
Monday, November 7, 2016

First Weekend of November

What a great weekend it was!

We kicked it off with dinner and drinks downtown at one of our favorite local restaurants where I had my favorite salad in the whole wide world – steak tips, strawberries, pecans, and crumbled goat cheese over a bed of fresh spinach, topped with a poppy seed dressing… heaven.  Pure heaven. 

After that, we strolled around downtown a bit as there were a bunch of local artists selling their artwork as well as some live music.  After walking off our dinner we stopped in for some frozen yogurt – pumpkin for me, of course – and then we headed home to get the kiddos in the bed.  B and I ended the night with an episode of Gilmore Girls (which I’m loving) and an episode of Stranger Things (which I’m hating).  Haha.

Saturday, we were invited to one of my girlfriends’ houses for a housewarming party so we got ready and headed to their house in the late morning.  But not before Olivia colored all over our beautiful stone colored couch with a bright red crayon.  -_-

Fortunately I was able to get it out with carpet cleaner and it didn’t take the color out of the couch.  Whew.  That girl, I swear she is a handful.

Anyhoo, we spent the late morning and all afternoon with all of my girlfriends, the husbands, and our eight million kids.  Ok, our ten kids.  They had a huge spread of food – ham and cheese sliders, Chick-fil-A nuggets, jalapeno corn dip, Mexican dip, meatballs, fresh fruit, cookies, pumpkin dip, and an assortment of chips… it was a feast of yummy tailgating foods. 

The weather was absolute perfection because fall finally decided to join us, so we all sat outside and caught up as the kiddos played.  They had rented a bouncy house so it kept them busy pretty much the entire time we were there. 

It was SO GOOD catching up with all of my favorite ladies and their husbands and kids all at the same time.  It’s so hard to get all of us together at the same time these days… it seems like someone is always missing due to people being out of town/at events/having sick kids/etc. 

We knew we wanted to get a big group picture of all of the ladies with all of our babies.  And believe me, it’s impossible to have everyone looking at the camera at the same time!  We took about 20 pictures to get this one and that was as good as it was going to get!  It’s hard to believe that six years ago NONE of us had kids, and now we have TEN.  T-E-N.  Still blows my mind.  I guess we’re all grown up, huh?  Sometimes that’s still hard to believe, too…

Most of these girls have been in my life for close to two decades.  So crazy to think that I’ve been friends with some of these ladies for longer than I haven’t been friends with them… does that make sense?  I’m so thankful for each and every one of them. 

We left mid-afternoon to put Olivia down for a late nap while Jacob hung out in his room and colored, and then it was up and off to church where both kiddos were on their best behavior.  Jacob decided to go to the childrens’ liturgy for the first time, which made me so happy… he’s usually really shy and prefers to stay with us the entire time, but Saturday night he finally decided to go join some of the other kids for their own special time of prayer and he really enjoyed it!

After mass, we met my parents at Panera for a quick dinner, and then it was time to head home to watch the Georgia game.  We ended up squeaking out a win in the last second (literally) which was a relief since we’ve lost so many this season.

Sunday was spent making pumpkin cinnamon rolls for breakfast, watching the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special, and being lazy all morning until it was time to go to B’s mom and step-dad’s for lunch.

After lunch, the kids played in the back yard and they helped Nana pick some lettuce and red peppers and peas.  Olivia shucked the peas and ate a couple straight from the pod only to remember that she doesn’t like peas, and she promptly spit them right out.  Haha.  That girl.

Sunday evening was spent at my parents’ house for Sunday dinner – wine, spaghetti, salad, bread with oil and spices, and brownies for dessert.  Good conversation, lots of laughter, and lots of family time.  Makes my heart sing! 

Have a great week!  I have a short one as I’m off for Veterans Day on Friday, so I’m already counting down the days until the long weekend!  B is going to take the day off with me and the kids are both going to school, so we will have the entire day to ourselves!  Woo hoo!!

Happy Monday, friends!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending.


  1. What a fun weekend!! Love catching up with friends like that!
    Oh those Dawgs! We were in Mexico but were streaming it our phones!! That was a close one! HA

    1. Yes it most definitely was. I fear that this weekend may be worse. EEK.

  2. Oh no your couch! So glad you got that out. Nothing scarier than a two year old with a crayon ;-) and YAY for a hubby day Friday-already excited for you and it's only Monday those are just the best.

  3. You guys had a blast. Gotta love enjoying time with friends and family on the weekend. Enjoy your day with B! :)

  4. I'm glad you were able to get the crayon out of the couch! I would have freaked out haha! And I'm glad you got to hang out with your girlfriends on Saturday! I know you are so pumped about Friday....I would be too!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  5. What a great weekend!! The party on Saturday sounds like the best - good friends, food and finally fall!!! I love how Olivia "remembered" she didn't like peas. That is totally something I would have done as a kid. Too funny!

  6. What a fun weekend! I love Jacob's bedhead in the couch picture. so stinking sweet!

  7. What a house warming party - looked like a blast!! I'm so glad you were able to get the red color out of the couch - quick thinking on your part!! I started watching episodes of GG this weekend as well - to prep for the release this month LOL! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  8. Yay for getting together with your friends! How fun and umm...what a great idea about renting a bounce house! Those things are awesome! Oh and all the food you had all weekend!? Yummy yummy!

  9. Your weekend looked perfect!! How awesome to have such a good group of girlfriends, who all have kiddos! None of my friends have kids and it is so hard. Thankfully all of the hubby's friends do and the wives and I have become good friends, otherwise I think I would cry ha ha.

    I love Olivia's topknot in those last pictures! She reminds me so much of Ella and Avery, such sneaky little girls!!

  10. So glad you were able to get that crayon off the couch, I have had some of those moments too. So we watched home this weekend (for the 15th time) so when I read house warming party I thought warming of house party, baha ha! I watch to many kid movies. Looks like a great weekend and I hope your Monday is awesome friend!

  11. What a gorgeous looking group my friend! You're all so stinking beautiful! OK, so I had a red crayon on the walls one time when my boys were little but never on the couch. Thank goodness you got it out! Hope Monday treat you marvelous gorgeous!

    1. Thank you so much, Andrea! You are a lucky, lucky lady to have never experienced the crayon on the couch. Fortunately it came out pretty easily!

  12. What a fun weekend with friends. Glad you were able to get the crayon off of the couch. I once colored my grandmother's walls, it didn't come off. She was so mad, oh so mad. Oops! We laugh about it now but back then I didn't think she was ever gonna talk to us again. My twin and I could be very bad little girls. haha

  13. What a FUN filled weekend! Those cinnamon rolls look so good! I could totally go for one today, to along with my pumpkin spice coffee! So lucky you get a short week! Hope you have a good week and it flies by!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  14. It looks like such a fun weekend! Yumm pumpkin cinnamon rolls and a Charlie Brown special sounds perfect! We've experienced crayon on the couch as well. So not fun, but maybe future little artists?! Beautifully Candid

  15. Sounds like the perfect weekend. So glad Fall decided to grace you with its presence. I love the Fall. Wine and spaghetti are my favorites. So that is a winner in my book. I am still laughing at Olivia for spitting out the peas. Peas are the best. My kids don't like them either. Have a great week!

  16. Sounds like a fun weekend girl! Red Crayon? WHEW! So glad you were able to get that out! This is why I love my washable slip covers haha makes my life so much easier!

    1. Yeah, we got lucky! And man, it would be so nice to have slipcovers to take off and throw in the wash!

  17. What an awesome group of friends, Linds. That is so cool. Love the big pic of everyone. Glad fall is finally appearing for you. We've had some pretty great weather with a little dip in the colder range here and there, but I've enjoyed this fall so far! Glad you got some good fam time in too!

  18. What an awesome get together. I just love getting together with old friends, it's so fun and makes my heart happy. Sometimes I feel, are we even old enough to have kids?

  19. So glad you were able to get the crayon out of the couch! And yay for time with old friends, always good for the soul. Cheers to a fabulous week <3
    Green Fashionista

  20. Oh no, I'm so glad you were able to get the crayon out of the couch! I would have panicked!! Fun friend and family time too! Hope you have a great week!

  21. Lindsay, our couch is very similar and Windex always takes out crayon, milk, grease...whatever. I mean, it's not like my sweet little angels have ever acted out, but...ya know!!!
    It looks like you had a fun weekend! So glad you had some time to catch up with your girlfriends. Cherish those friendships!!

  22. Sounds like a great weekend! Family and friend time is the absolute best time! I am so glad you were able to get the crayon out of your couch. Sweet girl just wanted to share her artwork. haha ;)


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