
Thursday, March 16, 2017

Confessions {2.16.2017}

It seems that lately my confessions posts have been coming in about once a month, so here’s your monthly dose!

I confess…

… that last week I completely forgot to study Jacob’s red words with him (push and pull) and he ended up taking the test without any studying at home whatsoever.  Luckily he’s an excellent reader and speller and he got them both right.  Whew.  #MomOfTheYearOverHere

… that I was secretly hoping to be allergic to every single thing at my allergy test so they would just give me the allergy shots once and for all.  #SpoilerAlert  #IWasnt

… that after my allergist appointment this week, my daily prescription drugs count is now up to five.  #BeyondOldLadyStatus

… that spring forward gets worse the older I get.  I swear, it takes me three months to adjust to waking up an hour earlier.  I’ve been on the struggle bus all week and I don’t see that changing any time soon.  #BeepBeep

… that Olivia’s post Daylight Savings Time antics are driving me up the wall, too.  #UpPastNineEveryNightThisWeek

… that I still haven’t gotten out of my post-Christmas funk.  #ThisMightBeARecord

… that some evenings I think I’m a better parent after I have a glass of wine.  I’m aware that this makes me sound like an alcoholic, but no need to worry.  I’m not.  But on the super stressful days, having a little glass helps me unwind, de-stress, and relax… this makes me way less likely to snap at the kids if they’re whining or fighting.  #ImAlsoMoreFunToo

… that I wanted to eat an entire carton of Publix frozen yogurt last night but I couldn’t because, Lent.  #NeverGivingUpAllDessertsAgain

… that I was slightly relieved at the season finale of This is Us Tuesday night… I won’t be specific because I don’t want to spoil anything, but if you saw it, you know what I’m talking about.  #NotReadyToFindOut

… that my Insta game has gotten much stronger lately and I feel like I’m starting to master gaining new followers without playing the ever controversial Follow/Unfollow game.  #ButItsSoMuchWork #FollowUnfollowWouldBeALotEasier

… that no matter how badly I want to grow my audience, I still block every single weirdo who follows me on there.  #Blocked  #NoRegrets

… that I’m struggling to come up with anything else for this post because my brain is practically mush from the time change, so…


*Linking up with Sparkles and Lattes for Confessional Thursday and Home of Malones for Thoughts for Thursday.


  1. Why oh Why must 1 hour mess us up so much???
    How did the allergy testing go? I hope you get some answers!
    IG is about to drive me crazy. I think I stress about it more with my Oh My Glitter and I swear some days I will lose/gain 5+ followers! DRIVES me CRAZY!
    Hope you have a great day!

  2. I hope you feel better. Allergies are awful!! Teach me your ways with insta!! I hate the follow/unfollow game and I'm stuck at the same number.

  3. Girl, my husband and I are both teachers and there are some weeks where we're like, "Did we ever study the spelling words with the kids this week?" Whoops! They live! :)

  4. I was so happy with This is Us as well! And I was JUST saying how I am a better parent after a glass of wine! Things just don't annoy/bother me nearly as much LOL

  5. Hope everyone gets adjusted to the time change soon! Thankfully there were no crazy ramifications on our side of the computer. I am super picky about who follows me on Insta as well.

  6. Ah I gave up desserts a few years for lent and it's the hardest! Hang in there!

  7. I feel the same about This Is Us. I was so worried he would die while they were fighting.

  8. wine makes me a better everything. #fact.

  9. Old lady status, lololol! That post Christmas funk hit me HARD this week. Like SO hard. I think the weather turning cold again DID NOT help. Here is to warmer happier days my friend.

  10. I totally block the weirdos too. Sometimes a follow is not worth it when a creepy DM accompanies it..ish! I love having a glass of wine and don't judge one bit. I tell myself to keep it to Thursday-Saturday nights, but there are definitely some Mondays that it's high on my WANT list. So much credit to you for sticking to no is probably the hardest sacrifice ever! And would love to hear your insta strategies ;-)

  11. Hahahahaha...I love all of these! I feel the same way about a glass of wine. Usually I wait until the kids are in bed but sometimes I have to bust it out while making dinner. And This is Us. Yes! I was prepared for a way worse season finale. The last few made me too. Blocking weirdos--no regrets.

    1. Yep, I'm a bust it out at dinner kinda girl! I love a glass of red with dinner! Have a great weekend, girl!

  12. I was happy that the ending didn't get into too much detail yet too on This is Us. Also, glad you got into the allergist. I hate that you are on so many meds, but hoping that at least helps get you through right now. Your getting closer and closer to sweets again...almost there!

  13. I feel like we just talked about 50% of these confessions in real life. HAHA!

  14. Yes to having wine to destressing. It is really does help me from yelling at the girls when they fight or don't listen. I still haven't seen the This is Us finale since I have been gone each night this week, but I plan on watching it tonight so it doesn't get spoiled. I am so sorry you didn't get the allergy shot this time. Hopefully you get it at your 6 week appointment. Thanks for linking up!

  15. Spring forward is KILLING me this year! It doesn't help that I have a baby that doesn't sleep through the night either. I am a zombie!! I was both relieved and bummed with the This Is Us finale. If it happens soon after that big speech though, I might throw up. And why didn't she run out after him??? That show kills me!

  16. Daylight savings time #meh and yes I was certainly relieved about This Is Us and so much they are weaving in, I can't even. I am so sad it's over for now but yay for a show my husband and I both like to watch together! Have a great Thursday! Any allergy relief with your new regime? xoxo ERIN

  17. OMG this is us! That speech at the end, swoon worthy, and then that wink...I'm with Leslie I would have run after him! Hopefully you get some allergy relief. I feel your pain friend.

  18. Lilli has been having a super hard time adjusting to this time change, too! She hasn't slept well at all since the change, AND is cutting molars at the same time #frownface. haha!

    1. Oh no! Double whammy! I hope she (and you) gets some relief soon! XO

  19. Hi Lindsay:

    I just started reading your blog a couple weeks ago and I read ALOT of them. I very rarely comment but had to tell you I LOVE YOUR BLOG. You make me laugh, are a great writer and just seem very real and honest. No pretenses at all about you. I look forward to continue to read!!!

    1. Hi Donna, thank you SO SO much for your sweet comment. It just made my day! You have no idea! I'm so glad to have you here. XO


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