
Friday, April 21, 2017

Five on Friday – Favorites

This week was a short one since I was off, but it was seemingly long so I’m glad to see you, Friday. 

Some favorites from this week…

O N E – Jacob’s School Easter Egg Hunt

Jacob was out for several days for Easter break, so his school always does their Easter egg hunt when they return.  This year, each child had to bring 12 stuffed eggs, and then all were hidden and scattered in a woodsy area to the side of one of the buildings on campus.  The kids were turned loose with baskets in hand to retrieve eggs and they were each allowed to pick up 12.  That way each of them were able to go home with the same number of eggs.  At Jacob’s school each of the kindergartners are assigned to a fifth grader, or a “kinder-keeper” as they call them.  The kinder-keepers are there to guide the kindergartners throughout their first “real” year of school… they sit with them at church each week to make sure they behave, they hang out with them during many school activities throughout the year, and they basically help them adjust to the school atmosphere. 

The kinder-keepers were there at the hunt to help the kindergartners find and keep track of how many eggs they were finding.  The entire hunt took all of five minutes – those kids don’t mess around! – and then it was time for lunch.  The school allowed the parents to bring fast food for lunch as a special treat, so I picked up Chick-Fil-A on the way to the school for us to eat together.  We all spread blankets out in the grass in the shade of a few trees and picnicked together.  Afterward, the kids had treats that a few of the parents had brought in, and then it was time for the parents to head back to work so the kindergartenrs could go… practice for kindergarten graduation.  <INSERT ALL THE SOBBING EMOJIS HERE>  I’m so not ready for this.

T W O – Olivia’s Spring Concert

Each year, Olivia’s school puts on a concert performed by the two year old classes.  Brian and I loved every second of Jacob’s concerts when he was there, so we were very excited to see Olivia at her first one this week.  Jacob has always been very shy, so when he gets on stage to sing in front of an audience, he pretty much always stands there, barely moving his lips, and hardly participating in any hand gestures.  Haha.  Totally takes after his mommy and his daddy.

Olivia, on the other hand?  Well, let’s just say that we may have an actress/singer on our hands.  She was such a little ham!  She sang her little heart out and very dramatically did all of the hand motions.  It was a hoot to watch and she certainly looked comfortable on stage.

They performed ten songs with hand motions (which is a ton for a two year old to remember) and they did such a fantastic job!  It was just darling!  You may have seen a couple of snippets in my Insta Stories.

T H R E E – Pro Mother Son Dance Pic

The weekend before last Jacob and I went to the mother/son dance at his school and the professional pictures are now in!  Just wanted to share them here.  You can read more about the dance here.

F O U R – Linktree

Several people have mentioned Linktree recently, so I had to look into it.  Basically, it’s a free online service that lets you compile multiple links into one single link that you can use in your Instagram profile.  Therefore, instead of just having one specific link in your profile, you can now have links to several different ones.  For example, my Linktree points to my blog, my Facebook page, my Pinterest page, my Twitter profile, and Bloglovin'.  Or you could have it point to several different blog posts if you wanted to go that route!  It was incredibly easy to set up and it was very user friendly.  It literally took five minutes from start to finish and now my followers on Instagram can find me across all social media platforms in the click of a button.

F I V E – Shoe Faves

Did you guys see my post about my favorite sandals for summer this past week?  I'm sharing nine of my favorite pairs and they are all under $33!  Well, all but one pair.  ;o)  Click here to see the whole post!


And finally, I suppose this one isn’t really a favorite, but it could have been if it had happened to me! 

Did you guys see all of the coverage about the poop themed birthday party that went viral this week?  Dude, I was so bummed when I saw that because do you guys remember this post?  I totally did it first!!  And mine didn’t go viral.  :o( 

When we threw that party for Jacob there was nothing like it on the internet.  I Googled and Pinterested until I was blue in the face, and I couldn’t find anything out there where anybody had thrown a poop themed party.  Well, now someone else has done it and gone viral so ours is no longer the first one that comes up in the Google search.  Guess we missed the boat on that one!

But hey, if you’re trying to potty train your child and they’re just not getting it, check out our story here.  It was the one thing that finally worked when nothing else did. 

Or if you’re planning a poop themed party in general, feel free to click here as well… the decorations alone are well worth a look!

Happy weekend!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, Meet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Cup of Tea for High Five for Friday.

*This post may contain affiliate links.


  1. Olivia is hilarious - I bet it was so fun to watch her! And how cute that the Jacob's school pairs kinders with 5th graders - such a great idea!

  2. I agree with Emily....Olivia has the funniest expressions! She must be a hoot! And I think a mother son dance is the cutest idea!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  3. Your kiddos are just PRECIOUS I tell ya and so much fun!! LOVE the dance photos, what a sweet thing to do. Happy weekend beautiful babe!

  4. Olivia singing cracks me up. Ha ha! Little kid's concerts are the best. Mother/Son dance sounds so fun. You always hear of Daddy/Daughter ones, but rarely see the opposite. Have a great weekend.

  5. How sweet is Olivia at her concert!! Ella is the same way, meanwhile Brayden use to cry/hide his face at his LOL. Love those pics from the dance! Jacob is so cute with his buddies! I didn't see the poop party that went viral but that's annoying because yours should have!! Grrr

  6. Such a fun and festive week for your beautiful family! I love it! Swooning over your favorite shoes there! Such fab finds! Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead!
    xo - Brenda //

  7. Darling photos, and darling sandals!! I snagged those Target flats (#2) awhile back but haven't busted them out yet - they are proving a wee bit hard to match with an outfit! I need to go back and find your whole post on the shoes :)

  8. I love the idea of a kinder keeper! So cute. Olivia's concert looked adorable.

  9. What a fun list of favorites for the week. I love using older kids to help with my kindergarten students, but I love the name Kinder Keeper. Such a good name and the big kiddos would like it. Kindergarten Graduation is so hard. Even for the partner teacher and I can never make it through without crying. Hahaha! Happy Friday, have a great weekend!

    1. Oh my goodness, girl, I am DREADING it. I cried so hard at his Pre-K graduation last year so I can't even imagine how much I'm going to cry at his kindergarten graduation this year. Where does the time go? Seriously where?

  10. I love that Jacob's school has kinder-keepers! My elementary school and middle school did that- we had "families" that sat together at mass and attended school events together with a kid from each grade level. I wish all elementary schools had something like that- the littles really look up to the big kids! Have a fabulous weekend!

  11. I totally thought of you when I read about the poo party! Little kid concerts are always so fun, the children are all so adorable. Have a wonderful weekend.

  12. Jacob looks so darn cute with his buddies! And LinkTree is, why didn't I think of that!? LOL!
    So I totally saw all the coverage with my husband and my words were..."really!? my friend did that like a year ago...she came up with the idea first! So not fair!" I was so bummed too...
    Hope y'all have a great weekend!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  13. Who would have thought a POOP party would be an actual thing. SO funny, I personally loved yours ;-) So many sweet photos of your kiddos at their school events, I don't know why but Olivia cracks me up in her concert photos. I think you can really see her little personality shining through!

  14. Happy Friday! I love that they have an egg hunt for the kids when they come back. I saw your video of Olivia's concert, too cute! The pics from the mother son dance are just the cutest, and look at him with his little buddies! You without a doubt had the first poop party. I'd be pretty certain that who ever went viral with it saw your pins and got the idea :/ It's a shame how the internet works. All it takes is one person or big account to repin or share something and off it goes. Sometimes I wish I had a huge following and other days I like keeping things more authentic and private. I'm so torn. Anyway, we all know you were the OG and I wish you could have gotten credit for it <3
    Beautifully Candid

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Thank you SO much for recommending Link Tree! What a game changer that is. I am always struggling with what to use for the golden Instagram link and you just completely solved my issue. Your poop party is simply awesome, it deserves to go viral in my book :) I hope you and your sweet family have a great weekend!

    1. I'm glad that you found it to be helpful! I'm loving it so far!

      And thank you! It's still crazy that we actually even had to throw a poop party... the things you do for your kids! Lol.

  17. So much going on for the kiddos, and how fun was Jacob's Easter egg hunt! And now I just want all the spring and summer shoes. Happy Friday gurlie <3
    Green Fashionista

  18. Aww, gotta love those proud parenting moments! I love the Easter egg hunt and the kinder keepers are such a great idea! I'd never heard of that one before. It must have been fun watching Olivia at that concert too. :) And hooray for Link Tree!

  19. This post just makes me smile Linds. Everything about it is happy. AND, the kids are in such a sweet spot right now. Between the fun school activities, to the interaction with each other, to the parent-related fun is just such a special time. I was cheering on Olivia in your IG story. So good! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  20. Thanks for that Linktree info - I literally was looking for something like this today!

  21. I did see that poop party and thought about Jacob's party. That was my first thought. I love linktree too. So helpful. Those are the best photos of the concert and egg hunt. I can't believe how Jacob graduates soon. So cute.

  22. The dance pics with your little guy and his friends - priceless. I have never heard of link tree, off to look into it. The world of blogging is always new territory - always - ha!!! xoxo ERIN

  23. Aw, it looks like your kid's had really fun events this past week. I love the idea of the "kinder-keeper." How adorable.

    I've never heard of Link Tree. I'll have to check it out. Such a great idea.


  24. What a fun week y'all had!! I miss the egg hunts at school and the little performances.
    I have never heard of Link Tree. I need to check it out!
    Have a great weekend!

  25. Oh my gosh, Olivia's faces in those pictures. I am cracking up. Too bad she has stage fright! :) I remember being "buddies" with kids in the younger grades when I was in school! We would sit with them at Mass and do holiday activities together! So fun!

  26. Loving Olivia's faces in her concert!! Lilli makes those faces in her car mirror when she think's no one is watching ;) haha! happy weekend!!!

    1. Haha. That is so stinking cute! They really are incredibly expressive even at this young age!

  27. That photo back ground is so cute! I am off to check out Link Tree right now, otherwise I will totally forget lol! Hope you had a great weekend!

  28. It always makes me laugh the amount of time it takes to hide all of the eggs and then it’s over in mere minutes! So much fun and kids are awesome. Mason’s school didn’t have a Kindergarten graduation, but his PreK-4 did. I was a blubbering mess. It gives you a small glimpse of what they will look like as high school seniors. I will be thinking about you, friend! I love that Olivia was a ham for her Spring concert! And I am impressed that a group of two year olds performed 10 songs. The dance pictures are precious. Jacob looks so dapper! I’m definitely going to look into Linktree. Thanks for sharing about it!


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