
Thursday, April 27, 2017

Confessions {4.27.2017}

No need for small talk.  Let’s just get right to it!

I confess…

… that I am so relieved that Lent is over.  I have never done something so extreme as to give up all desserts like I did this year, so this year was particularly hard.  #GimmeAllTheFroYoEverySingleNightNow

… that I have been blocking it like it’s hot on Instagram for the last few weeks.  There has been a huge influx of weird old foreign men following me, and I have literally been blocking 50+ people a day.  Sigh.  Instagram, I love you, but I’m starting to hate you.

… that our kids are driving me bonkers this week!  Ever since Monday they have been incredibly energetic (more so than usual) and they have been scheming and ganging up on B and me to sneak snacks/treats and to get into things they’re not supposed to be getting into.  They have been uber mischievous… maybe it’s spring fever?

… that I was actually happy when I went to the allergist for my six week checkup and he suggested that we proceed with allergy shots.  It’s going to be an absolute pain in the hiney as I will have to go to the allergist weekly for a year/bi-weekly for another year/tri-weekly for yet another year for shots (a three year process in total), but I’m praying that it can cure my allergies once and for all.  #ByeFelicia

… that I was surprised when the allergist told me that my lung function has improved by 18% since I was last there due to the daily inhaler I was given for my asthma.  He asked me if I had noticed a difference and I didn’t even know what to say because I haven’t.  #AmISupposedTo?

… that I’m a little freaked out by getting weekly allergy shots as they will be pumping the stuff that I’m allergic to into my body each week so I will now have to have an EpiPen on my person AT ALL TIMES.  If I’m having a deadly allergic reaction am I really going to be able to figure out how to use that dang thing?

… and speaking of EpiPens, why the eff are they so expensive these days?!  I was given a coupon for $300 DOLLARS OFF of ONE pen.  How the hell much do they even cost?!?!  Because I checked, and my insurance isn't going to pay the balance!   And if an EpiPen is supposed to save lives, shouldn’t it be available to anyone who needs it at an affordable price??  #LawdHaveMercy

I'm out!

*Linking up with Sparkles and Lattes for Confessional Thursday and Home of Malones for Thoughts for Thursday.


  1. Ian started allergy shots when he was 4 and did them till he was almost 8 and they helped him SO much! He still takes an allergy pill fall/spring but they are so much more manageable now!
    I need to go see his allergist now because mine are out of control!
    Good Luck. It is a total pain in the hiney to go each week but totally worth it!!

  2. Oh my gosh I could get on a soapbox about pharmaceutical companies and the prices of medicine!! There's no need to make medicine that is literally life-saving so expensive! If it weren't for my husband's insurance, we couldn't afford his insulin (which he obv needs to live) and would have to literally sell our home and be on government assistance because it's thousands of dollars a month!!! Insane!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  3. I get so mad about medical charges..I have spent so much money on glasses and eye I'm sorry would you rather I drive blind? So frustrating. Yay for having desserts back in your life though!

  4. Allergy shots aren't terrible! I had them
    For years as a child. But it sucks thst epipens are so expensive and not covered. What the hell? My shot for my Crohn's disease is like $999 after insurance... um who can pay that? Thankfully the drug company offers a copay assistance program so it's only $5 for me now. Ugh insurance companies kill me!

  5. Don't even get me started on medicine costs. We don't have anything (thank you God) that we need that costs an arm and a leg, but I remember watching on the news all the talk about epi-pens and it made me so angry. They are life and death for people and unaffordable for so many. It's just not right.

  6. I can't get over how expensive epi pens are! It is craziness. I hope that the shots work for you, but wow that is an intense process!! And I feel you on the kids. That's what it's like over here. All day. Every day.

    1. Thank you so much, Danielle! I'm just praying it works!! And yes, EpiPens are just insane right now! The company who makes them should be ashamed!

  7. Wow, I had no idea allergy shots could be such a process!! And the price of an epi pen must be super high! Ugh so not fair. My kids have been cray cray lately too LOL

  8. I'm starting allergy shots next week! I was told it can take 3 to 5 years. Blah but totally worth it!

  9. Shots shots shots shots shots shots

    I know my comments is your favorite.

    You're welcome. :)

  10. WOW! I had no idea how expensive Epi-pens are. Sorry about your allergies and that you haven't been able to tell a difference. Hope you find some relief soon.

  11. Last week and the week before were awful for me with the IG creepers! It goes through waves. And I am getting the same – old foreign men with weird photos. I’ve even stopped following a few IG people when I see that they are a follower of said creepers. Yikes, sorry about the allergy shots and EpiPen. I pray you get some relief soon, though.

  12. I heard about the epi-pen fiasco with the insurance companies not covering or something like that?? So annoying. I laughed at you saying shots would be a pain in the hiney. At least you aren't getting the shots in the hiney! I wanted to ask you about this one guy who has been liking all my pictures and commenting on some like he's trying to get me to follow him back, which I haven't. I wish he'd just give up! I don't think he's a weird creeper, I just think he's trying for followers...but now I'm not sure!

  13. oh man, I just made this super long comment and then the internet ate it...I hate when that happens! I'm finishing up year 2 of my shots, and what helps me get through them is asking them to pinch hard...I feel like concentrating on the pinching arm is better than the pinch of the needle. It dulls the pain at least, IMO. Good luck! totally worth it!

  14. OMG those shots! I am so glad I don't have allergies (knock on wood) because the thought of shots every week for a year TERRIFIES me!

  15. Oh boy, shots! Sorry you have to do that, but hoping that fixes things for you. And, I don't understand insurance, medication costs, coverage, etc. It can be so frustrating. Good luck with that hun!

  16. That epi-pen issue is a real problem and touches so many people, which is probably why even though you confessed a whole litany of things (I like that by the way), that's the thing most of us are going to comment on. I hope you get over those allergies though. Mine are pretty mild but so annoying so I feel for people who get really bad reactions.

    1. You are so right! And thank you! I hope that yours stay mild. You are incredibly lucky if they do!

  17. I hope the shots work out for you! My husband's doctor said he was allergic to a whole bunch of stuff and made him come in for bi-weekly shots that did not help improve anything. The doctor made him by an epi-pen too even though he really didn't have any life-threatening allergies. He decided to stop the shots after a year and actually did much better! I hope you see improvement!

  18. So CVS is putting out an Epi pen that costs less. My father in law has to carry one for peanuts and he is looking into this one. Super expensive for sure. That is crazy that you have to go to the doctor each week for a year and then bi-weekly and so on. But hopefully it makes you feel better. My kids have been bouncing off the walls as well. And they always wants snacks or treats. Especially right before bed time. Ugh. Spring Fever for sure.

  19. Epipens are seriously ridiculous. I remember reading about the price and it's just terrible!!!

  20. Way to go for giving up desserts for Lent! And I'm right there with you on Instagram followers! Sometimes people leave weird or mean comments and I'm just like, "Why?" Haha! Have a great weekend!

  21. I get so mad when I think about how inflated the cost of Epi Pens are. Oh, I didn't know you had given up desserts. That is amazing! I don't think I could do it. :)

  22. So allergy shots are a pain time wise (oh the joy of trying to contain my toddler in the waiting room during the after shot wait time....) but hey have seriously changed my life allergy wise! So worth it! The epi pen price jump just happened in the last year or so and honestly I skipped refilling mine this year - I've only had one reaction to shots in the last ten years....but I also just heard that they is a generic brand that has recently become available hats supposedly much more affordable?

  23. I've decided I pretty much hate Instagram. Facebook ruined it... they ruin everything. Insert curse word here. Holy cow $300 of one?! That is so sad and crazy.


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