
Friday, September 29, 2017

Five on Friday - Favorites + Two Nights Out

*This post may contain affiliate links.

Another busy week has come and gone and this one was a great one.  I had not one night out this week, but two and I basically feel like a new woman.  I got to spend quality time with my Momma and quality time with my girlfriends, and I’m going to be spending lots of quality time with my little fam this weekend, too!  I love weeks like this! 

And a special thanks to the hubs for holding down the fort two nights in a row while Mommy was off gallivanting.  Thursday evening was no easy feat, I’m sure, but he rocked soccer practice, dinner, bath time, and bedtime with both kids LIKE A BOSS.  I really don’t give him enough shout outs here on the blog, and I really should do that more.  I definitely hit the husband/baby daddy jackpot and I am very thankful for that. 

O N E – A Movie Night with Two of My Favorite Ladies

As I said before, Wednesday evening my momma and my aunt and I went to see Home Again.  We were able to watch it in one of the theaters with the big plush recliners and we were so excited because none of us had ever been to one of those theaters!  The seats were soooo comfy, and I can totally see how people could fall asleep in there.  The movie was also really good!  I’ve been a big fan of Reese Witherspoon’s since waaaay back when she was in Fear and Cruel Intentions and I’ve pretty much seen every movie of hers since then. 

I’m just really glad that a good romantic comedy was finally made again!   Back in the late 90’s and early 2000’s there were loads and loads of great ones… The Wedding Planner, Sweet Home Alabama, What Women Want, Miss Congeniality, You’ve Got Mail, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Love Actually, The Proposal, Notting Hill, My Best Friend’s Wedding… you know the ones!  I could go on and on and on!  Anyway, for the last several years they just haven’t been making those kinds of movies and that makes me so sad.  I was excited to finally see one come along, and with one of my favorite actresses, too!  So Hollywood, if you’re listening, I think I speak for most women my age when I say BRING THE ROMCOMS BACK!

T W O – GNO to Celebrate My Favorite Newly-Turned-30-Year-Old

My friend Katie turned 30 yesterday and we took her out for a surprise birthday dinner to celebrate!  This was an extra special celebration because a) she turned 30, b) her husband just deployed last weekend and she doesn’t have family here in town so we know that she’s been a little down this week and needed a little pick-me-up, and c) some her husband’s family decided to drive down from Missouri to surprise her to be with her on her big day since her hubs couldn’t be here.  I can’t take any credit for this get-together since us girls had actually already celebrated her birthday earlier in the month, but her sister-in-law decided to contact another one of my friends and they organized the entire thing.  She even arranged for her husband to keep Katie’s babies so she could have the night off!

We started the evening with some happy hour drinks downtown on the patio... the weather wasn't quite as hot, and it was actually pretty pleasant out!

Then we went to my very favorite restaurant in town (it’s an upscale Italian steakhouse), we ordered a bottle of wine, and I got to eat my very favorite meal ever – a filet, mashed potatoes, and grilled asparagus.  Their filets are TO DIE FOR.  The one that I get is topped with fried garlic and herbed butter sauce and it is seriously the best steak I’ve ever had in my entire life… better than any other filet I’ve had at any fancy restaurant in NYC, LA, Vegas, DC, you name it.  It is phenomenal.  I wish I could reach through the computer screen and give each of you a taste.  ;o)

Anyway, it was a great night with great people and I’m really glad that Katie was able to celebrate her big day in a special way because she deserves it.  Love you, Katers.  <3

P.S. I love my booties even more after seeing them in this picture.  And they're on sale right now!  I told y'all I've been wearing them every day!

T H R E E – Soccer Pictures

Jacob had his professional soccer pictures taken last week at practice, so I had to document it on the blog, of course!  I basically stood behind the photographer and zoomed way in with my iPhone so they’re a little pixelated but you get the point.  Hopefully we’ll get our hands on the real pics soon and I’ll post the official one then!

And here’s what Olivia does during soccer practice… aaaah the life!

F O U R – Cute Halloween PJs

I think one of my favorite things about having babies is being able to dress them in super fun holiday jammies.  Is there anything cuter than a baby in holiday jammies?!  I think not.  Anyway, I’ve been on the lookout for some cute ones for Jacob and Olivia as I typically get them each a new pair every year, and these are the ones that I’ve come across so far… 



F I V E – A New Fall Mug & a Giveaway

I teamed up with some blogger friends to host a mug exchange and a giveaway yesterday and I hit the jackpot!  The mug that Danielle gave me is the cutest thing ever.  If you missed the post, you can click here to see the mug that she got me and be sure to scroll to the bottom of the post and enter the giveaway!  We are giving away $50 to Starbucks and we would love for you to enter!  

Well, we are gearing up for a seriously fun and fall-tastic weekend so I’ll see you back here Monday with a recap of all the pumpkiny goodness!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, Meet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Cup of Tea for High Five for Friday.


  1. what a great week! I really need a girls night out! That was so sweet of y'all to celebrate your friend and make her feel so special!
    Have a great weekend! Love the soccer pictures!

  2. What a fun week! I want to see that movie so bad! All of our theaters have those recliners now and it's sooooooooo nice!! Adorable soccer pics!! Happy weekend!

  3. Two nights out?! Winning! Also those little candies are just my favorites, ever. I would probably plow through the whole entire bag in one night :). Have a great weekend!

  4. That movie sounds like it was good! Fun night out with your friends too. I totally noticed your booties in the picture when I saw it on FB!

  5. Oh movie night sounds like so much fun. Those chairs are awesome. I love me some Reese Witherspoon so I'm happy to hear her new movie is good. Happy Friday.

  6. Yay for 2 nights out this week! And cake... now I'm totally craving that cake <3
    Green Fashionista

  7. I bet it was so comfy -- add a blanket and I'd be set! LOL! Loving all of the cute PJ's, they have the cutest things for kiddos.
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  8. After being home with the girls for a week, I need a girls night out or two. I really want to see that movie as well. I agree, bring back the RomComs. They are my favorite. Have a great weekend@!

  9. OMG that soccer team picture is adorable!!! And I love those PJs. Sadie just got a bunch of Halloween hand me down stuff so I definitely have to pull those out soon.

  10. So happy that the Reese Witherspoon movie was good! I was hoping that would be the case! Also, those Frankenstein PJ's are great!

    1. Yes, I was glad, too! It's been so long since I've seen a good romcom so my hopes were pretty high!

  11. GNO are the best and so is time with Mama! I wish we had one of those theaters around here. I want RomComs to make a come back to. I can't wait to see this movie!

  12. I so need to see that movie! I adore Reese Witherspoon and have been loving her Sweet Home Alabama posts lately for the 15 year anniversary. Nights out with the girls are perfect for refueling and it is such a blessing to have a hubby that supports this. We finally put a set date on the calendar for GNO each month and it's just fun to have something to look forward to. Have a super weekend!

    Shelly | The Queen in Between

  13. Yessss! Romantic Comedies are my thang! I tell Jon all the time that the only movies I really enjoy are comedies, romantic comedies, and a tad of drama...but nothing scary. I've loved Reese since Cruel Intentions, too. Gosh, that would be fun to watch again. How nice that you girls got together to take our your fiend for her 30th. That must be so hard to have her husband gone for so long, good thing she has amazing friends and family!! Have a nice weekend!!!

  14. Girl, you have had some fun this week!! Love all the girl time. Does going to the consignment sale without kids and meeting a friend before for a glass of wine count? :) Hope you've had a great weekend!


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