
Monday, December 12, 2016

A Relaxing Weekend… Just What the Doctor Ordered


You hear that? 

That’s me breathing a sigh of relief. 

When you last left me on Friday you may remember I was super stressed after a long week of things going wrong.  Well, this weekend we had nothing out of the ordinary on the agenda, so I finally got to spend some time relaxing with my lovies as well as catching up on “life stuff”… you know, paperwork, bills, gift-wrapping, house-cleaning, etc. 

The weekend could not have been better!

Friday evening it was freezing out, so we decided to spend the evening at home.  We all got home around 5 and immediately put on our PJs.  We had pizza and beer (well, milk for the kiddos) for dinner, and then when we were done we all snuggled up on the couch together.  We put a fire in the fireplace, put together a bowl of graham crackers and peppermint marshmallows for some festive movie snacks, and we all snuggled under a big blanket and watched The Santa Clause. 

It.  Was.  Heaven. 

And just what I needed after the long, crappy week last week.

Saturday morning the kids let us sleep in until 8:30 so I felt completely recharged and ready for the day.  We spent the entire morning and afternoon at home in our PJs.  We made pumpkin cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and I finally had time to get caught up on lots of things.  The ants are gone (can I get an amen?!) so the pantry contents were all put away, I finally got the kids’ school artwork photographed and put out for recycling (sorry Jacob and Olivia when you read this in the future, but we were swimming in it), I got our massive pile of Christmas presents wrapped, I got a few things accomplished for the blog, and I finally got my to do list organized… now that I have a clearer picture of what’s actually going on for the next couple of weeks, I feel like I can conquer the world.  The to-do list might be a mile long, but at least I know what to expect.  Before this, I had notes scribbled on random pieces of paper, notes in my phone, notes on my calendar, notes in my planner.  I didn’t even know where to start and I felt like a chicken running around with my head cut off.

Oh, and did I mention that we also got about eight loads of laundry washed and put away? 

We sure did.  BOOM!  Take that, Saturday!

We ventured out to church Saturday evening and then joined my parents for Mexican and margaritas afterward.  The kids begged to stop by Dairy Queen on the way home, but that probably wasn’t even necessary as B and I would have probably wanted to stop there anyway.  Haha.

After the kiddos went to bed, B and I ate our Blizzards and watched a couple of episodes of GG by the fire, and then we called it a night.

Sunday morning was spent watching Frozen, snuggling on the couch, and getting a couple of other things done.  Jacob loved our elf, Cheek's, location on Sunday morning (can you spot him?), so I snapped a picture of him with him!  

Sunday at noon we headed over to my mother-in-law’s for lunch.  She and B’s step dad made chicken enchiladas and beef enchiladas along with a whole spread of refried beans, rice, broccoli, fresh fruit, and chicken nuggets for the kiddos.  It hit the spot!

After lunch we cleaned up and headed outside to let the kids burn off some steam.  Olivia wanted to hang out by the lake and Jacob was off playing with his cousin, Nathan. 

Sunday evening was spent at my parents’ house.  Momma made a roast, carrots, mashed potatoes, peas, and bread.  Man, we ate good yesterday!  And I snapped a quick pic of my parents' Christmas decor... isn't it so cozy?

This weekend was exactly what I needed, friends.  Exactly what I needed.  The perfect mix of relaxation and productivity.  I feel much more sane when I’m organized.  I don’t know how people get by just flying by the seats of their pants all the time… I wish I was one of those types of people, but y’all, I’m just not. 

Anyway, Monday, I’m coming for you!  And this week will be better!

I hope your weeks are wonderful, too!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending.


  1. So glad you had a great weekend!
    I am not a fly by the seat of your pants either girl...I'm with you! much more productive when I'm organized!!
    Hope your week is great!

    1. Thanks, Heather! And yes, I just don't know how people (like my husband - haha) do it!

  2. Yay for a great weekend after a crazy week. I hope this week is better and gives you a bit of a break. :)

  3. Can I have your weekend on repeat please?! What a relaxing, cozy, but productive weekend!

  4. Perfect weekend and your home is just so stinkin' magical, I would not want to leave! So glad you got to chill and rest and soak in the season! Happy festive week ahead beautiful!!

    1. Thanks, Andrea! The week is off to a great start! I'm hoping it stays that way! :o)

  5. So glad you were able to recharge and check things off the list this weekend. I hate when I am so frazzled, so I can definitely appreciate where you were coming from. Happy Monday!

  6. What a great weekend! I need to write my list down for the next two weeks. Things are starting to creep up on me!

  7. So glad you had a relaxing weekend!! It's easy to get overwhelmed this time of year and sitting back and enjoying a movie with the lights is exactly what we all need!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  8. Your weekend sounds perfect! I don't see a relaxing weekend in our cards until the new year :( But at least it's all fun stuff, but still, a relaxing night is much needed around here. I'm always so jealous of your amazing meals you eat on the weekends! And your parents house does look so cozy! Happy Monday!

  9. I am SO happy you had a relaxing weekend girl. When I read your Friday post yesterday I was hoping that your day was going well. I ended up feeling much better this Saturday and Sunday and finally feel recovered now. Here is to a MUCH better week for the both of us.

  10. What an awesome weekend! You guys look like you had a blast. I feel ya on the "things not going great lately," so it's always nice to have a break. Oh and those leggings made me melt!

  11. I'm not sure if I would have been more excited about the pumpkin cinnamon rolls or the 8 loads of laundry done and put away!! Holy smokes the laundry has not been ALL done and put away here in weeks. I totally am envious and needed your weekend!!! I am counting the days until we get some down time here. Have a great week!

    Shelly|The Queen in Between

  12. Pumpkin cinnamon rolls and a relaxing/productive Saturday...sign me up! Sounds like you had a great weekend and glad everything turned around for you. Have a wonderful Monday!

  13. Oh, Lindsay! I'm so happy for you and your much needed relaxing weekend! I know exactly how you feel. We have a snow day today and I'm so grateful because it means we can stay home one more day and get a few more things checked off our to-do list! I'm currently living off all those little notes and scribbles for my to-dos. I should probably sit down and organize it like you did! It's amazing what relaxation and a clear mind can do...not to mention all that delicious food you ate yesterday! Yummy! Oh and tooootal sidenote - Oh my gosh, Olivia's hair is getting soooo long! I can't believe how much it's grown!

  14. So glad you were able to recharge and relax! These kind of weekends are my favorite, for sure. Your kiddos and your pup are just precious!
    Your mom's decor...LOVE! Definitely looks cozy.
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  15. Sounds like a great weekend! What a perfect night on Friday with pizza, movies and snuggles. Then sleeping in on Saturday?!? I would have felt like a new woman. So glad you got to relax and have so many great moments with the family. Hope your week is a little less stressful this time around. Beautifully Candid

  16. Aw. Sounds like the best weekend. I love those. I got organized this weekend and it felt amazing. I cleaned out our hall closet and organized it all. I LOVE IT. Finally have everything together and not just thrown in there. I love nights in being cozy by the fire!!!

  17. Sounds like a much needed relaxing and cozy weekend, and love those festive movie snacks! And yay for the kiddos letting you sleep in too! Cheers to a much better week gurlie <3
    Green Fashionista

  18. I think I did eight loads of laundry on Friday, too. I was so excited to be all caught up...but, then people wore clothes this weekend. Ugh!!

  19. That sounds like pure perfection! Love cozy december weekends!

  20. DANG!! Eight loads of laundry? I like to knock all of my laundry out (well, the clothes- I do the bedding on a different day) in one day, too! I usually only can do 4 tops in one day, tho! The pumpkin cinnamon rolls look really, really good and I would feel a lot better if I had my kids gifts wrapped! Maybe this weekend!


  21. So glad it was a nice and relaxing weekend!! Sounds pretty perfect if you ask me. I love the socks photo. So cute!! I love how full your Mom’s tree is! Great pictures, as always.

  22. I am so glad to hear you had such a great weekend!! I was praying that you would since your week was so icky! It truly sounds like the perfect weekend! I absolutely love the socks photo #hearteyes

    1. Thank you so much, Brandi! Pretty soon you'll be doing cute lil' socks photos of your own! <3


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