
Monday, May 22, 2017

Our Weekend - A Birthday Party and Lots of Relaxation

Aside from a birthday party this weekend we kept it pretty low-key.  Friday evening we stopped at our favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner and margs (B and I both needed them after the weeks we had at work!) and then we went to the new At Home store that opened here to browse and look for a bar cart.  The kids have a way of being totally cray cray if we try to do any shopping on a Friday night… I think the long week at school catches up with them and they act positively naughty most of the time.  So we stopped by Rite Aid on the way and grabbed a couple of Ring Pops to bribe them to be good.  #GottaDoWhatYouGottaDo

They weren’t exactly angels, but they weren’t wild and crazy either, so we’ll call the night a win!  Especially because I finally had success finding a bar cart!!  The size and details of the cart itself are absolute perfection, but I’m still on the fence about the finish.  I’m currently trying to decide whether to keep it as is, try to paint it, or return it and try to find something else altogether.  Other than the finish it is truly perfect and the price was great, so I just can’t imagine returning it, but I’ll keep you guys posted.  I want to put it in its spot and play around with it a little and then I’ll probably post some pics for you guys to ask your opinions.  I’m so torn!

The rest of our Friday evening was spent watching and falling asleep during a couple of episodes of Gilmore Girls because let’s face it: we’re getting old.

Saturday morning we were up and out of the house bright and early to attend my dear friend Katie’s daughter’s first birthday party!  They had it at a little party venue complete with a playground, a swimming pool, and a splash pad.  The kids ran around on the playground for a bit when we got there, and then we snacked on fresh fruit, a delicious cheeseboard, donut holes, and homemade cupcakes.  The theme of the party was watermelons, and I was pleased as punch as watermelons are one of my favorite things in the whole world!  My friend Jeannine (who was also in attendance) and I were completely obsessed with watermelons in high school.  We used to draw them on all of our notes that we would send back and forth to each other in class.  So she was just as excited as I was to see the theme!  Haha.

Everybody sang to sweet Madeline and then she tore into her cake and she ate and ate and ate.  After cake it was time for gifts and then all the babies got suited up for the splash pad.

The splash pad was fenced in which was soooo nice because we were able to turn the kids loose and all of us moms and dads were able to chat peacefully for a good hour while all of the kiddos ran and splashed and had the time of their little lives.  All we had to do was guard the gate to watch for escapees.

After the party we hauled the wet and happy kids home, made a quick lunch, and then everyone retreated to their rooms for naps and quiet time while I got caught up on some picture organizing and worked a little more on the kids’ baby books.  Jacob’s is almost done.  All.  The.  Tears.

Late in the afternoon we had a huge storm blow through and lightning struck in our back yard three times in a row really fast.  The booms of thunder happened at the exact same time since it was right there in our yard and it scared the living crap out of me.  I literally jumped out of my chair.  Brian saw the lightning so that’s how we knew it was so close, and he even said that the trees behind our house looked like they were smoking.  We aren’t 100% sure if that’s what he saw or not, but I’m just thankful that the lightning didn’t strike about 300 feet further north because it would have gotten our house.  Yeesh.

After the storm blew through it was time to leave for church.  The kiddos were both really great.  Jacob was super excited to go to the children’s liturgy.  Sometimes he wants to go and sometimes he wants to stay with us in the big church, so I was excited that he was excited to go this time.

After church we met my parents, aunt, uncle, cousin, and grandmother at our favorite pub just down the street from the church and we had a great evening eating, drinking, and chatting.

Night two of Gilmore Girls binge watching failed miserably again as B and I both dosed on and off – dude, what is wrong with us?!?! – and now we’re going to have to rewatch the last episode again.  Lol.

I was awakened at 4 AM Sunday morning to the power going out.  I could hear that it was raining but there was no thunder, lightning, or wind that I could tell, so I wasn’t quite sure why the power had gone out.  I waited a few minutes to see if it was going to come back on but it never did, and then a few minutes later our house alarm started chirping (that’s what the battery does when it knows that the power is out) so B had to get up with the flash light and go disconnect the battery.  The power stayed out forever so the air and ceiling fan had obviously stopped and it got soooo hot in our room, which resulted in me laying there awake forever.  #FirstWorldProbs  A bit later, our house phone battery started making a weird noise so I had to disconnect it, and then a bit later, my stomach started hurting so I never had the chance to go back to sleep.  I finally started dozing again sometime around 7-ish and then Jacob came in and he and Olivia were ready to get up and play.  Needless to say, I awoke at 4 AM and never fully went back to sleep.  Sigh.

We got out of the bed around 8 and the power finally came back on around 8:30.  Apparently a drunk driver had hit a power pole nearby and the electric company had to cut the power off to fix the pole.  From what I hear everyone is okay, but that was just another little reminder – DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE, PEOPLE!

B went out and got donuts which, of course, made everything better, and then I curled up on the couch with Olivia while the kids watched cartoons.

Sunday afternoon was spent at my MIL’s.  B was not able to see her last weekend for Mother’s Day since he was at tennis, so I’m sure she was happy to finally get to see him.  They made Butter-Basted Rosemary Steaks for lunch and they were soooo good.  I got the recipe, so if I ever get brave enough to try it, I’ll share it with y’all sometime.  ;o)

We spent the rest of the afternoon playing in the back yard.  Jacob is now big enough to keep up with his older cousins who are almost 12 and 9 and he had a blast running wild with them.  He was drenched by the time we got in the car to go home.  Just look at that sweet little thang!

Sunday evening was dinner at my parents’ house (finally!) after a whole month of not going over there due to other things going on – dinner at my house one week, a surprise party one week, dinner at my uncle’s girlfriend’s one week.  It was so good to be back at our usual Sunday evening hangout!  We opened a bottle of wine, dined on Rosemary Wine Chicken, rice, broccolli, and squash made by my Momma, and soaked up every last ounce of the weekend before it was time to say goodbye.

Well, it’s graduation week for my baby, y’all!  I can hardly believe it.  If you need me, I’ll be in the bathroom hiding my face from crying all the tears.  It’s going to be ugly, friends… I heard the graduation song the other day when the kids were watching Fantastia and I went to pieces.  I’m telling you, ugly.

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for WeekendingMy Glittery Heart for Hello Monday,  More Pieces of Me for Hello Monday Linkup, and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.


  1. This was a low key weekend for you?! You still packed it all in and I'm sorry to hear that Sunday morning was a bit chaotic for you, but the donuts really do make everything better! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Even with the power going out, it sounds like a great weekend! As always, I love all the family time you get in. And donuts sounds like exactly what is needed after a power outage!

  3. That lightning sounds a crazy!! I hate storms. I am dying to see this bar cart-so glad you found one! And good luck with graduation this week mama, I'll be thinking of you!

  4. I always pass out while watching shows on the weekend nights, and then have to go back and re-watch LOL. I love splash pad parties, especially when it's gated and you can actually talk to other adults!!

  5. Sounds like an awesome weekend, minus the storm! We were at a wedding when the storm decided to blow through! HA
    Oh I understand about the ugly cry... Last year it was bad at Ian's 5th grade graduation! I mean BAD!
    That splash pad looked really cool!

  6. Oh sweetie, I will be thinking of you. Graduation milestones are tough for us mamas no matter how old they are. I know how fast they grow up but I know how you treasure every moment! And loving your sweet little gingham top. Have a marvelous Monday!

  7. I'll be crying with you! I'm a mess when I see other parents dropping THEIR kids off for the first day of school! Ha ha. And, we didn't lose power, but I heard that most of the North side did. That splash pad seems like an AWESOME place to have a party - there is another one being built, but I don't think they have announced it yet...

  8. All those little touches she had at the party we're so cute! Mmm those donuts look delicious - we've been having them every weekend recently, one of my only cravings so far!

  9. Guy has his Kinder Graduation this week too and I am having hard time with it. I have prepped my students that if they see me crying to just keep on singing. Hahaha! The other kindergarten teacher and I always end up crying like babies. It is just as hard on the teachers as it is the parents. :) This year is a double whammy for me!

  10. What a fun first birthday theme. I really love your gingham top. It's really cute. The kids look like they had a great time at the splash pad.

  11. Watch for escapees...haha! That made me giggle. Love the little party favors, so cute. Oh and Olivia's swimsuit is darling and so on trend! ;)
    Oh man...hang in there mama!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  12. What a fun weekend! Those steaks your MIL made sound amazing! Post the recipe for us! Can't wait to see what you do with the bar cart.

  13. That splash pad Birthday is GENIUS. I mean what kid is not gonna love splashing around in the water?! And, I love the watermelon theme. So cute you used to doodle them on your notes. I was a big doodler (note writer) too, ha. I want to see which bar cart you chose too!

  14. It sounds like you had a beautiful weekend - minus the power going out! I absolutely hate when that happens. I am glad the people in the accident are okay and didn't cause any harm. Have a great week!!

  15. I'm so glad you had a nice weekend, despite the power going out. Ours wasn't nearly as relaxing. We don't have any of those kind of weekends in the near future! Can I just say that a splash pad party is a GREAT idea?!?

    1. Isn't it brilliant?! It was perfect and all of the parents took home exhausted kiddos which meant... long naps all around!

  16. What a great weekend. Love easy chill weekends. Those watermelon treats look really good. I love watermelon everything as well. So glad everyone was safe in the car wreck. But definitely no drinking and driving.

  17. I want some of those steaks you guys had- sounds delicious! What a cute party theme and perfect for the birthday activity! I'm with you on passing out during shows. I don't go to the movies much anymore either because I'm so dang tired. Stay strong for graduation! :)

  18. Oh mama! It is such a hard thing to watch those babies grow up. Love the donut photo... because hello, donuts! I lol'd over the GG sleeping. Y'all are never going to finish this way.

  19. I think it sounds like you had a busy weekend! Those watermill pops are so cute!!! And sorry to hear about the power going out. Never fun!!

    1. Aren't the cute? I just love how colorful and festive watermelons are!

  20. Bummer on the power going out! Watching Gilmore girls as I type I am still on season 1! I will be watching it forever ha! Margaritas on a Friday night sound as good as Sunday morning doughnuts - yum! Xoxo Erin


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