
Monday, June 19, 2017

Father's Day Weekend

After the longest week ever last week, this weekend was especially welcome.  I think the workday on Friday felt like two whole days… I thought it was never going to end!

Friday evening, all of us were pretty much pooped after adjusting back into the real world last week after vacay, so we just decided to pick up some Carrabba’s to eat at home and then have a family movie night.  We hadn’t seen Trolls yet (I know, I know, we’re way behind) so we all snuggled up on the couch together with some “pop-cowen” as Olivia calls it and a big fuzzy blanket. 

I never liked Trolls growing up so I didn’t have high hopes for the movie, but you guys, it was so good!!  You probably all already know that, though. ;o)  I couldn’t believe how funny and clever it was!  And the music – SO good.  All four of us gave it two thumbs up!  I mean, how could I really not like something that my boy J. TLake was responsible for??  I should have known that I would love it!

Saturday morning I had a few things that needed to be done around the house and B had to cut the grass, so we let the kids watch Trolls again, and then afterward, Jacob worked on his summer journal for school while Olivia colored.  I finally finished getting the kitchen cleaned out a bit… I cleaned out and organized our spice cabinet and I finally got rid of our clunky spice rack.  I also removed the kids’ old high chair from the room and replaced it with a plant.  Nobody has even used the high chair for over a year or so, so it was time to go.  Only problem is… we don’t know what to do with it.  Part of me wants to save it for grandkids, but part of me is saying to get rid of it.  We got rid of all of their other old furniture and baby items, so I’m having trouble letting go of this last one.  What do you guys think?  Keep or sell?

I also cleaned out some of the playroom to make room for the kids’ play kitchen.  We have always kept their play kitchen in our kitchen, but they never actually played with it much and it had pretty much become a catch-all for junk, so it was time to move it elsewhere.  And now I finally have room for my bar cart WHICH I finally started working on this weekend as well!  I’m hoping to have it done in the next couple of weeks to share with you.  In the meantime, here are some of the cute items that I rounded up in our house to decorate it.

Saturday evening we went to church and Olivia talked nonstop.  Nonstop, I tell ya!  Girlfriend has a LOT to say, that’s for sure, but man does it drive me crazy when she’s in church.  I’ll be so glad when she turns four and can start going to the children’s mass.  Momma needs a break!  Haha.

After church, we took advantage of the pretty green grass and the fact that it had stopped raining and we took a few pictures.  We then headed to our favorite local BBQ place to listen to the bluegrass band play.  Olivia had fun clanking her spoon and fork together to play along with them.  You may have seen that in my Insta-stories.

On the way home, we jammed to the Trolls soundtrack that I had downloaded earlier in the day.  The kids were ecstatic and they were cracking up when that first song “Hair Up” came on.  They think it is hilarious!  I posted a cute video in my Insta-stories on Sunday so you may have seen it.  The skies were cotton candy pink and blue and purple when we arrived back home, so we all got out of the car and watched the sun set for a little bit longer.  It was just too pretty not to.

Sunday morning since it was Father’s Day, Olivia and I got up and went on a donut run in our PJs.  She was baffled that we were getting in the car without shoes.  She kept saying, “I can’t go anywhere without shoes!!”  Haha.  I kept explaining to her that we weren’t getting out of the car, but she was still in disbelief that we were leaving the house in our PJs.  We left the boys still in bed.  Jacob slept until 9 AM!  That’s so late for him!!  I think summer camp is wearing his tiny hiney out!

After breakfast we gave Daddy his gifts – a mix of new beers to try along with some new caps for his beer cap map, and a new carryon suitcase.

We headed out for an early lunch to celebrate my FIL at Logan’s Roadhouse and then we went back over to his house to give him a few gifts.  The boys sat around playing Uno Dare while the rest of us tried not to fall asleep.  Man, I don’t ever feel like taking naps, but I surely was exhausted all day yesterday.  This week whooped my hiney as well!

Sunday evening we headed over to my parents house to celebrate my dad.  We opened a bottle of wine and Momma made a delicious dinner complete with a cake that went along with the "crap" theme from my blog post on Friday.  Haha.  The evening got away from us and we almost forgot to take any pictures, but I finally snapped a couple as we were leaving. 

Happy Father’s Day to all of the daddies out there!  I’m so blessed to have so many wonderful father-figures in my life… my Daddy, my father-in-law, and my handsome hubs who is the best daddy to our babies.  I’m thankful for all of you!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for WeekendingMy Glittery Heart for Hello Monday,  More Pieces of Me for Hello Monday Linkup, and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.


  1. what a fun weekend! I agree about the baby stuff, it's hard to know when to give it away. Right now mine is all stored in my attic and will be until we know we are done. Those donuts looked so yummy and i love that olivia was so concerned about not wearing shoes haha

  2. Even though you all were worn out, it sounds like such a great weekend!

  3. Sounds like a super fun weekend! I hear ya on a child who doesn't stop talking. Drew and I have to remind Cam to eat sometimes because he doesn't stop. I guess karma comes around since I am a talkative person. Ha ha!

  4. Such a fun weekend! I really want to watch Trolls too haha! I wasn't a trolls fan when I was little--they were scary and ugly looking!--but the movie looks so cute!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  5. Trolls is the best! My kids are loving that it's now on Netflix! We also jam to the cd in the car all the time, along with Sing and Moana, seriously it's all I listen to LOL! I'm so glad you guys had a great Father's Day! It's awesome to celebrate good Dads! :)

  6. Sounds like a great weekend! Your spice cabinet looks amazing! Want to come and do mine?! :)

  7. What a great weekend! Trolls is a favorite here in this house too. My kids cannot get enough. What a great Father's Day. Happy Monday!

  8. Oh I've been wanting to get my husband a beer cap map! I think maybe for Christmas!

  9. I don't know what it is, but your pictures of food always make me crave it more, look at those donuts! I love your EAT sign and I love the family pictures on Father's Day! The one of Olivia hugging her brother,,,,precious!!!!

    1. Haha. Maybe I need to become a food blogger. Lol. And thank you, girl! Yes, I love those pics of the babies being so sweet. I love how Olivia put her little hand on Jacob's, too. Melts my heart.

  10. Just curious, what type of plant did you buy? I am looking for a good indoor plant.

  11. Haha! The crap theme. SO funny friend. Looks like y'all had a great weekend. I had a late thought that I should've gotten Russ some new beers to try. Maybe I'll have to do that for our anniversary coming up instead.

    Also I think something must be wrong with me... or us really. Marissa and I hated trolls... please still be my friend. It reminded me way to much of Smurfs.

  12. Can't wait to see what your bar cart looks like!! So glad you had a great weekend girl! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  13. Ha, we were just listening to a song from Trolls yesterday. Jamie was all "Hey, it's both of our celebrity crushes!" I'm in love to Justin Timberlake and he with Anna Kendrick. Ha!! They sound so good together! Glad you had a good weekend. You look adorable as usual!

  14. Another busy weekend! And I love the organization in your spice rack. I live for things like that - neat and clean shelves, with everything in it's place.

  15. Ha, I didn't see trolls either!
    I love that she is so concerned about leaving the house without shoes!

  16. Your kids are adorable! I just saw Trolls a few weeks ago. It was super cute! I hope you have a great week!

    1. Thank you, Tara! Wasn't it great?! I wasn't expecting to like it at all, but I was hooked from the beginning.

  17. It looks like you had a nice weekend! As for the highchair, I would keep it if you have storage. Liam uses my husband's highchair when he goes to his grandma's house!

    1. Exactly!! My parents saved our old high chair for their grandbabies, but a piece broke off and the tray wouldn't go on, so we weren't ever able to use it. I think I've decided to save it! Thank you for weighing in!

  18. I thought the same thing about Trolls, had no interest in seeing it, but it was super cute. We still have our high chair too! It has become a fixture in our house, that I think half the time we don't even see it. We definitely need to get rid of it. But like you said too will be the last "baby" thing to get rid of...sigh.

  19. What a great weekend!! We love Trolls too! Getting rid of baby items feels so good! I donated most of our old baby stuff to families that didn't have money to buy new stuff.

  20. What a fun post!! Sounds like such a blessed weekend <3 Your little ones are just TOO CUTE! Have a great week :)


  21. I have yet to see Trolls, but my kids have, and I think I can sing every song to you from the soundtrack! Tara at Mommy In A Nutshell has a post about some Bergen cupcakes from Trolls. Hope you all have a great week!

  22. What a fun weekend!!! I love your "EAT" design! So pretty!

    1. Thank you! They are marquee letters so they look even prettier all lit up! :o)

  23. Ha, love the pics of you and your Daddy! So cute. His expressions make me laugh. And, I can't wait for the time Ben will sit down and watch a movie. He's just not there yet, and for some reason does not seem to like any normal "kids' movies." I'll keep Trolls on the back burner for some day. Glad Brian had such a great Father's Day!

  24. Looks like a great weekend and I can't believe you hadn't seen Trolls but I am glad you liked it - I think I have it memorized, it's my girls favorite. :) xoxo ERIN

  25. What a fun Father' Day! Those pictures you took of the kids after Mass, so adorbs! And I feel on the talking non. stop. all. the. day. Once I actually sighed and told Annabelle I need a little quiet... her response "but mommy, I'm just a little girl who likes to talk".

    1. Lol. That sounds like something Olivia would say. Girlfriend talks NONSTOP! It's exhausting sometimes.

  26. What a great weekend!!
    I can't wait to see your bar cart! Mine should arrive today! Thank you for the inspiration!!

  27. And a year later...#itsabouttime #trolls

  28. Sounds like a perfect weekend! And now I have the urge to clean out my kitchen cabinets!! haha. Great pictures, friend!

  29. What a great weekend! I was the same way with trolls never being into them but the movie was cute and the music might be even better. Such cute pictures you got of them and how cute Olivia was so concerned about her shoes. Beautifully Candid

  30. What a great evening. did you get a picture of the "crap" cake? I am so loving all your summery clothes!


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