
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

What's Up Wednesday - September 2017

*This post may contain affiliate links.

I’ve mentioned several times this year that 2017 hasn’t been my favorite, but I’m happy to say that the start of fall has seemed to bring me out of my funk somewhat and that is a wonderful thing!  While September brought on some challenges – hello Hurricane Irma! – I’m glad to be emerging from the funk and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it’s all good things for the rest of the year!

What We’re Eating This Week

Mon – Bacon and Broccolli Quinoa
Tue – Leftover Sausage & Vodka pasta and garlic bread
Wed – Seasoned gold potatoes, corn on the cob, black eyed peas, and green beans
Thu – Who knows?  It’s always up in the air on soccer practice night!
Fri – Out
Sat – Take-out while we watch the Georgia game! 
Sun – Momma and Daddy’s for Sunday dinner (if her oven gets fixed, that is!)

What I’m Reminiscing About

All things fall from last year!  I put together my Fall Bucket List for 2017 this week and it felt like I was reliving fall 2016… our mountain trip, apple picking, wine tasting, pumpkin patch visits, etc.  It has made me feel very warm and fuzzy, hence the reason I think I’m coming out of my funk.  ;o)

What I’m Loving

This is going to sound redundant, but I’m just happy to be surrounded by pumpkins and the sound of college football on my TV again.  Our house is decorated for fall and I’m soaking up every bit of the pumpkiny goodness.  I’ve been waiting for it all year!

What We’ve Been Up To

This month wasn’t technically as busy as August, and it definitely wasn’t as busy as October is going to be, but somehow it seemed really hectic.  September was packed with errands, doctor’s appointments, and other life things rather than fun events and big accomplishments, so there’s not really much to document for all that we’ve been doing.  Our weekends have consisted of soccer games for Jacob and watching a lot of college football, and B has also been very busy at work this month so I’ve had to tackle several days of single momming while he worked lots of overtime. 

We also went through Hurricane Irma (and fortunately came away unscathed), and September also brought on a big let-down when I went to my last specialist appointment in Atlanta for my back only to be told that they could no longer do anything for me.  Sigh.

What I’m Dreading

I’m not personally dreading anything right now, but I do have a very sick family member who was just diagnosed with two kinds of advanced cancer so my heart has been heavy these last couple of weeks since we found out.  Please excuse me for being vague, but please continue to keep our family in your prayers.  And it is no one in our immediate family of four so please don’t be alarmed.

What I’m Working On

Planning planning planning.  We have two trips in the very near future, so I’m trying to get everything planned and prepared.  Lots of research has been going down – restaurants to go to, sights to see, things to do – and lots of lists have been made – what to pack for each family member, things to do before we leave, etc.

What I’m Excited About

These tunics!!  Did you see my post about the tunics and leggings that I found on Amazon for dirt cheap?  Well, my tunics arrived and they are awesome.  The quality is every bit as good as any boutique tunic that I’ve ever owned and they are as soft as buttah.  The fit is really flattering, and I will go so far to say that they are officially the best tunics that I’ve ever owned.  I did size up as recommended (I would normally wear a small, but I went with the medium) and they fit well.  I probably could have gotten away with a small, but then I would run the risk of them being too short if they ever somehow shrunk (story of my life).  They come in 45 colors/styles and you can find them here if you’re interested. 

I also found these leggings that have rave reviews (most are comparing them to LulaRoe leggings), but I ultimately decided not to get any because I am already overloaded with leggings… since I don’t usually wear them to work I just can’t justify buying another pair right now.  These also come in 45 colors and patterns so there are loads to choose from!

What I’m Watching/Reading

Watching – B and I finished Ozark earlier this month and we didn’t start anything new because a) neither of us are really that excited about anything, and b) we knew that all of our regular shows were about to start, so there was probably no need to get involved with anything on Netflix just yet.  We are SO excited for fall TV, though!  This week we will be enjoying Big Bang Theory, THIS IS US!!!!, Scandal, and Shark Tank to name a few.

Reading – I’m still reading My Not So Perfect Life and it’s really cute.  I’ve always been a big fan of Sophie Kinsella, so I figured I would like it.

What I’m Listening To

I have been listening to lots and lots of Ed Sheeran to gear up for the concert in a couple of weeks!  Oh my goodness his new album is one of my favorite albums of all time.  He is just phenomenal.

And as per usual for this time of year, I’m also rocking the old standards and cocktail jazz because they make me feel cozy and warm and that’s the best way to feel now that fall is approaching!

What I’m Wearing

We had a very brief taste of fall earlier in the month, and now it’s back to 90 degrees every day, so I am sadly still rocking aaaallll the summer clothes.  I have been wearing these booties to counteract the summerness of it all, though.  ;o)

What I’m Doing This Weekend

We will definitely be watching our Dawgs take on Tennessee on Saturday, and I’m also hoping to check a couple of fall things off of our bucket list.  I just found out that there is a sunflower farm relatively close to us, so I’m hoping we can go see those.  I’m also hoping that we can make it to a pumpkin patch this weekend.  My mother-in-law won’t be cooking lunch on Sunday like she usually does, so we will have that day free as well.  Anything is possible!

What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month

Oh my goodness, where to even begin?  Going to Nashville, going to the mountains, having a whole day off for just myself, taking the kids trick-or-treating, and squeezing in as many fall things as we can!  Isn’t October just glorious?

What Else Is New

I haven’t really mentioned it here on the blog, but I have now started seeing a pelvic physical therapist for my back/SI joint/tailbone/hip issues.  I’ve seen loads and loads of doctors these last six years (seriously, upwards of 20) and have always been optimistic in the beginning that they will finally be the one to help me, but no one ever does.  Since none of them have ever been able to, I’m trying to not get excited about this new doctor, because I don’t want to be let down again.  I will say that she understands more about my issues than anyone else has so far, and that is a good sign, but like I said – no excitement until she proves to me that she can “fix” me.

Happy Wednesday, y’all!

*Linking up with ShayMel, and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday and Jessi's Design and Going the Distance for What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday.


  1. Love that you say anything is possible!! It is and here is hoping this new Doctor is a smart one and has good news for you!! LOVE bootie weather and all the fun things happening in your sweet life! Happy Wednesday love!!

    1. Thank you so much, Andrea! I'm hoping that she's finally the one! Only time will tell...

  2. That was one of my favorite books I read this year - so cute!! I love anything by ed sheeran and loved that album!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. Girl, I hear ya on being busy! That's the season of life for us right now too! I REALLY hope this dr can help you!!

  4. So this is random and totally might not be helpful at all but I started seeing a Chiropractor when Lucy was breech and she flipped her but anyway as a result I have had a lot of hip pain (associated with a fracture in high school) and pubic bone pain. She has really helped me stay aligned. I see her once a week. Anyway just toss that if it isn't helpful or you already tried it :). I just want you feeling better lady! xoxo ERIN

  5. I'm not planning to watch Scandal but it actually doesn't premiere till next week, because Grey's has a 2 hour premiere this week. I ordered the tunic top in blue and I love it! Maybe I'll order one in black too!

  6. EEK! I'm with you! I love ALL things FALL!
    I can't wait to wear my new tunic and leggings!!
    Praying this new therapist helps.

  7. Lindsay, I am praying for your family member who was just diagnosed. I am so sorry. On a happier note, I am so excited for fall, too! Now that Lilli's birthday party is over, I'm getting decorated for fall/Halloween and I'm so excited!

    1. Thank you so much, Brandi. That means a lot.

      And I can't wait to see your decor!

  8. I'm very sorry to hear about your sick family member. Sending lots of love and prayers your way. I'm so happy that is fall. Although, it the weather has not been fall like. It's been hot and humid and I'm over it. Bring on the cool crisp weather.

  9. I'm so sorry to hear about your family member! :( Hugs to you and your family.

    That Bacon and Broccoli Quinoa sounds delicious. Recipe? And the VIV leggings are amazing. I got the OS first and they are a bit long on me so I found a small pair and they're fantastic. Would definitely recommend. I'm also going to snag one of those tunics!

  10. Sending prayers to you and your fam! On another note, LOVING the fall pic and of course that mantle!

  11. September was a rough one for us too as we were without power for a week after Irma stormed through. Looking forward to October, and a fresh start! Sending all the hugs about your family member, but yay for a trip to Nashville <3
    Green Fashionista

  12. My heart goes out to you and your family member, Lindsay, I am so sorry. I will definitely keep y'all in my prayers.
    Loving your fall home decor, it's all so cute and cozy.
    I hope you guys have the best time in Nashville, I would love to visit one day.
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  13. I hope this new pelvic therapy works for you. Please keep me updated on it. I hope your family member is doing ok. That breaks my heart that they are going through that. Lots of fun stuff happening this next month!

  14. I'm so sorry to hear about your family member. Sending prayers to all of you. That's so hard to hear. I'm glad you guys have so much to look forward to this month. I'm jealous of the Ed Sheeran concert. I love Castle on the Hill so much right now. It's one of my favorite songs. I'd love to hear that live. Also, you should post a picture of you wearing the tunic! I'd love to see the fit (or post on your IG stories). Hope you guys have a good rest of the week!

  15. I'll say a prayer for you that this doctor can finally help you. And I'll definitely say a prayer for your family member... how scary!

  16. Planning for trips is always so much fun - enjoy the fall activities this weekend - can't wait to hear what you do!

  17. I hope this new doctor can actually help you and make you feel better. Fingers crossed. I'm so ready for bootie, legging, and sweater weather. It's still so hot here. Have a great day!

  18. Just out of curiousity I'm new to your blog but what is going on with your back? Ever since I had ,y son 3 years ago I have a lot of back/hip/tailbone pain

    1. Hey Cindy, your email address is not linked to your Blogger account so I couldn't email you back directly, but if you see my comment, email me back at I would love to tell you all about it and pick your brain because you sound like you might have something similar to what I have... mine started after childbirth, too!

  19. I pray that this new Dr. is able to help you and make you feel better. I love those leggings and tunics. I am loving the fall temps around here and my fall clothes are returning. Planning for trips is always so much fun and I can't wait to see your recaps. Your October looks likes a lot of fun and memories to be made!

  20. October is such a fun month! Your trips are going to be amazing and I have a day to myself on Friday that I am ecstatic about! I will definitely be keeping your family member in my prayers. Cancer is such a horrible thing. I am so happy This Is Us is back on. I was not expecting that ending and have to know what happened! Beautifully Candid

  21. I'm glad fall has lifted your spirits a bit! Nothing better than this time of year!


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