
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Jacob's Kindergarten Graduation

Well, we officially have a first grader in the house!! 

Our sweet little man graduated from kindergarten yesterday and my momma heart is bursting with love and pride while it’s also a little bit sad.  These big milestones in a child’s life are always so bittersweet. 

The morning started like any other morning as the kids still had to report to school at their regularly scheduled time.  Since I didn’t have to work, we were able to leave a little bit later, so we had some extra time to take a few pictures before heading out.

After dropping J off for his last day as a kindergartener (and tearing up all the way back to the car) I headed to grab some coffee, and then it was straight back to the school so I could be there to grab some good seats as soon as the preschool graduation was over.

Brian and Olivia, my parents, and Brian’s parents and stepdad all showed up a bit before the ceremony and then it was time!

The ceremony started out with a processional and the kids walked down the aisle to the graduation song.  Fun fact, the acoustic guitarist who played at the graduation ceremony yesterday was the same guitarist who played at our wedding ceremony and the graduation was in the same hall as our wedding reception… and my baccalaureate reception, and my confirmation reception, and my National Honor Society reception, and nine million other events throughout my lifetime.  That will always be so special to me.

My heart almost burst into a million pieces when I first saw Jacob in his cap and gown.  I don’t think I have ever been so proud in my entire life!

The kiddos lined up perfectly in their spots on the stage, and then the teachers had a little introduction planned.  That was followed by a prayer from our pastor, and then the kids sang a song called “I Believe in the Sun.”

After the first song was sung, each child took turns going up to the microphone and saying their full name and what they want to be when they grow up.  There were so many sweet occupations including an army man, an artist, a scientist, a spy, a dentist, a space man, a special agent, a mommy, a doctor, a fire lady, a rapper (LOL), a veterinarian, and so many more.  Jacob announced that he wants to be a police officer!  Kids are just so beautiful at this age… they aim for the stars, don’t they?

Once they had all announced their future occupational dreams, they sang two more songs – “Wherever I Am” and “First Grade, First Grade” which was sung to the tune of “New York, New York.”  It was absolutely darling.

Next up were the top AR Award for each class, the room mom presentation, and then the moment we had all been waiting for… the diploma presentation.  You guys, just look at my sweet baby receiving his diploma!!  Goodness gracious, I just love him so much!

To wrap up the ceremony, the kids all belted out the school alma mater and I sang along with them… it’s my alma mater, too, after all.  ;o)  And after the alma mater they even let them toss their little caps!!

After the ceremony there were pictures, and congratulations, and tons and tons of hugs.  Oh, and cake.  We can’t forget the cake.  ;o)

Right before leaving, Jacob wanted to take pictures with his teachers, so we sought them out.  His teacher is on the left and the teaching assistant is on the right.  We love them both so much!

The rest of the day was spent with just the two of us as B had to go back to work, and Olivia went back to school.  Jacob requested Dairy Queen for lunch (LOL – smart kid knows he gets Blizzards there!) and then we headed to Old Navy to pick out a new bathing suit for the beach, followed by Target to let him pick out something with the graduation money my parents had given him.  He chose yet another Nerf gun so he and I spent the rest of the afternoon playing with it in the back yard.

I am so incredibly proud of this little man… he received amazing grades all year long:

100s in everything that was graded on a numerical scale
3s indicating that he is proficient in everything else

He also received several awards throughout the year including:

Perfect Attendance for the entire year!!
The Religion Award (all three times!)
AR Goal Award (both times!)
Top 5 AR Readers in his class (one out of the two quarters that they gave the award)

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it a million times more, we are so very blessed to be a part of this church and school family.  My mom graduated from there, I graduated from there, my brothers and aunts and uncles and cousins graduated from there.  Jacob’s teacher graduated with my brother and she is also the sister of one of my good friends from high school (who also teaches at the school).  These people are like family to us and I never have to worry for one single second when I drop Jacob off every morning that he’s not in good hands.  We can’t wait to have Olivia over there in one more year!!

Here’s to an amazing kindergarten year at our favorite school and many, many more to come… twelve to be exact.  ;o)

*Linking up with Sparkles and Lattes for Confessional Thursday and Home of Malones for Thoughts for Thursday.


  1. What a perfect graduation! Love that it's a place with such history for you and your family.

  2. That is the most precious thing! He looks so handsome in his cap and gown. Heart melted!

  3. Such a cute graduation! Jacob in his cap and gown.. oh my sweetness
    Love that the school has family history.

  4. Just darling!! Congratulations Jacob!

  5. I love how big of a thing kindergarten graduation is there!! Brayden's school stopped doing kinder graduation a couple of years ago when they went to full day so I was super bummed he didn't "graduate" last year! His school sounds so amazing!! I love all the pics, way to go Jacob!! AHhh 1st grade!!

  6. What a sweet day! I already tear up thinking about Jack going to Kinder and he still has 2 years! haha. He looked precious in his cap and gown!

  7. Awww!!!! So cute!!! He looks so grown up! :)

    1. Thank you! And I know! Those little caps and gowns are just too much!

  8. What a fun graduation! Guy has his today. As a kindergarten teacher, I LOVED reading this through a parent's perspective. This is such a big day that all the kiddos work so hard for all year long and it was really great to read about your thoughts and your sentiments. I loved this post!

  9. He is so cute in his cap and gown!! Congratulations Jacob! What a wonderful day in a place that has so much history for your family.

  10. This is so adorable! Simon had kindergarten graduation last year and they had caps but not gowns! Congrats to your boy and his friends!

  11. Oh so cute!! Congrats to Jacob!! What a fun graduation.

  12. That is so amazing that you all went to the same school. How fun to see that. I don't think our kindergartner is doing a graduation like that, but oh man I would be a puddle of tears. So fun. Onto 1st grade!

  13. So adorable! Looks like a great little graduation they had! Congrats to your little guy!

  14. I just love how they do this ceremony! I don't think our town does this, but I think it is such a good idea. what a special day, and I know you must be so proud. The photos of Jacob and Olivia are amazing!

  15. Yay! Congrats to you both! Love that the kids go to your alma mater! We stopped into ON recently too and loved the sale- picked up leggings for Ari for next fall at 1/2 off!

  16. This is the cutest thing ever!!! Congratulations! You are so right about these moments being bittersweet <3

  17. Oh my goodness is there anything cuter than a little person in a cap and gown, I think not! How awesome to have such a history with that school and that comfort of dropping him off in really good hands! xoxo ERIN

  18. Such sweet memories! I love looking back at my kidos from this age. I have your dress....we could be twinsies!

  19. What a sweet celebration! He couldn't possibly be any cuter in that cap and gown too! First grade is going to be awesome friend. I just know it.

  20. Oh my goodness Lindsay! He is just the cutest! This must have been such a proud mama moment. It must have been so much fun to hear all the kids say what they want to be when they grow up. Beautifully Candid

  21. Congrats on your son's graduation and awards. The kids look adorable in their caps and gowns. I just had two sons graduate high school last weekend. Time flies so quickly!

    1. Thanks, Terra! I don't even want to think about high school graduation... I'll be a basket case! Congrats to your boys, though!


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