
Friday, October 6, 2017

Five on Friday - Family Favorites

Right about now B and I are probably cruising along, waving our hands in the air like we just don’t care, and singing at the top of our lungs to plenty of uncensored tunes because – KID FREE WEEKEND TO NASHVILLE IS FINALLY HEEEERE!  My parents are hanging out at our house with the babies for the weekend, and B and I are basically in heaven.  I’m ecstatic, y’all.  Ecstatic. 

But first, some faves!  Lots of fun family stuff today…

O N E – Dentist with Jacob

Last week was Jacob’s and my semi-annual dentist appointment so I got off of work early and picked him up in the car line.  We got through the line so quickly that we had a few extra minutes, so we stopped at the BK by the school and grabbed a couple of sweet treats.  I love my one on one time with this boy!

After our treats, we headed to the dentist where we both had x-rays (Jacob’s very first ones!) and excellent check-ups.  Jacob was really excited because the hygienist let him push the button to do my x-rays.  And don’t worry… he was outside the room when I had mine so he wasn’t exposed to any of the rays.  When he took his x-rays, the hygienist put the protective jacket on him and it covered his whole body.  Lol.

Jacob still hasn’t lost a tooth, but she said that his two front bottom teeth are slightly mobile, so it probably won’t be long. 

Next time Olivia will be joining us for her first check-up… God help us all.  Lol.

Cheers to no cavities and healthy teeth and gums!

T W O – Homecoming Week at School

Jacob’s school has been doing all kinds of fun activities this week because it’s homecoming week, so he’s been dressing up in all kinds of fun themed outfits each day.  They had Mismatch Monday, Team Tuesday, Woke up Like This Wednesday, Tie-Dye Thursday (they tie-dyed their own in class), and Extreme Spirit Friday.  Here are all of his get-ups!  

T H R E E – A Sweet Text Message

For Team Tuesday Jacob, of course, wore his Georgia jersey, and his teacher, who is also a die-hard Georgia fan, sent this text to me at lunchtime.  I just love getting texts from her during the day and I love our close-knit school family.  

F O U R – A Do-Over

You may remember Olivia and her great gymnastics fiasco of 2017?  Well, the company we used for her gymnastics lessons wanted to make right and they offered to let her come for a quick private lesson so she didn’t have to leave gymnastics so afraid after her two falls.  We took her Tuesday evening and the coach took her straight to the high-bar (although, this one was really low so it was more her size) and she worked with Olivia to show her the proper way to flip over it.  Olivia ended up doing several perfect flips over it and everything went really well.  We are glad that they gave us the opportunity… Olivia is already talking about wanting to do “nastics” again, so we will see how everything goes.  If we think she’s ready in the spring we might try again… this time we will just be sure to use a different coach than the one we had this past time.  

F I V E – NASH!!!!

Well, obviously this is one of my faves!  I haven’t been to Nash in quite some time so we have a LOT of things to cover over the day and a half that we’re there.  A few things we want to tackle – breakfast at Five Daughters Bakery, drinks on the rooftop at Up, pictures of a handful of murals including Draper James (Reese Witherspoon’s store), a tour of the Ryman, The Country Music Hall of Fame, popping over to Tootsies for drinks and live music, marching all around town in our red and black (because our Dawgs just so happen to be playing Vandy Saturday), and of course, seeing Ed.  Basically we are planning to see lots of sights, listen to a lot of music, and drink our way through the city.  Word.

You can follow along with us on Instagram Stories… I’m sure I’ll be blowing it up.

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, Meet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Cup of Tea for High Five for Friday.


  1. Have SO MUCH fun this weekend!!!! I've always wanted to visit Nashville so I am excited to live through your trip vicariously, haha!

  2. I LOVE Nashville! Enjoy your weekend!

  3. I love that the gymnastics do-over was just what little Miss needed. I hated thinking about her going "out" like that. Have an amazing weekend friend. I've never been to Nashville but I hear it is a blast.

  4. Jacob in the dentist chair...he looks SO tiny and cute!!! Hope you have fun in Nashville--I've only ever heard wonderful things and hope to make it there one day in the future!

  5. Yay for a good dentist check up, YAY for letting them Olivia try gymnastics again!!
    and YAY for a weekend in Nashville! Have so much fun! You know how much Ben and I love NashVegas! ;) HA Have a drink for me in Tootsie's! It's our favorite bar! We also like The Stage! Not as crowded!

  6. I can totally picture you and your husband with hands in the air singing haha! I hope y'all have the best time.
    And I love that y'all have a close school family! Are y'all in a little town or is a private school? I'm so nosey! LOL! Although we don't have kids yet, we always go back in forth on where we will want our kids to go to school. Hence why we haven't bought a house...we can't make up our minds.'s so hard and I know I shouldn't worry about it until the time comes. But I'm built that way.
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  7. How cute is little man at the dentist?! Have FUN on your trip! Enjoy every second <3
    Green Fashionista

  8. Have so much fun this weekend friend! Kid free is soooo nice!! :)

  9. I am so excited for your Nashville trip. You are going to do so many fun things. Yay for Olivia and trying out gymnastics again. That is awesome. Love that you went with Jacob and both had your dentist appts.

  10. A kid free weekend sounds amazing!! Hope you guys have the best time!

  11. You are going to have SO much fun! I can't even wait to hear all about it. I love your list of things to do. And, Jacob looked awesome in his spirit week and Olivia looks like she really did well. Yay!

  12. Have fun this weekend!! I can't wait to read all about it :) Good job to Jacob for a clean bill of teeth and to Olivia for trying out gymnastics again!!

  13. Jacob is such a cute little thing! Olivia looks like she's having a blast in her gymnastics! Have such a fun time in Nashville!! Can't wait to read about your fun times! <3

    1. Thanks, Brandi! Those babies are my heart. And we had a great time in Nash! The recap will be up tomorrow!

  14. Jacob in that x-ray sweet! Also, it looks like Olivia is having so much fun in gymnastics. Enjoy your weekend in Nashville. I can't wait for the recap. That is one city I would love to go to one day!

  15. I love the AirBNB you're staying at! I never think to rent those! Which neighborhood is it in?! And you must eat at Bar Taco in 12th South! I love it!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  16. It's been forever since I've been to Nashville. Definitely over ten years. I've been itching to go back and hope to do so next year. Hope you guys enjoy your kids-free weekend. And glad to hear the Olivia is interested in gymnastics again.

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you get back there soon... it was a great city!

  17. That's great that Olivia went back to gymnastics!

  18. I love that they offered a private lesson to get over the fear. That's SO good. I hope that it works out better for her this time around.

  19. So jealous of your kid free weekend! Yay for Olivia trying gymnastics again and that is so sweet Jacobs teacher sends you texts!


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