
Monday, March 6, 2017

The Weekend – The One With Olivia’s First Haircut

I can’t believe that another weekend has come and gone!

We kicked ours off with something that I have been dreading for months – Olivia’s first haircut.  I have been putting it off and putting it off because I just couldn’t bear the thought of clipping those sweet little hairs that she’s had on her head since she was born.  I told Brian that once she turned three I would finally let go and do it, so three came and went last weekend and here we are.

We took Olivia to the same lady who has been cutting Brian’s hair since he was four.  She also gave Jacob his first haircut, so it was really special that she was able to do Olivia’s as well.  When we arrived, Jacob needed a haircut, too, so we let him go first so he could show Olivia how it was done.  He sat up in the chair like a boss (like always) and he was done in about ten minutes. 

When it was time for Olivia to get in the chair she started crying and clinging to my leg and saying she didn’t want to do it, but we were able to convince her after a couple of minutes.  She wouldn’t sit in the chair and she wouldn’t let Oki put the cape on her, but she did at least finally agree to let her cut it.  I showed her how much to take off, and then she let me hold the ends of the hair (so I could save it for her baby book) while she did one chop all the way across.  Once that was done, Olivia was comfortable and she allowed Oki to finish trimming it up.  She looks so grown up now I can hardly stand it!

After haircuts, we decided to just go home and make breakfast for dinner.  We then finished the evening off with a family viewing of The Little Mermaid, and then it was bed for the kiddos and Netflix for Mommy and Daddy.

Saturday morning B had a tennis match and I woke up feeling just awful from these stupid allergies that are still raging so I stayed home with the kiddos and we just sat around watching TV, playing, and not doing a whole lot.  I was in a bit of a funk by the time B came home because I was feeling so awful, but we all spent some time in the back yard, and the sunshine and Chris Stapleton tunes that B had turned on snapped me right out of it.

We spent the rest of the afternoon doing laundry and jamming out to the new Ed Sheeran album (fan-freaking-tastic, you guys!) until it was time to go to church.  I also laid out the new rug that I had found at Marshall's Friday with a leftover Christmas gift card.  What do y'all think?  Does the rug look OK there?  I love it, but it is kind in an awkward spot since you have to walk on it to get to our bathroom on the right.  B said he thinks it's an odd spot to have it, but I just can't decide.  I LOVE the rug itself and I really want to keep it, but I'm not sure where else to put it.

The kids were both well behaved in church.  Olivia did get a little squirrelly at one point, but at least B didn’t have to take her out like last time.  Whew.

After church, we met my parents and two sets of my aunts and uncles at a little pub that we love where I proceeded to chug a Blue Moon and take yet another Claritin D… I swear, I’m going through this stuff so fast that we’re going to end up with cops showing up at our door because they’re going to think we’re making meth.  Lol.

We grabbed DQ on the way home because, why not?  And then it was off to bed for the kiddies and more Netflix for B and me.

Sunday morning was spent making homemade waffles, doing more laundry, listening to more Ed Sheeran, and taking a quick trip to the grocery store for Sunday dinner prep.  My mom had a lot going on this weekend and didn’t want to cook so I volunteered.  Y’all know I never pass up a chance to host!

We had lunch at my MIL’s and then afterward the kids played in the garden.  They spent nearly an hour playing in the dirt and “mixing up potions” in an old gardening bucket.  I swear, B and I just need to create a dirt area in our back yard and give the kids a couple of shovels because they stay out there playing forever!

Little Miss Fashionable begged and begged to wear her fancy red bow shoes.  I told her that it wasn't very practical for outdoor playing, but I caved and let her wear them, and then she spent the whole afternoon taking her shoes off, dumping the dirt out of them, and then putting them back on.  Listen to your moms, kids!  We know what we're talking about!

Sunday evening everyone came over to our house for dinner.  I made baked ziti, a salad, and garlic bread sticks, we passed around a bottle of wine, and we had a great evening of good music and good conversation.  Brian was so kind as to offer to make dessert, so we ended the evening with his homemade chocolate chip cookies.  They are the absolute best, y’all.  I was so thankful that I was able to taste them after having NO taste buds all day Saturday.

I have seriously never had nasal congestion this severe for this long before.  It.  Is.  Awful.  I’m calling today to make an appointment with the allergist… fingers crossed there’s not a 4-week wait to get in!

Happy Monday!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending.


  1. Olivia's hair looks so great!! Way to go big girl! So sorry you were feeling so yucky. That stinks. Looks like a great weekend overall though.

  2. Olivia's haircut looks so sweet!! I love it! And you and Emily are both sick--hope you get better soon! I know it's so aggravating to be sick like that. Happy Monday!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  3. Your dining room is so pretty! My daughter just got a haircut recently and wanted it shorter, but it is so hard to put it up in a big pony now! Have a great week!

    1. Thank you!

      And yes, I wanted to make sure that it was long enough to rock the ponytail... it would drive me crazy if we couldn't put it up when we need to!

  4. I am so sorry you are having to deal with awful nasal congestion, just sucks I know. How cute is Miss Olivia's hair, I love it and her love for her red bows precious!! My favorite pic is you in your converse watching your cuties play!! Happy week ahead sweetie, feel better!!

    1. Thanks, girl! I have an allergist appointment next week so hopefully they will be able to do something for me!

  5. Aww me and olivia had matching hair appts this weekend! So your red shoes story reminds me of a time when I went on a girls trip to savannah and my friend wore the most uncomfortable shoes and was complaining the entire time - we were at this park and this mom says to her daughter "you chose those shoes" and we all turned to our friend and said the same thing - it was hilarious and timed perfectly! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. It sounds like such a great weekend! I've been DREADING getting my little one's hair cut for the first time. She is 2.5 now, so maybe when she's turns 3 like Olivia?

    By Lauren M

  7. Nothing is worse than the dirt in the shoes dilemma! Brian made choc chip cookies?! That is awesome girl. So glad you were able to taste them. I hope you get your congestion cleared up soon. It's the absolute worst.

  8. Halfway through your post I was going to comment that it's time to go to the doctor!!! I'm having issues this morning so we may be twinning today. 🤧

  9. I am not one for hippy medicine but if you are up for it, give peppermint oil a try. It helps open up your airways. I just diffuse it or sniff the bottle a few times a day. You can also rub it around your nose (but not too close to your eyes). This helps Connor who is allergic to grass, trees and dust!

  10. Oh Olivia looks like such a big girl!

  11. I can't believe I've been following your sweet family long enough to have read about Olivia's very first piggy to her first haircut! Why must they grow?! She looks all grown up! Eliza's hair is stuck at her shoulders and it ends up curling at the ends. Her hair is so thin, too, so it's difficult to brush it and put it in s pony. By the end of the day, scratch that, within MINUTES all of her hair ends up being all over the place! LOL! Here's hoping you feel better soon! This winter has been rough for sinus and sickness. Ugh. Over it. Feel better, girl!

  12. I hear you on the allergies...girl it is awful. I have been taking Advil sinus and congestion and it has helped me!! But I wish I would stop sneezing and coughing! Hope you can get some answers from the allergist~
    My father in law used to have a great allergist near you! I will have to see if I can get his name!
    I really love that rug!!
    Olivia's haircut is just precious!
    Happy Monday!

  13. Your allergies sound brutal!! Hope you can get an appt quick! Olivia's hair looks adorable! I love that rug and I think that spot is great

  14. What a fun weekend. Sorry about the allergies. That hair cut is adorable! Hope you have a great week ahead!

  15. Those haircut photos are so sweet. They also look like they're having a blast during their light saber fight. I love your dining room & bedroom. Both look great!

  16. Olivia definitely looks like such a big girl with her hair cut! What a difference a simple hair cut does, right!? Such a cutie!'ve had this junk for too long! Have you seen a regular doctor? Maybe it's turned into a sinus infection by now? Hopefully you get in to see someone soon!

    PS - I LOVE the rug in your room!

    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  17. Great haircut photos. Her hair grew so long in 3 years! I love Olivia's shoes too. Too bad they weren't practical!

  18. Olivia's hair looks great! OMG, I'm so in love with her little shoes! She is such a fashionista!! She has great style just like her Momma.

  19. Love these snapshots of your life! This is why your blog is quickly becoming one of my favorites. You always keep in real, and I love it!!

  20. I was trimming Carly's hair just hoping to get it to grow when she was 3! She finally is starting to have some hair at 11. I'm kind of thinking I need Olivia's shoes in my side!

  21. What an awesome weekend. I am so jealous of your nice weather. We are praying for some nicer weather in the next few weeks. So far it is looking cold. Olivia's hair is just precious, and yay for Momma for making it through the appointment. You should share your baked ziti recipe and Brian's chocolate chip cookie recipe...I'm always looking for new chocolate chip cookie recipes (unless it is top secret)! Hope you feel better this week. Allergies are no joke. I take an over the counter Claritin type thing...the one from Target and it works, but sounds like you need something stronger!

  22. What an adorable hair cut I love it ;)

  23. Weird tip...if the Claritin doesn't work, you may want to try Zurtec. I used to babysit for a research scientist and one time he told me some people only have the enzymes to break down Claritin or Zurtec, not both, so sometimes one works but not the other. My allergies are so bad that I gave up on both of those years ago and now take Allegra every day, 365 days a year :).

  24. LOVE Olivia's hair! It's crazy how a simple hair cut can make a little girl look so much older! The pics of the kids and their light sabres outside are too cute! Hope you get some relief from your allergies soon!

  25. Oh my heavens sweetest little thing ever!! We'll probably wait with Andi too!

  26. Sinus congestion is the worst! I am an all things warmer weather girl but with that comes my allergies, so I'm not really looking forward to that. I hope you feel better soon! Olivia is so cute and looks like such a big girl with her hair cut! Sounds like you guys had a nice weekend :) Beautifully Candid

  27. How brave of her. She looks lovely in her hair. And your OOTDs are the cutest.

    Hope you're feeling better by now.

  28. Oh nuts for seasonal allergies - mine were downright awful in the fall so I know what you feel like #poo but it looks like you had a lovely weekend and Olivia's haircut is darling ❤ xoxo Erin

  29. Sounds like a great weekend. I can't believe how much Olivia's hair has grown. My girls hair is still so short. Ha. But I am so proud of her. Love her outfit she chose with the red bow and shoes, but yes they need to listen because we know what's best. My kids do the same thing.

  30. Olivia's haircut is so cute!!!! Love that you kept the family dinner tradition going by just moving it to your house. So fun!


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