
Monday, August 28, 2017

The Weekend - Flying Solo + Hints of Fall

First off, before I get into our weekend, I want to start by saying Happy Date-iversary to my handsome hubs!!!!  On this evening 14 years ago, we made it official that we were going to start dating and the rest is history!  And 14 years ago?  Well that just sounds crazy.  And it makes me feel old.  Anyway, thank you for sticking around for 14 years, babe.  I love you.  <3

This weekend was a bit crazy.  B had a project that he was working on at work this weekend so he worked from sun-up to sun-down both Friday and Saturday.  As a matter of fact, he worked almost 16 hours on Saturday alone so I was on my own Friday and Saturday.  In addition to that, my parents and littlest brother were out of town for a long weekend and we had to take care of their dog, so I definitely had my hands full!

After work on Friday I picked both kids up from school and then we all went home for homemade grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.  It’s my go-to fall and winter favorite and I have to say I’m really in the fall mood now after having it.  After dinner we all curled up on the couch and watched Zootopia (again) while Olivia styled and restyled my hair.  I was able to do a little bit of reading while they watched, so it was a pretty relaxing evening.

After getting them both in the bed I kicked back on the couch with a fuzzy blanket and a pint of chocolate Halo Top and I watched Rumor Has It.  Did y’all ever see that movie?  It’s from 2005 and it stars Jennifer Anniston, Mark Ruffalo, and Kevin Costner.  I swear I would have seen a movie like that back then, but I have no memory of seeing it whatsoever so it was new to me.  It was really cute and it made me long for the days when the movie companies actually put out good romantic comedies.  Has that genre died??  B came home and joined me about halfway through it and then we went to bed.

Saturday B was out the door long before the sun came up, and then I got up with the kids just before 7:30 to get started on our day.  I knew that I was going to have them alone for 13 hours so I had planned a pretty busy day so that we didn’t just lay around and waste the day away.

Our first stop was to let my parents’ dog out.  She was supposed to have stayed at our house with us while they were out of town, but after being there for a few hours Wednesday evening, we quickly knew that wasn’t going to work.  She barked her head off all night and wouldn’t even get in her bed, so my brother ended up having to come and get her and take her back to my parents sometime after midnight.  So anyway, we just let her stay at my parents house (her home) and my uncle and I have been splitting the time taking her out ever since. 

The next stop was Starbucks.  Yes, I was hoping to get my hands on a PSL and no, I couldn't... they claimed to not have the syrup for it yet.  I was a little disappointed, but I had known going in that it was probably just too early.  However, I was even more disappointed when I ordered my tall decaf skinny caramel latte and the guy told me that they have discontinued the skinny caramel syrup.  WHY, STARBUCKS, WHYYYY?!  Needless to say I just drove away with the full fat version instead because I already had my heart set on it and wasn’t about to leave empty-handed.  

The next stop was a play date with Adrienne and her daughter and one of their friends and her son at Michaels to do the Kid Craft class that they have on Saturday mornings.  We arrived a little early, so I let the kids walk up and down the aisles of fall and Halloween stuff and it got them just as excited for fall as I am!  You may have seen my Insta story of them ew-ing at all of the eyeballs and skeletons.  Haha.

The class started at 10 and the craft was to put your name in stickers on the canvas, paint around them, and then pull the stickers up to have your name revealed in clean white canvas.  Both of them loved doing the craft and they both turned out great!  I only had to intercept once with Olivia when she was about to put the “v” after the “o” in her name.  Haha.

Once the kids had crafted their little hearts out, Adrienne, Molly, and I took all of the kids to the playground at our library (Jacob’s and Olivia’s favorite) and they all played for a good hour and a half.  I think they were all exhausted by the time we left.

We left shortly after noon, grabbed some Zaxby’s, and then took it over to my parents’ house so we could hang out with Lily (their dog) for a while since she had been alone for the last couple of days.  You may remember that I mentioned that she has had two strokes in the last month or so?  Well, she seemed to be doing so much better when we visited with her Saturday.  I think she was really happy that we were there and she wasn’t alone.

After that it was back home for Olivia’s nap, and Jacob got a jump start on his homework for the upcoming week.  He flew through Monday’s and Tuesday’s spelling homework so I rewarded him by letting him watch a little bit of TV while I worked a little bit in my office.

The rest of the afternoon consisted of baths, snacks, letting Lily out on the way to church, and then church.  On the way in, the kids found four new painted rocks!  I was a little nervous about having them at church without Brian, but fortunately my whole extended family goes there, too, so my grandmother, and two aunts and uncles were all there to help me keep them contained.  Turns out they were both pretty good so it was no big deal anyway.  Having them both go to children’s liturgy is a complete game changer, y’all!

After church, my whole extended family (minus B and my parents) all headed to a new Mexican restaurant for my second cousin’s eighteenth birthday.  The kids were exhausted and looked as though they were going to fall asleep in the booth, but they powered through and bedtime ended up being a breeze… a plus since I was still flying solo. 

I settled in with the other half of my Halo Top from the night before and I turned on that old movie Picture Perfect (because Netflix doesn’t currently have The Wedding Planner… waaaahhhh!) and after I ate my ice cream I fell straight asleep on the couch and missed most of the movie.  #Woops  I woke up to a text from B saying he was finally on the way home, so we ended up crashing just a little before midnight.

Sunday B was finally home all day, and we started out the day lazy.  The kids watched some TV while I started decorating the house for fall… I told y’all I was going to do it!  And while I was at it, I also switched my lotion and spray over to my fall scent... I’m officially in the mood, y’all!  We left the house around 11:30 to let Lily out one final time before my parents arrived home and then we headed to my MIL’s house for lunch. 

The humidity was a super low 40% Sunday afternoon so we all hung out in the back yard for a while after lunch despite the 90 degree temp.  It was SO NICE not having 90% humidity like usual.  During their playtime, the kids stumbled upon some crazy looking caterpillar and I couldn’t resist taking some pictures.  Just look at the pattern on him!  Have you ever seen anything like it?

Sunday evening my parents were just getting back in town so my mom didn’t cook.  Instead we headed to Cracker Barrel to have breakfast for dinner… another one of my favorite things to do in the fall.  A yummy dinner of eggs, grits, bacon, pancakes, biscuits, and coffee was the best way possible to end the weekend since we couldn’t end it with our usual Sunday dinner.

Well, it’s Monday again… time to get back to the grind!  And I’ll be counting down the minutes until I can head home and bask in the glory of my newly fall decorated house!  EEK! 

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for WeekendingMy Glittery Heart for Hello Monday,  More Pieces of Me for Hello Monday Linkup, and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.


  1. looks like a great weekend even though you were flying solo!
    I can't wait to decorate for FALL! eek!

  2. 40% humidity?! I wish we could have gotten some of that haha! And what is wrong with Starbucks discontinuing that syrup? I hope they are going to replace it with something that maybe doesn't have artificial sweetener in it....maybe that's what they are thinking?! My husband was gone Friday and Saturday to his hunting camp and I was fine Friday night but by Saturday I was ready for him to come home so I'm sure you were so ready for B to be done working!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  3. Wait...D/C'ed skinny caramel syrup? No. No. No. I guess I will be finished with the Bucks and be at Sheetz all the time! A nice weekend you had!!! Now have a terrific week!

    1. Yep, that's what they told me. I was soooo sad! That's my go-to drink when there's nothing special available.

  4. a fun weekend y'all had! I love the little projects jacob and olivia made at michaels. It was super low humidity here and I am definitely now in the mood for fall. bring. it. on.

  5. One of our favorite meals is grilled cheese & tomato soup! We had it last week too. I love those classes at Michaels! We haven't been one to in forever though, I should probably change that! You did a great job of keeping them busy all weekend!

  6. Sounds like a super fun weekend besides missing the hubby! I am so ready for fall too! The weather has been so fall like here too which is not helping at all! I think this weekend, I will too! Maybe Friday since its September 1 ;)! Xoxo ERIN

  7. Oh my goodness, what a busy weekend! What a bummer that he had to work! Your parents' dog is so cute. And I am loving Olivia's dress for church! I want one in my size!

  8. Looks like you definitely made the best of it friend. Between life and consignment sale prep + cleaning closets out I feel like I worked ALL weekend long. I am not happy about that one little bit either.

  9. It's great that you have family around when your husband has to work!

  10. Did O ever nap? Because E sure didn't! Look, we even twinned with our trips to Cracker Barrel - hahaha. So glad we got to get the kiddos together. We need to do that more often!

  11. Your fall excitement is cute. :) Not gonna lie - I got a little cold at the wedding we were at Saturday night, and it reminded me that I am NOT ready for fall just yet like I thought I was! I just really, really loathe being cold. I do love fall decor though. I bet your house is so cute! Glad you had a fun weekend running around. :) Have a great weekend girlfriend!

  12. I actually watched Rumor Has It not long ago and remembered why I liked it back then too! Happy Date-aversary! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  13. I'm so excited for fall as well girl! My Starbucks doesn't have the PSL's yet, so I have to settle for their Cinnamon Dolce Latte's...
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  14. Breakfast for dinner is the best, even better when made by someone else! Glad you got through the weekend flying solo, and yay for any and all Jennifer Aniston movies - LOVE her <3
    Green Fashionista

  15. Oh gosh, I love 'Rumor Has It'! I've watched it at least 4 times! :)

  16. I'll take you to our SB, I've got the back line in the PSL syrup!! I came in 10 days ago!! Breakfast for dinner is my fav! I adore Olivia's white dress! Happy Monday babe, one day closer to Fall and college football baby!!!!

    1. You are so lucky! I have a feeling the guy at mine was lying because the way he worded it lead me to believe that they did have the stuff to make it and that they just didn't want to. Haha.

  17. That is a very cool looking Caterpillar. I will be doing the single mom thing in a few weeks too. Over the weekend as well. Yikes. I think you handled it very well! I wanted a PSL too, but no such luck either. Boo.

  18. I love that movie! We are watching a ton of movies while the power is on. I need to take the kids to Michael's for crafting- they would love that!

  19. I love reading about your weekends - they always look like so much fun! Can I join you sometime? haha! Can't wait for fall!!! <3

  20. Aw I'm sorry to hear that B had to work so much. That is never easy! I love the Michael's crafting that you guys did. So cool. I can't wait till Ben is a little older and handles direction better for that kind of stuff, ha. And, I am so with you on the Fall decor and all. I'm so excited. Here's to PSLs, pumpkin everything and sweaters and boots!

  21. We've gone to some of the Michael's crafting events before and they are always fun! I'd say you had a great weekend even without B. Bummer you couldn't get a PSL yet. Come on Starbucks. Ha ha!

  22. 14 years is an awesome accomplishment! Congrats you two adorable love birds!! I am definitely in the fall mood as well. I just wish the Texas weather would get on board. The Michael’s Kid Craft sounds like a fun playdate. Their canvases are adorable masterpieces!! I’m dying to decorate for fall. Nate gave me so many eye-rolls when getting the things down from the attic, though. I may just do it anyway. I am so ready!


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