
Thursday, November 3, 2016

Halloween 2016

Tired of Halloween recaps yet?  Hopefully not, because it’s myyyy turn!

We had the best Halloween yet!  The kids are just at the very best ages for this kind of stuff right now – old enough to know how everything works and to really understand it, but young enough to still be really, really excited about it!  These are such magical ages for holidays… we are definitely in for a treat this Christmas!

Anyway, Halloween evening, B and I both took off of work a little early so we could be home in time to get the kiddos ready.  We made a pizza and had a quick dinner at five so the kids would be fueled and ready to go.  After dinner, B helped the Stormtrooper into his costume, and I helped transform Olivia into Belle from Beauty and the Beast for the evening.  I helped her into her dress and gold glitter slippers, and then I put her hair in a little bun and topped it off with a crown.  I asked her if she wanted to wear a little bit of my lipstick, and she was completely over the moon!! 

She had never worn lipstick before, and you should have seen the faces that she kept making all night because of it.  She was extremely aware of it, so she kept pursing her little lips and really favoring them as to not wear off the lipstick.  It was SO funny.  I took so many pictures of her faces throughout the night! 

My parents and B’s dad met up at our house and we headed outside around 5:45 to get some pictures before the trick-or-treating started.

My parents are always kind enough to hand out candy at our house while we take the kids to trick-or-treat, so they got comfy on the front porch as we set out.

This year we went to more houses than ever since the kiddos are a little older and bigger.  Jacob didn’t like not having full range of sight with his helmet on, so we let him take it off between houses and then we put it back on just before he rang the doorbells at each house.  Olivia was such a big girl and she walked around all evening by herself with the exception of a long stretch in one part of the neighborhood where there were no houses.  She also carried her own candy bucket for most of the night.  Every time I would offer to take it, she would tell me no, but toward the end it was so full and heavy that she finally let me relieve her for a few minutes. 

One of our neighbors had built a scary haunted house on their front porch and Jacob was totally stoked about going.  I thought for sure he would chicken out the closer we got, but nope, he just walked right up and went in it all by himself!  Olivia… not so much.  When Jacob came out, I was worried he’d be upset or at the very least a bit creeped out, but nope.  He just raised his little eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders and he was ready to move on to the next house!  Haha. 

We got home from trick-or-treating a little after seven, and for the rest of the evening we sat on the front porch while the kiddos ate more candy than they’ve ever had in one sitting.  I was so worried somebody was going to get a tummy ache, but fortunately everyone was OK!  Jacob took on the duty of handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters, and he did a great job!  And I think we had more trick-or-treaters than ever this year!  

We went inside around 8.  Normally the kids are already in bed around this time, but we let them stay up late as a treat.  We skipped baths and went straight for the Halloween PJs (plus a crown for Olivia - hehe), and then we all settled down on the couch for our annual tradition of watching It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.  

We made lots of memories and had way too much fun and the entire evening was a success! 

And then on the way upstairs to go to bed, Jacob said something that Olivia didn’t like and she proceeded to yell, “YOU A BLOCKHEAD, JAAAAY-COB!”

I think we’ve had enough Charlie Brown for one season.

I hope you all enjoyed your Halloween

*Linking up with Home of Malones for Thoughts for Thursday.


  1. They look so adorable in their costumes! Sounds like a great night with family. We enjoyed passing out candy once we got home too. And the kids watched It's a Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown after we got back. Thanks for that idea.

  2. So precious! Sounds like the perfect Halloween!

  3. Oh my goodness! How cute are they?! Looks and sounds like a successful Halloween!

  4. Baha ha! I loved Olivia with the helmet on and her calling Jacob a blockhead sounds JUST like my girls post Charlie Brown. Oh my goodness, silly kids. It looks like you had a pretty perfect Halloween!

  5. Ahhhh they look so so cute!! I'm so glad they had the best time this year, you're right, they are in the magical age for sure!! I am impressed Jacob wasn't scared of the haunted house! Olivia with that lipstick is just adorable!!

  6. So precious and what great memories!! I miss the boys that little and Halloween times. You are one BOO BABE!! Love it!!

    1. Thank you, Andrea! It was definitely our best Halloween yet!

  7. Your Halloween looks like it was a blast! They looked so cozy at the end of the night!

    1. Yep, we love to get cozy on the couch!! I love this sweet lil' family of mine!

  8. I have read on so many blogs that this was ‘the best Halloween yet’ and that just makes my heart so happy to hear! So glad you guys had a wonderful one. Your kiddos look precious and I love that the pup got in the pictures too.

    You a blockhead <<< I'm dying!!

  9. Aww Linds, how sweet. I was waiting for your recap. They looked SO good in their costumes and sounds like they were both troopers and totally into it this year. I was shocked too that Ben carried his bucket and went up by himself to the doors. Once he's talking it will be even more entertaining I'm sure. Glad it was such a success! P.S. - Your parents are adorable!

  10. Haha. I love the last quote. So cute. Looks like a great time. I can't wait to dress my girls up more and enjoy them being princesses. I wanted to dress them up as princesses, but Rory said no. He said they would want that soon enough, so let's go for something fun.

  11. What a perfect Halloween! Love their costumes! Oh and don't worry- I haven't done my recap yet from Halloween- you aren't the last.

  12. What a successful halloween!! Looks like they both had a blast! I saw the video today of the kids that were pranked by their parents about eating all their candy - you know the jimmy kimmel thing, and I thought of you - one of the little girls looked like Olivia LOL! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  13. I'm 28 and I still get excited about Halloween. :) The kids are so cute. I love Jacob's reaction to the haunted house. What was on the pizza you made?

  14. So cute! Love the costumes. Looks like they got a decent amount of candy. We had more trick or treaters this year than I expected. I went through 3 bags of candy, but I was also giving out pretty generous handfuls thinking I was going to be stuck with 3 large bags of candy! I did not want all that temptation lying around the house for the next month, lol.

  15. Nope, not tired of them! I love their costumes and your boo shirt was adorable!

    1. Thank you, Stef! Target!! They have the best graphic tees now!

  16. Love your Boo shirt! You have the prettiest princess & the bravest Storm Trooper around. It looks like you guys had the best time with your families, too.


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