Attending another Georgia game, this time with our sweet friends.
Lots of time with all of our loved ones.
Christmas music.
The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Decorating for Christmas.
Snuggly socks and fleece pajama pants.
Christmas music.
Christmas movies.
And fingers crossed for our first fire in the fire place if the weather will cooperate.

So much to look forward to, and so much to be thankful for.

Like… Christmas music.  :o)

What Else Is New

Nothing earth shattering, but I sure am loving this season of life right now.  It’s crazy and it’s stressful and it’s messy, but it’s also wonderful and beautiful and oh-so-sweet.  I’m so thankful every single day for my wonderful hubby, our two beautiful babies, and this life that we have built together.  So thankful.

*Linking up with Shay, Mel, and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday and Jessi's Design and Going the Distance for What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday.


  1. Girl seeing what you are listening to and that you've been Christmas shopping just makes me so happy! I'm not trying ot rush the fall season because it's my favorite, but I am getting a little bit excited for Christmas. Let me know how the Nicholas Sparks book is. I want ot read it too.

  2. So yeah, I totally forgot it was WUW today, Gah!!

    I've always wanted to try Shay's vodka sauce recipe, now I'll have to! I know my hubby and Brayden would love it.

    I had no idea Lauren Graham wrote a book!? I'll have to check it out. How is Balancing in Heels?? I think I'll try that Nicholas Sparks book too!

  3. So much fun stuff going on. Your list for next month made me giddy, GIDDY! I simply CAN NOT wait for all the festivities to go down. I didn't even think about the eyes and the family photos :(. Oh goodness lady. I am praying, praying, praying they fade fast. Happy Hump Day!

  4. I really need to start listening to Christmas music.

  5. Such a great WUW!! Yep, on Tuesday, the day after Halloween, I turn it to the Holiday Happenings station and that where it stays. Love it!! You and baby girl are the sweetest fashionistas!!! Love!!

    1. YES! I've been doing the Christmas music on 11/1 thing since I was little! It is something that I look forward to every single year!

  6. I listened to Lauren Graham's audio book and it was so cool because she read it herself! It made it even better for me.

    1. That is so cool! I bet all of the GG and Parenthood fans would LOVE that!

  7. I cannot wait to start listening to Christmas music. I also need to get Pentatonix new Christmas album. They are so amazing. You and your daughter have the best outfits!

  8. I read balancing in heels as well and I'm really looking forward to her cook book next year! Cheers to Christmas shopping, way to go!

  9. Love your outfits - so cute from the Mountains :) I've started to listen to Christmas music this week and it's glorious!

    1. So exciting! And yes, it is definitely glorious! I can't wait until Tuesday!

  10. I was thinking about you guys and your family photos. I hope they turn out beautifully. And if Jacob still has a black eye, then you will always have the stories. We are supposed to have our photos taken this weekend, but I am still super sick, so we have to change them :( I want to make that vodka sauce soon. When I have a kitchen. Ha. I can't wait for Christmas and the holidays!

  11. Yes to Salted Caramel Mocha's...they need to make them year-round! They are my fave! I totally stopped by and got one on Monday after reading your post. I often forget about them with the PSL hype. Hope you have a great day!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  12. I can't wait to see your family pictures!!! Our family pictures are 10 days away and I still have no clue what we are wearing!! Have a great Wednesday.

    1. Good luck finding out what to wear! I'm still undecided on my outfit so I need to get busy!

  13. LOL, Christmas music. I can't wait to see your pictures, I'm sure they are going to be fantastic! And sunrise, yikes, that's early! I couldn't imagine my kids being functional at that time...even with the late sunrise! :) Good luck, bring lots of bribes...we told the kids smile for this and you get a gummy bear...who doesn't want a gummy bear at 7am? hehe.

  14. A fellow Georgian!! Hasn't our weather been amazing the past few weeks?!!

    I'm obsessing over those adorable outfit pictures with your daughter! What a cute idea!

    1. Well hey there, fellow Georgian! I don't know too many bloggers 'round these parts! And thank you! I love dressing up with her!

  15. I just heard Penatonix version of hallelujah and oh my gosh is it amazing - have you listened to it?! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  16. The highs are still in the mid-80s on many days here. I love the kids' costumes!

  17. I love this entire post! I am working backwards on catching up with posts, but loved the last part of your mountain trip. I wish the weather would cool down here...supposed to be in the eighties the next few days - what in the world?! I cannot wait to see your Christmas pictures - specifically which outfit you decided to go for. :)


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