
Monday, March 13, 2017

The Weekend – Hot Cold Edition + The Worst Allergy Attack Known to Man

Another weekend has come and gone.  This one started out quite a bit rocky for me, but fortunately all ended well.  Thank goodness for modern medicine!

You may have seen my post on Instagram, but in case you didn’t, I’ll recap again here.  I have been suffering from severe allergies for the last 18 days, and it kept getting worse and worse until Friday morning everything came to a head.  I was so congested in my nose Friday morning that my ears and nose and throat started closing up and I started getting dizzy while driving J to school.  Fortunately I was able to get him there safely and get myself to work safely, but just when I got to work, it became pretty much unbearable.

There was so much pressure and gunk in my head that every time I yawned, blew my nose, or swallowed (so pretty much every 30 seconds) it felt like there was a vacuum inside my head that was sucking my nose and throat closed.  I could feel my eustachian tube closing in my left ear every few minutes (which causes the gunk to back up and not drain) and I could barely hear or breathe.  It got so scary that I started crying which was a huge mistake, because that just made the pain and pressure even worse.  It literally felt like I was drowning inside my own head.  That’s the only way I know how to describe it to you.  So.  Scary.  It was honestly just as scary (and way more uncomfortable) than any asthma attack I’ve ever had.

I started feeling super faint and my legs felt like jello since I wasn’t getting very much oxygen, so my supervisor drove me up to the acute care place up the street from our office as soon as it opened.  The doc took one look at me when she came in my room, and said, “Oh honey, you look awful.  Are you opposed to shots?”  And I said, “No, please do whatever you have to do to make this stop.  I’ll do anything right now!”  So she shot me up with a steroid and then shot me up with an antibiotic.  I swear to goodness, that steroid shot was like a gift straight from heaven above because it started to clear my head within 15 minutes.  By the time I got back to work, I felt amazing and I’ve been mostly clear ever since.  She gave me an oral steroid, an oral antibiotic, and Flonase (and told me to keep my emergency inhaler handy) until I can get to my allergist appointment on Wednesday.

So needless to say it was a pretty terrifying start to the weekend.  And also, the moral of the story is – never ever wait for things to get this bad again until going to the doc!

So anyhoo, after I got my drugs I felt like a million bucks and I was able to finish out the day at work.  Friday evening we kept things low-key at home.  It was so warm and wonderful outside so we picked up Cracker Barrel veggies to bring home and then B and I enjoyed a glass of wine on the back porch while the kids played in the yard.  We finished the evening with a couple of episodes of GG and we also watched Ed Sheeran on SNL from a few weeks ago.  Love him.

Saturday morning I was feeling completely renewed after feeling like I had been in a fog for the last three weeks so I pretty much did all the things.  And by all the things, I mean ALL. THE. THINGS.  I made breakfast, made the beds, swept, mopped, vacuumed, dusted, cleaned the mirrors, cleaned the toilets, washed four loads of clothes, picked up clutter, kissed boo boos, helped put together Legos, and made lunch… all before 1 PM.  Needless to say, our house is spotless and I’m loving every second.

We spent Saturday evening at church, and then we went to Longhorn with my parents, grandmother, aunt, uncle, and cousin who is in town from college (GO DAWGS!) for spring break.  After dinner, we headed over to my grandmother’s house to celebrate my cousin because she won’t be able to come home for her birthday in a couple of weeks.

Sunday morning we were pretty lazy all morning because – spring forward – and we ended up staying in the bed until the new 9:00 AM.  The kiddos watched cartoons and Livi wanted to snuggle in my lap on the couch, so I wasn’t about to say no to that. 

The weather went from 75 and sunny on Saturday to 40 and cloudy on Sunday but we decided to venture out anyway since B’s mom didn’t cook.  We had pizza at one of our favorite places, and then we headed downtown as the kiddos had requested ice cream at Kilwin’s.  We, of course, had to stop by our favorite wall mural downtown to get some fun shots, and then we decided to go for a chilly walk on the river.

We ended the weekend with dinner at my parents’ house, and it was much needed since we didn’t go over there last week.

I hope you all have a fantastic week!  Now that I have drugs, I know I will!!  Hehe.

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending, More Pieces of Me for Hello Monday Linkup, and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.


  1. That is absolutely crazy Lindsay and I'm so glad you got it figured out. Thankfully your weekend got better and ended on a high note.

  2. Oh girl! So glad that you are okay! How scary! Glad you were able to enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  3. Oh my goodness... so glad you got some relief! Hope the appt goes well Wednesday!
    Glad the rest of your weekend went well! I just love that mural wall!
    And this weather is killing me....I want our sunny and 75 back!

  4. Glad you're feeling better!! Looks like a fun weekend. That wall makes for an awesome backdrop for pictures!! Here's to a week with no sickness!

  5. Oh you poor baby, what a terrible ordeal but I'm so glad you got some relief so you can enjoy the sweet weekend! Let's hope you're all renewed refreshed and healthy and can tackle this week head on girl!

    1. Thanks, girl! I'm just so thankful for steroids! I don't know what I would have done without them!

  6. That sounds so scary what happened to you on Friday!! Ugh I probably would have fainted because I would have worked myself up so much! So glad you got relief! The rest of your weekend looked so fun :) Love that quilted green vest!

  7. Hope you are feeling better soon! Allergies are the worst!

  8. Those wall pics are so cool! Get to feeling better soon!

    1. Aren't they?! I wish we had more walls like that here! So much fun!

  9. Glad you are feeling better! Looks like you guys had a good weekend!
    Chelsea @

  10. Glad you are feeling better. I love that wall, what a fun place to get pictures! I hope your allergies leave soon. Happy Monday.

    1. Thanks, Jenna! Yes, that wall is just so much fun! I've gotten to where I always want to go take pictures in front of it when we're down there! I wish we had more!

  11. Oh my goodness girl that is SO scary! I am so glad that you got the relief that you needed just in time for the weekend to start!

  12. I am so glad you got some relief!!!

  13. Oh my gosh girl - that is so scary and I'm so happy that you have relief from those allergies now!! Looks like a super fun weekend girl - you made the most of it for sure! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  14. Loving your Sunday outfit, Lindsay! And that attack you had Friday sounds so scary, I'm so glad the doctor was able to remedy it so quickly. I hope your appointment Wednesday goes well and you get cleared up for good!

  15. Scary about the allergies! I'm glad the shot helped. I love the mural pictures!

  16. I am so so sorry you are feeling so dang rough! I wish there was an easy fix for you.
    Your weekend looked like fun, minus the head junk. And this week I plan to do all the things, too.

  17. Linds, that is so scary! Thank goodness your co-worker was able to drive you. That's terrifying. Glad you get in with the allergist this week to get things cleared up. Don't leave without some answers! I love the wall photos, so cool...wish we had a wall like that around here. Great job getting so much done. Happy week to you and the fam!

  18. You failed to mention that Belle joined you on your adventures before her premiere on Friday. I still need to try that ice cream place...

  19. Oh my word, that had to be so terrifying!! I'm so sorry that your day started like that, but thank goodness for medicine!! I hope today is off to a much better start!

  20. GOOD GRACIOUS! I have never heard of an allergy attack quite like that. Glad you're feeling better. Moms don't have time to be down, right?! Seriously though, it's so hard to juggle it all and be sick! Nobody has time for that. ;) Glad you had time with your family too!

  21. Wow! What in the world? Glad your weekend looked like it was off to a better start afterwards. I'm thinking I need that pink gingham dress in my size asap! haha love it!

  22. So glad you're feeling much better! What you described really does sound scary so I don't blame you for crying! It's amazing how much better shots can make you versus just taking pills--give me all the shots!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  23. Oh my goodness, that ordeal sounds terrifing. So glad you are feeling better. Can't wait to enjoy a glass of wine on the deck. Hopefully by April.

    1. Thank you so much, Danielle! And yes, this cold weather MUST go!

  24. Oh my gosh, that sounds so scary! I'm glad you are okay and were able to enjoy the weekend!

  25. So scary!! The same thing happened to me about a month ago! Apparently I had a really bad sinus infection and ear infection! I didn't realize it was that bad until those symptoms and I too had to go to urgent care during work! Such a scary feeling!! Glad you are feeling better!

  26. Oh my goodness girl! I can't imagine but that sounds down right miserable. I know you have been feeling yucky so I am so glad you got some relief!!! I'll say a prayer right now that you get answers on Wednesday! So glad you could get all things done Saturday - that always helps too!!!!! Xoxo Erin

  27. It seriously is amazing what some medicine can do!!! That ice cream shop looks so, so, cute. Love that floor!

  28. OH man, that does sound scary! I hope your allergist can do something. I know I've been getting allergy shots for the past, almost 2 years, and it's WORTH IT! I don't get sinus infections every 3 weeks any more, life changing I tell ya! Next time try Advil Cold and Sinus when you feel something coming on. Coming from a fellow allergist it's a miracle drug and I have no idea how/why it works, but it's almost instant and is pretty much my life saver every time allergies come on. Glad that you still had a great weekend though and you were/are feeling better.

  29. I am so glad you got ahold of your allergies and are feeling so much better. Thank goodness. Your weekend sounds good after your doctor's appointment. LOVE ice cream. You guys got colder weather and it warmed up here. How did that happen?

  30. Your allergy attack sounds scary! I'm glad you got some meds that worked immediately. Steroids do wonders, don't they? I need a good dose so I can do.all.the.things around my house. LOL. Your children are precious and look like they are at such a fun age too. Thanks for linking, Lindsay!

    1. Yes, steroids are truly amazing! I've never been so thankful for them! And thank you, they are definitely at a fun age... the keep us on our toes all the time! Thank you for hosting!

  31. That does not sound fun at all Lindsay, but I'm glad to read your better now! The season is hear upon us isn't it? I need to go ahead and start taking daily medicine before any flair ups.
    Love all the pictures, your babies are just adorable! Thanks for linking us in the Weekly Wrap.


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